Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3121: There will be yang in the yin, there will be a loss in the surplus

The endless Penglai Xiandao is already a landslide, the sea is dry, the ancient wood is gray, and the sorrows are everywhere, like a human purgatory.

"Hey, everyone, you have to die, you have to give my son a funeral!"

The smile of the mouth of Daqu, the stunned, sullen eyes, looking at Jiang Chen, looking at Penglai Xiandao, are full of revenge, he has completely changed, turned into an avenger, turned into a omnipotent Its extremely madman, let all the people of Penglai Xiandao fall into jealousy and die.

Now, the whole Penglai Xiandao has been killed and wounded, only a million people are left, all of them are strong above the gods, but their bodies have gradually become slow, they want to fly to the sky, fly out The territory of Penglai Xiandao, but there is no chance to escape from birth, only in Penglai Xiandao, in this cloud of fog, waiting for the coming of death, that fear is far more than killing them with a sword The pain, the feeling of being swallowed by death, is the most terrifying.

The power of the gods in Jiang Chen has also lost most of his power. His attack is completely useless for this method. He wants to use the method without a starting line to solve the problem, but Jiang Chen finds that this method is completely a dead line. It can be said that the transformation of the array is to kill, and there is no way to crack.

However, Jiang Chen believes that he has not found a suitable method of cracking. This cloud array is not like a big array of crazy attacks. He is like a gas that has gathered countless gods and finally turned into nothingness. The array method, the gas of the gods is gradually all atomized, the more serious the atomization, the more powerful the array is. Under the circumstance, the array of clouds has reached an unbreakable level.

Jiang Chen’s attacking again and again, the sword shadow is heavy, the boxing style is invincible, playing on the battlefield, like the mud cows entering the sea, there is no resounding at all, Jiang Chen has tried hard to solve all the problems, this is the case, his god’s spirit has also Being atomized by two-thirds, the crisis is getting bigger and bigger, and death is approaching step by step.

"Damn guy, this method is so weird, and he turned into a slap in the face, really swearing."

Jiang Chen muttered, but this time, his offensive completely lost the opportunity, without the slightest effect, completely atomizing the gas of the gods, this big array, can be called invincible, is equal to four or two, not at all When you play, you have to use the way of soft **** and warm boiled frogs to gradually wear away all your edges and corners, and finally die in silence.

"I see if you can block my soul."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are awkward, this is his last resort, because no matter how strong the offensive is on this law, they can’t afford the slightest embarrassment, so Jiang Chen can only rely on the final soul of the emperor. Try to see if you can give this fatal blow a fatal blow.

"Capturing the gods, ecstasy!"

Jiang Chen's soul moved, a terrible soul storm, rolled up, the soul storm crushed down, and the entire array of Penglai Xiandao seemed to have been shaken.

Winning the gods, quite terrible, the strength is not as good as their own, they will certainly be hit by the gods, but they are killed, but Jiang Chen did not think that the power of this guy’s soul has actually reached the level of the emperor, although only Just broke through, but it also makes Jiang Chen incomparably shocked. If he only has the soul of the late Jingzun, he will already be killed by himself.

But in any case, it still works, even though the effect is minimal. Before Jiang Chen was also a little underestimated, this guy's soul power can be so powerful, there must be some reason, is it because of the chalcedony soul?

Jiang Chen’s heart moved, his eyes lit up, and he once again spurred the gods to win the battle.

"Death kills!"

The second type of dead soul killing is directly to make the mouth of the song become incomparable, the power of the terrible soul, sweeping through the entire cloud, no one knows, under the death of the soul, the power of the soul of the Daqu, Almost instantaneously engulfed, but at this moment, the power of his soul has become the power of the soul of the whole Penglai Xiandao, just like a sacrifice, his life and death, has not been controlled by himself, but instead This cloud circle is around, although he has been hit hard by Jiang Chen, but the cloud array is still continually swallowing, constantly changing, unable to stop the footsteps of Penglai Xiandao.

"I really didn't expect that the power of your soul is so horrible. It seems that you are a little stunned. My soul has been hit hard by you. My life is not long, but you want to change the cloud. It is totally crazy." Hey, you all have to die, you have to die, for my son, to bury this room."

The laughter of the mouth is loud and sultry, echoing in the ear of Jiang Chen, echoing in the hearts of everyone who lives above Penglai Xiandao, like the trial from hell, their time is running out. Although the power of the soul he is proud of has not been released, it has been completely suppressed by Jiang Chen. If it is not because of the kind of chalcedony, when Jiang Chen displays the first style of the gods, he It has been completely destroyed.

"Mom, this **** is playing with fire*, pulling everyone to give him a back."

Jiang Chen’s incomparable anger, the soul of the Daqu’s soul, has become weaker and weaker, and even has to be extinguished, but this cloud of battle has not changed in the slightest.

"This cloud of fog is really a bit difficult. It just didn't find its cracking method. Once you find his cracking method, it will not be so difficult."

Jiang Chen’s heart is constantly comforting himself. If his heart is clear and the sky is unclear, only by relaxing his mind can he have the opportunity to find a chance to go out. There is a yin and a yang in the array, and there must be a loss in the surplus. The yin and yang will hold on to each other, and the profit and loss will be able to complete the qualitative transformation between the heavens and the earth. The achievement of the avenue method, the source and the formation of the formation are all because The way of heaven and earth.

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked, and the formation of the formation method was portrayed in the simplest way. That is to say, the way of the formation method is the same as that of the avenue.

"I don't have any ideas in the body, but I have an understanding of the Tao. With the power of the road, will I analyze the cloud, will there be unexpected gains?"

Jiang Chen’s mind was moving and immediately prepared to use his own understanding of the avenue to resolve the array. At that moment, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up, because what he saw was a scene that was completely different from before, the array of clouds. In his eyes, it seems to be no longer so mysterious, not so high, and his understanding of the avenue is not strong enough. However, it is becoming more and more simple to use on this analytic method. The conditioning layout, in his view, even with the simplest array, there is no difference at all.

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