Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3094: Desperate white clouds

The red silkworm cocoon wrapped the dragon 13 layers one by one. Jiang Chen is also more and more curious. The change of the dragon thirteen makes the vitality in his body become extremely strong, and it is stronger than before. More than a hundred times, but all this is because of the white clouds.

The small hand of Baiyun was silently placed on the body of the Dragon Thirteen. The essence of the glimpse of the scorpion, shining and overflowing, the dragon thirteen is also very lucky, at least in Jiang Chen’s view, it is So.

When Jiang Chen saw it, Baiyun almost exclusively sent his own body, all of which were delivered to Dragon XIII. This damage is undoubtedly huge, but the benefit to Dragon XIII is immeasurable. Baiyun is so unselfish, so deep and heavy, so that Jiang Chen can not help but look at it.

"This red silkworm cocoon, good energy, I turned out to be unheard of, Jiang brother, what is this?"

Xue Liang looked at the scene with great shock and whispered.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but it looks like this red cocoon should benefit him a lot."

Xue Liang silently decapitated, undoubtedly, the violent energy and the great source of power in this red silkworm cocoon, so that they are also amazed, Dragon 13 absorbed this horrible source of power, it is bound to be a transformation .

The red silkworm cocoon gradually turned into a purple-red scent, which was inextricably linked with the dragon and thirteen. The injury recovered in less than half an hour, but it was not so fast. wake up.

Until the red silkworm cocoon, gradually retreating from the halo, Baiyun was able to step back, the small face was full of dignified color, eyes gazing at the dragon thirteen, eyes filled with reluctance and attachment.

"Black soil, the thirteen brothers will be handed over to you, I will go first."

Baiyun said reluctantly, his heart was full of hesitation and hesitation.

"Are you so anxious to leave? Don't you wait for him to wake up and go?"

Jiang Chen brows a wrinkle.

Baiyun shook his head.

"The person he may least want to see is me. I am still not annoying. Just leave, hope that he will not see me at first sight, and he will be against me."

The helplessness of Baiyun, Jiang Chen looked in his eyes, but he did not know why, but he wanted to ask questions, but he was arrested by Wu Ningzhu, indicating that he would not ask any more.

"That's good! You take care all the way, we have goodbye. I am for the thirteen, thank you."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Thank you. I don't regret meeting you this friend. Goodbye."

After that, Baiyun turned and left, and the thin figure was under tremendous pressure, which made people feel distressed.

A world-famous, a beautiful jade, a lonely and conceited, an empty labor, a like a moon in the water, a picture of a painless mind. If there is no such thing as a stranger, this life will encounter him again. If there is a strange relationship, then the heart will eventually become blurred.

Baiyun has left without any concern, but their fate is really broken like this? In Jiang Chen’s view, Baiyun’s friendship with Dragon Thirteen is already benevolent, but the character of Dragon Thirteen is clearer than anyone. Only if he thinks it is right, he is right, no one can Change his mind.

"When you are trapped in Xuan Shenfu, Long XIII desperately wants to save you, but at that time, we just got out of trouble and couldn't fight any more. If Dragon 13 is going back, it is also a dead end. So the white cloud is a stunned man, and when he wakes up, he breaks completely with the white clouds. After all, it is because the dragon thirteen is willing to save you, this will be the result. Good heart, but in the view of Long XIII, it is deliberately blocked, perhaps he is very clear in his own heart, but he is still deeply saddened by the white clouds. If you die, maybe he will hate everything, All counted on the body of Baiyun."

Wu Ningzhu whispered, all this is because of Jiang Chen, but they can't blame Jiang Chen, they are not wrong, including Dragon XIII, including Baiyun, the only thing that is wrong is the battle, and finally they Although the victory, but the price paid is not small, Jiang Chen can return safely, for them, is the greatest relief.

"In the end, everything starts with me, huh, huh."

Jiang Chen smiled and sighed.

"If it is not for you to turn the tide, we have already died in Tong Xuan Shenfu, why do you need to blame yourself?"

Xue Liang said, now that Jiang Chen and Long XIII have returned safely, they have to leave, and the earth is big, and he will eventually rely on his own means to take a look.

"I want to go to the Zhongzhou gods, Jiang Chen, I am waiting for you in Zhongzhou, I hope you will not let me down. When I see you, I will definitely fight with you."

Xue Liang vowed that the pride and self-confidence are also the most appreciated by Jiang Chen.

"A word is fixed!"

Xue Liang and the ice cloud left. At this moment, the red residual sword of Dragon Thirteen was also turned into a burst of halo, and finally integrated into his body.

Baiyun left here, but Jiang Chen was greatly shocked and surprised by her life. Her source of qi was even more than her body, and she did not give up much. Have to sigh for it.

When Long XIII melted all the red silkworm cocoons into their own body, Dragon Thirteen finally slowly opened his eyes, with a burst of brilliant light in his eyes, his strength. It has been restored, and it seems to be more refined and terrible than before. He has an extremely strong source of vitality in his body. He has not been completely absorbed by the Dragon 13, but the Dragon 13 knows that the source of the spirit is the white cloud. She used this method to save herself when she was injured. But at this moment, his injury is heavier, he can wake up so quickly, and his injury completely disappears without a trace. I have not yet been completely digested by myself.

This source of qi, endless life, completely let Dragon 13 get a huge harvest, all of which come from Baiyun.

"Little dust!"

The dragon thirteen eyes are bright, and they look at Jiang Chen and Wu Ning Zhu Yan.

"Dead monkey, you finally woke up."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Is she saved me?"

The dragon thirteen looks a move.

"In order to save you, she has lost 90% of her body's origins. You should not blame her."

Jiang Chen said.

"I don't like being controlled by others to my life and death, especially since she still stunned me."

Dragon thirteen frowned.

"This thing is because of me, it makes you hate him. If you want to hang it, you will blame me. Baiyun has paid a lot for you."

"It doesn't matter to you, there is no friendship between me and her."

The dragon thirteen eyes are burning and looking into the distance. Jiang Chen knows that this guy’s temper is too embarrassing. If he changes himself, he may not do better than him. If the dragon is trapped, Jiang Chen There is absolutely no way to allow someone to stun yourself, but the situation is very, not the same.

"Her love, if there is a chance, I will come back sooner or later."

Long XIII insisted that everyone has their own choices. Jiang Chen is not good at saying anything. They are not wrong, but they are not personality.

[There are only two more today, the story behind is still not smooth, the brothers continue to pay attention to my WeChat public number, Su Yuexi, thanks. 】

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