Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2802: Who can laugh at the end?

Amo Kehan’s look is cold, but he also has a strong sense of war. However, he knows that his strength with the Ark of the Ark is also in the middle of the game. If he shoots, he will not be able to underestimate his opponent. Otherwise, it will only be more embarrassing.

"Of course, if you want to do it, it’s not that I am going to do it with you. The wheel fights against me. Such a thing does not exist."

Wu Yue shrugged and said.

With a big hand and a wave, the ten strong kings of the gods appeared behind Wu Yue. At that moment, even the face of Mo Ling Dong Chen was completely changed. The ten strong kings of the kingdom, it is not an ordinary person. What can be dealt with, more importantly, the current ink boat has been injured, and the three of them deal with eleven, it is too difficult, and even have the fate of life, even if Mo Lingdong Chen can confidently take an enemy three But what about Amouke Khan and the Ark of Ark? The two of them will surely be trapped.

This moment of the situation was completely reversed by Wu Yue. He gradually realized that this battle was just the Wuwei that Wu Yue gave them. Let him understand that his strength is definitely not vegetarian, so he will have this battle, ink. The defeat of the Ark also added his confidence. The strength of the eleven members of the king of the kings, this strength is enough to sweep a considerable amount of strength, even in the middle of the king of the king, it is difficult to reverse.

What's more, although their strength is the beginning of the kingdom of God, but it is impossible to have a master who can compete against the middle of the kingdom of God, this is not a hole in the wind, the strong, the enchanting, the amazing, even more amazing, more There is no shortage.

"Leave a lightning strike on the incense wood, you three, you can leave safely."

Wu Yue said faintly, a fascinating style made Amok Khan extremely repressed, because now if they shoot, it is obvious that they are much weaker, and the other side must kill them, not even for too long.

Mo Ling Dong Chen is also extremely unwilling, but what is the use? Although the lightning strikes agarwood is precious, can it be more precious than their lives? There is no life, what qualifications are there to enjoy the lightning strike agarwood? Under the trade-off, their purpose is only to retreat to the second, in order to protect themselves.

After all, eleven gods and kings, such a lineup, not everyone can be enemies, the price is likely to be unbearable.

Ink Lingdong Chen bites his teeth, these rare treasures, they first discovered, but now, it is to hand over people, who is it, who can not be painful?

"Do we really want to give this lightning to the incense wood to them?"

The ink side of the boat said, very angry.

“Do you have any better way?”

Amo Khan said.

"The original ink attack is a killer that is going to be used at the last minute to compete for the first place in the Nine Worlds. It seems that it must be used in advance."

Thinking over and over again, Mo Ling Dong Chen finally decided to secretly, this time, if you don’t fight once, this lightning strikes the incense sticks, it’s not worth it, and even the so-called Daming Wang relics, there is no such lightning, the agarwood is precious, they Why bother to ask for it? It is the most important thing to win this lightning strike agarwood.

"Put it! If it is not, don't fight, quickly retreat,"

Mo Ling Dong Chen said quietly.

"it is good."

Both Amoike Khan and Ink Ark nodded at the same time, because they were not willing to find what they found, and they would make it difficult for them to sleep. Even on the way to cultivation, they would leave a great shadow.

This war must be met, this is the heart of Amo Kehan's heart. Although he is not a Mohist family, but it is cultivated by the Mohist family, it is now considered to be half a Mo family, and the Mojia face, how can he Ignore it? And this has its own interests, and Amokhan naturally refuses to stop.

"Why, do you still resist your thoughts?"

Wu Yue brows his wrinkles, this group of people who don’t know how to lift, do you really want to die? For them, there is no half-benefit, and they are absolutely confident to take them all!

I made a sanction for the ink side of the boat, in order to play a repressive effect, and at that time also saved a big fight, save the strength is the only thing they should do, this time to fight with the opponent, it is not a good sign, in case Their luck is not good, they have been copied by others, and they will lose more than they lose, and they may lose more.

In the simplest way to achieve the most perfect effect, Wu Yue's abacus can not be said to be bad, but unfortunately, Mo Lingdong Chen and others do not want to stop here, because this lightning strike agarwood is too tempting, and even worth a life .

"Don't give it a try, how do you know who can laugh at the end? This is what you said."

Amo Khan said with a smile, since he chose to fight back, he would never be merciless.

The Mohist strong as a cloud, the strength of the powerful generation, is also a lot of hair, but Amo Khan can be selected this time in the nine realms, enough to foresee his strength and talent in the eyes of the Mohist.

In just these years, he has been able to reach the kingdom of God, and he is still a great perseverance who has been promoted in the fairy world. The future achievements are even more limitless. It can be said that in the ordinary kingdom of the king, Amok Khan has already had One enemy three, even more combat power!

"Toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, is good, then let you know, my Fangshan world is very powerful. You, since they don't know how to lift, then we only have swordsmen to meet, not dead, endless!"

Wu Yue’s words, with a murderous, ten people behind him, are also extremely dignified. At this moment, a battle of life and death is bound to erupt. These guys are people in the Fangshan world, their cohesiveness, It’s not that big.

"More than saying that it is useless. If we want the lightning strike in our hands, we will pass the three of us."

Mo Ling Dong Chen said faintly, he is ready to let go.

"as you wish."

Wu Yue eyes cold, killing the machine, and once again clenched the nine-footed ice front, the sword refers to Mo Lingdong Chen, because he knows that among the three, the most powerful, but also count this guy. Shooting people first shoot the horse, and the thief first smashes the king. Only by defeating him can he take all the others.

Ink Ling Dongchen's foot is empty, the hand dances and the fan, the situation is surging, the atmosphere is majestic, the two almost instantly fight, Wu Yue's nine-foot ice front, quite strong, constantly playing a terrorist attack, the world is discolored, the clouds are stacked.

Even if the Ark of the Ark was injured, it was also the master of the three kings of the kingdom, and Amo Khan was on the same four, compared to the Moling Dongchen, but there was Wu Yue’s preemptive strike. The other three great kings and kings, the oppression of Mo Lingdong Chen, is also more significant, with an enemy four, Mo Ling Dong Chen's face, extremely dignified, and most importantly, this Wu Yue is the most difficult.

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