Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2624: Who should be, who is the dog?

"Hahaha, it’s really a fate, you, I didn’t expect you to come to the Leihai Sea, it really opened my eyes."

The wind ritual sneered, the corner of the mouth with a touch of disdain, when looking at the white, it was also a cold bang, white ruined the transmission array method, but people still came to the thunder sea.

The white face is also extremely ugly, unbelievable, and the transmission array method, even the master level master, may not be able to repair the transmission array method at such a rapid speed.

"Impossible, how did you come from? The transmission method has been broken."

The magic white began to say coldly.

"The devil, your means, just so, is it so difficult for you to repair the transmission array? Is this the ability, and the qualification is called the enchantment? It is really ridiculous. Hehe."

Jiang Chen and Bai Qi are opposite each other. Bai Qi also knows that this transmission method must be repaired by this bastard, but how can he do it with his strength?

"Boy, it seems that you are coming from a dead end. You think this is going to Leihai. Who really wants to come?"

It is extremely indifferent to Dong Zhuo Qing and others.

"Our agreement in the past seems to have been ignored by you. You have colluded with the demon, and we want us to be unable to embark on the Ben Leihai, Li Jingdong, and the wind ritual. You two are really good abacus."

Long Shao Tan Shen Sheng.

"It’s a pity that you have a bad move and we are still coming."

Dong Huangzhuo Qing said quietly, this is the end of the matter, even if it is with them, what is the use? Now in this wind and thunder gorge, they are not likely to meet with the swords, and the two most authoritative of the top ten sects, the strength of the strength is unquestionable, plus the enchantment, this lineup, also It is not that they are free to be enemies.

"The devil, Tianxuanmen and Rakshamen, are really more and more arrogant, where are you two, and where is the city of my city?"

Zixi is even more prosperous. Now things are no longer obvious. The two masters are colluding with each other and will destroy the transmission line. It is to swallow the treasures of Leihai, and I heard that this time, there are different treasures in the sea. Everyone is born. The greedy heart has become extremely inflated.

"In this case, it seems that our plan has been seen, and now, the top ten gates are gathering, we are still starting from scratch. Hahaha."

The windy ceremony laughed and said that in the face of so many powerful people, Tianxuanmen and the people of Rakshamen can still walk in a leisurely manner, and only these two masters can do it.

"It seems that you are already doing an enemy of the entire Yanlian world."

Zixi eyes sharply stared at the wind and other people.

"The rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but the words can not be said indiscriminately. When you are a small city owner, when do you see that I want to be an enemy with the whole Yanlian world? We are just stupid birds flying first, and we came to the Ben Leihai in the first year. Is it true? Who stipulates that it is necessary to pass through the transmission array to enter the Ben Leihai? I have never heard of it."

Li Jing Dongdao.

"Oh, it’s really eloquent, but I have to look at it, what kind of tricks can you play?"

Zixi was speechless by Li Jingdong’s words. Indeed, people did not go to the Benelux through the transmission array. Is there any problem?

Jiang Chen silently looked at this scene. Every one of them was a big sect of the Ten Masters. The figure of the squadron in the squadron, this struggle has not yet begun, it is over, whether it is the Eastern Emperor, Shen Yingzong or Jiulong It is impossible to deal with the two major sects, and the city government has not enough strength. The single Zixi is not enough to fight against the two sects, and there is a slayer. This battle is also becoming this moment. The real checks and balances.

"In this case, the two major sects are just a step ahead of us. It is not a big deal."

Shen Yingqi said faintly, Li Jingdong and the wind ceremony are extremely satisfied, this Shen Yingzong will be a man.

"That is, it is hard to turn this thunder sea, has it become your dedicated back garden? Oh, the appointment of the top ten sects has been there since ancient times. What does this count?"

The gods and cranes are attached. In addition to Dong Huang Zhuo Qing and Long Shao Tan, everyone has chosen to be silent. After all, is the strength of the people stronger? Even the Emperor Yingzong can only be on the side of the two major sects. Even if the East Emperor and the Kowloon House are strong enough, they must be able to cope with these giants. After all, the situation is worse than people.

"Hey, eat something outside, don't forget, you almost can't come here. If it's not Jiang Chen, you have already been killed by the white bones."

The dragon star is shining, and even if it is difficult for her to become a messenger of justice, it is indeed quite difficult for those who have no shameful heart to turn back.

"Can you say that, we have to rely on the ability to survive, why should I thank him? He is old? Hahaha."

The smile of Shen Fanghe’s smile became more and more feminine, and the horrible face was revealed at this moment. Jiang Chen’s kindness was also thrown behind by them.

"The difference between man and dog is here. When you bite with a dog, there will always be only one mouth."

Jiang Chen sneered and laughed, the scum of Shen Fanghe, he will tear him into pieces sooner or later, but it is not the time.

"Who are you talking about?"

The gods are glaring at him.

"Whoever is, who is a dog, does this still need to be explained?"

Jiang Chen said in disapproval.

Shen Fanghe once again approached Jiang Chen, but was stopped by Shen Yingqi.

"Now our most important thing is to unite. Since they have already reached this stage, I believe no one will be willing to continue to argue. After all, our time is limited. We will continue to argue and lose both. We will not have any As a result, why not join hands? What's more, we still have to go through the wind and thunder baptism in Fenglei Cliff."

Shen Yingqi smiled and said, started the peace of mind, after all, Jiang Chen saved them, even if it is wolf, this time can not turn the gun at Jiang Chen, otherwise, it will definitely arouse the public This brain-remaining **** crane, Shen Yingqi can not wait to open his mind to see if it is paste or pig brain.

Everyone is silent, including Zixi, because the current situation is indeed the case, only with sincere cooperation, it is possible to find the real baby, and this ice sea dragon palace must be an extraordinary place, even Zixi, I also hope to get treasures within this ice sea dragon palace.

Dong Huang Zhuo Qing and Long Shao Tan looked at each other and chose the default. Although Shen Yingqi’s words may not be good for them, they are the only choice at the moment.

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