Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3098: No brothers are not expeditions - I am all inclusive

"Lian Ling Ji have entered the realm of the gods?"

Wu Ningzhu said faintly, but his eyes were filled with more worries, because at this moment, Jiang Chen’s eyes have become somewhat disappointing. Now he and Yan’s all are here, the only missing. It is the morning rain.

Xiaoyu is the biggest thought in Jiang Chen's heart, and he is the least willing to mention it. However, Wu Ningzhu and Yan Qingcheng are all looking at each other. They know him better than Jiang Chen, and also hope that Xiaoyu can appear as soon as possible. However, contrary to expectations, the light rain has never appeared in their eyes, and even the slightest news has never happened. Even now that Lan Ling Ji has entered the realm of the gods, Xiao Yu is still no news.

"I hope that Thirteen can find Lan Lingji as soon as possible. For him, Lan Lingji is his biggest harbor. Since entering the realm, he has experienced too many hardships. He can care for him and comfort him. It’s better, he won’t be as arrogant in the future.”

Jiang Chen laughed, although he missed the rain in his heart, but he did not mention it. Although he does not know where the rain is now, he can feel it. The rain must be in the realm of the gods. It is only in a place he does not know. One day, they will definitely be reunited.

"Let's go to the city first. If you can find some elixir that will help your soul, it's best. Also, inquire about the monk's news."

Jiang Chen held the dance bamboo in one hand and seized Yancheng in the other. The three walked toward Tianguang City in the distance.

Into the city to pay fifteen pieces of the middle of the gods Yuanshi, Jiang Chen directly pulled out a top-grade Shenyuan stone, handed over to the defending city guards, defending the city guards suddenly changed his face, revealing the color of surprise, this However, their income for half a year, and the top grade of the **** stone, but can not be met.

"What did the seniors send, but it is no problem, the small must know all the words."

The defending city guards see Jiang Dust's strength, and brings two women who are so beautiful, and the shots are so wide. Such a person is definitely not something he can afford.

“I want to know where the biggest medicinal materials trading center in the city is, or what large auction sites there are.”

Jiang Chen said faintly.

“The biggest medicinal material trading center in Tianguang City is Lingyingfang. There are almost all the medicines there. As for the auction site, it is also the Lingying auction house of Lingyingfang. The seniors went to Lingyingfang to know. Three thousand miles in the east of the city."

The defending city guard said with a smile.

Jiang Chen nodded, with Yan Yancheng and Wu Ningzhu, went straight to the east of the city.

A few hand guarding the city guards and laughs are all eyes full of envy, while envious of the guard who can be rewarded by the strong, while envious of the woman around Jiang Chen, is simply a country, looks like a fairy, they have not seen in this life I have been to such a beautiful woman, just like coming out of the picture.

"It's so beautiful, such a woman, even if I look at it more, I will be content."

"This is a miracle, this is the perfect creation of heaven."

"I think I have lost interest in the tigress in my house."

A group of defending guards obsessed with the disappearance of Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu.

Lingyingfang, as the largest medicinal material trading center in Tianguang City, can be described as the limelight. There are all kinds of elixir here. As long as it is not too strange, it can definitely be found.

Jiang Chen directly entered Lingyingfang, and the beautiful waitresses who received them all looked down on Wu Ningzhu and Yan Qingcheng. They were unruly and difficult to remove.

"I want the best medicine to treat the soul here."

Jiang Chen said to the waitress.

"Amount... the best? This son, are you sure?"

The waitress was slightly surprised, the best treatment for the healing of the soul, how much? It is not what she can receive at all.

"I don't like to say the second time."

Jiang Chen frowned and said.

"Well, the three wait for a while, go to the upstairs to eat some tea and snacks, I will go to the old treasurer."

The waitress did not dare to neglect. The most important thing is that the two beautiful women around Jiang Chen are really shocking. Who can control these two beautiful women? Jiang Chen’s identity does not have to be thought of, and it must be quite honorable. He has been working in Lingyingfang all the year round. This eyesight is still there.

In a short time, among the ya, there was an old man who had to be white, with a calm look and a smile.

"What does this son need to do, can he help?"

"I need the best medicine to treat the soul. The price is not a problem."

Jiang Chen is faint.

"Our best elixir here, the soul of the treatment, is the soul of the soul of the grass, the price, is also quite precious. A pregnant soul ganoderma lucidum, at least a hundred pieces of the best **** stone."

The old man smiled and looked at Jiang Chen. People couldn’t look at each other. As the only remaining old treasurer in Lingyingfang, he would not make those low-level mistakes. People who really have the background have always been very low-key. However, this young man is indeed low-key, and can be swayed with two beautiful women, so it seems so low-key.

"Take me a look."

Jiang Chen said.

The old treasurer in the heart of a move, the soul of the soul of Ganoderma lucidum and other such treasures, but very few people will touch, the people who can use this soul of Ganoderma lucidum, most of them are above the king of the king, even the strong of God's respect, can buy After all, after all, hundreds of the best of the gods, not everyone can get it, at least under the king of the king, there is no such ability.

The old treasurer is just the strength of the peak of the gods, and can not see the strength of these three people.

"Good! And the son will come with me."

The old treasurer took Jiang Chen to see the pregnant soul Lingzhi grass, and the dancing bamboo was also holding the hand of Jiang Chen tightly. I hope that this pregnant soul can help myself.

The three followed the old treasurer and went directly to the medicinal material library. Jiang Chen stopped in front of him, and the old treasurer entered it. Not a moment, he walked out of the medicine library.

The old treasurer holds a purple gold wooden box and gently opens it. A purple velvet medicinal material with a thin layer of ripples is presented in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's look, this pregnant soul Lingzhicao, does have a lot of wedding lingering, but this one is really a lot of water.

"How, how does the son think of me, the soul of Ganoderma lucidum, how?"

The old treasurer said, the face of the proud color, hundreds of the best of the gods of the stone, the same sound?

"It's OK, how much you have here."

Jiang Dust Road.

What do you mean by the old treasurer? Do you still want to be all-inclusive?

"How much, I am all inclusive."

Jiang Chen said here.

In order to catch up with the "Expedition Mobile Games" opened at 10:00 this morning, Lao Su chose to be earlier. Our Dragon Army has also assembled almost, and so many brothers are in, I am worried that it will be overbearing. Everyone takes the name of the dragon pattern, the district suits the dragon, the country chooses the state, remember to set up the "Dragon War God" gang for the first time. In addition, my ID is Dragon Sue Shuai, look at the face of Laosu’s efforts to update, and ask for light abuse.

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