Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2815: Full of irony

"Why, my dear friend, don't you recognize me?"

The man sneered and said, with a touch of self-deprecating color, the incomparably complex eyes, with angry killing, the sword pointed above the sky, but staring at the East Emperor Taiji.

The look of Murong Yun's child has changed a lot, and the inner world has undergone great changes. She never thought that this sudden person is actually a complete connection with them!

"Rakshamen, Fang Bi, it turns out that you are!"

The East Emperor Taiji is also unbelievable. The appearance of this guy made Murong Yuner extremely complicated and looked down. He grasped his hand tightly. At that moment, he already knew that Murong’s heart was always If you are connected to yourself, then he will be fearless.

"It's me, what about it? All this, it's not thanks to you, hahahaha. This time I joined the Raksha Gate, just to fight with you. Donghuang Taiji, I didn't expect you to be like this now. Unbearable, even a group of butterflies can't fight, it really makes me open my eyes. The original you, can't be alive, now you, I really dare not imagine, one hero, how to become like a bear? Hey, look at the look that you are now embarrassed. Is it really the peerless genius of the Eastern Emperor’s millennium? I think it’s like a street flower.”

Fang Bi sighs and said, extremely ridiculous to the East Emperor Taiji, sharp eyes, surviving.

"Fang Bi, we are over, and this is not the fault of Taiji. Do you have to take me to the road?"

Murong Yuner bites her red lips and silently gaze at the party. This is a hurdle in her heart, especially the appearance of Fang Bi, but it makes Murong Yun’s incomparable entanglement, but after all, they have become a past tense. I used to fall in love, but Fang Bi is not dead.

When Murong Yuner met in desperate time, he met the Eastern Emperor Taiji. There were not many words, but the people who cared for him really entered her heart. It’s not empathy, it’s not a cross-cutting love, it’s just that it’s nothing, so it’s not really coming together.

Until today, Murong Yuner did not regret that he followed the East Emperor Taiji, the love that once had, she did not have the right to destroy, but between the two, has already been a party. Since it has broken up, why bother to the other side? However, in the heart of Fang Bi, this is always a hurdle that he can't get through. In his heart, Murong Yun has always abandoned him, but the original self is powerless and can only watch the East Emperor. Taiji took Murong Yuner and could only sigh.

"Ha ha ha, I still remember, who put me on the road. Remember what you said at the beginning? Donghuang Taiji. You said that I don't deserve her, then I will take away the child from me. For a moment, your contemptuous eyes will not be forgotten in my life. In your eyes, I was a drop in the ocean. I have never stunned any waves in your heart, but now, I have stood up again, no one can Block my steps. Today, I will kill you."

Fang Bi directly looked at the East Emperor Taiji, did not give the other side any room, completely blocked the East Emperor Taiji, this moment, Fang Bi has already regarded him as a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Fang Bi, why do you have to go with us? I said, now I am already a woman of the Eastern Emperor Taiji, why are you still struggling?"

Murong Yun's mouth is full of bitterness, helplessly said.

"When he took you away from me, it wasn’t the case. He wanted to kill me, but he was stopped by you. Do you think I will let him go today? He took away the person I loved most in my life. ""

Fang Bi whispered, his eyes filled with anger and hate, killing the father's hatred and taking hate of his wife, not wearing the sky, he will never let go of the East Emperor Taiji.

Dong Huangtai looked at Fang Bi silently and smiled lightly.

"You don't understand her at all, and don't even understand what she wants. If it wasn't for her pleading, would you still be qualified to stand here and talk to me?"

"Then I would like to thank you for not killing the original, but today, I just want to tell you who is the real powerhouse."

The party’s eyes are burning, and it’s opposite to the East Emperor’s four eyes.

"I am the emperor of Taiji, and I will accompany you to the end."

Dong Huangtai said softly, confident and calm.

"No, Taiji!"

Murong Yuner said with concern that the current East Emperor Taiji has been wounded. If he fights with Fang Fang, he will definitely suffer. His strength is also leaps and bounds, reaching the point where they can hardly imagine. For Taiji, it is absolutely vital to life and death.

"One bite of Thai Taiji, called relatives, hey, Murong Yuner, I want you to know that the man you follow is just a bear, the word hero, has nothing to do with him."


Murong Yuner still wants to speak, but he was interrupted by the Eastern Emperor Taiji. He knows that this battle is inevitable. They have been together for too long and too long, and the grievances have been deep. Only one war can resolve.

"Everything listens to me."

The words of the Eastern Emperor Taiji, let Murong Yuner nodded very gracefully, that scene, in the eyes of Fang Bi is even more angry and violent.

Give your man the final dignity. This is the deep meaning of the East Emperor Taiji. Murong Yunan understands at a glance.

"A good husband and wife sing, with a tender feeling like water, is full of irony. Hehehe."

The party smiled bitterly, and the eyes were extremely sad. Once upon a time, the woman was on her side, so it was so well-behaved, such a genius, sword dance with Mei Ji, a game of heaven and earth.

"East Emperor Taiji, I will wait for you for three days. After three days, your strength will recover. You and I will fight no later."

Fang Bi turned and stood up, staring at the front, but already burst into tears, but these words, but Murong Yun's heart is big, at least this moment, the East Emperor Taiji got a chance to breathe, and after all, there is still no 趁The danger of man, otherwise, the East Emperor Taiji will definitely increase the pressure.

"It's a very proud guy."

Dong Huangtai smiled lightly, but since Fang Bi gave him a fair, he would never let his opponent down.

Three days later, the strength of the East Emperor Taiji was restored, and a lot of enthusiasm was eaten. It was also refining, and now it is a battle.

"I want to see, the genius of the East Emperor Sect, can you swept under my sword."

Fang Bi holds the sword in his hand. At that moment, he and the heavens and the earth seem to have merged into one, the terrible sword, the windless automatic, never made a move, the sword gas has been fearless, and began to carry out the shackles. Moves like a mountain, a sword is a person, a person is a sword, and it is one and the same, without distinction between each other.

"Schools are three days, when you look at each other."

Dong Huang Taiji said with a dignified look. This sentence is suitable for Fang Bi’s body. Once upon a time, he was able to kill him, but now his sword has reached such a horrible In the realm, there has never been a move, and the East Emperor Tai, who has been oppressed by the sword, is extremely difficult to breathe.

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