Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3217: Lonely mountain

Jiang Chen’s words, even he himself is one of them. He really didn’t think much about it, but the speaker didn’t listen to it, but it’s really a bit more meaningful.

"Oh, Xiaoyou’s words are to be separated from my fossils?"

Wu Zhentian said with a smile, no joy, no sadness, and no idea what he meant.

"I think the lord should understand that with your strength, you may not be able to accomplish the final purpose. At this time, it happens that we are here, for you, it is a good thing, and it is not easy to get it with half the effort. I think which one is easier, you should be clearer than me."

Jiang Chen also smiled and said that the smile of Wu Zhentian’s mouth was more and more brilliant. He had to say that Jiang Chen’s words were in his heart. He was also worried about this. If there is any change, it is very likely It is difficult for them to resist now, but if there is Jiang Chen, they will not be able to say anything. Although Wu Zhentian cannot fully believe in Jiang Chen and others, this person has saved their lives after all, in general, counted The upper is pure nature, he has no reason not to believe in Jiang Chen.

"Of course, if Wu is not willing, we will not bother, we will go directly to the Zhongzhou godland."

After Jiang Chen finished, Wu Zhentian’s smile gradually disappeared, pointing to Jiang Chen, but he shook his head:

"You really gave me a general, I was forced into Liangshan by you. Hehe."

Wu Zhentian smiled bitterly, his face was full of dignity, Jiang Chen was giving him an ultimatum. If he disagreed, there would be no such shop after passing this village. Wu Zhentian is also very clear that this is a win-win situation, but he may need to make a certain degree of concession. If he is not afraid of 10,000, he will be afraid of it. If there is something happening before, then they may have a life-threatening There are no more lives, so how many more treasures are there?

Wu Zhentian thought twice and he knew that he had to make a decision. If Jiang Chen really wants to leave, he has to come up with his own attitude. Otherwise, this alliance may not be that simple.

"I am just seeking truth from facts."

Jiang Chen said that this is also a means, but for Wu Zhentian, it also has great benefits. He will not know this truth. Their ability is limited. If they force into the wild China, the result may be They are unbearable. The strongest people who have died in the middle of more than 20 gods in the middle of the world are the best proof. Although they are not their true core strength, how hard it is to train a group of gods and strong people, there is no imagination at all. It's so simple, the biggest underlying of a sect is that there are not enough strongmen to look at the power of God and the power of God. Even if you are strong and have no backbone, then this sect is destined to last forever. .

Wu Zhenjing saw the expression of Wu Zhentian. She knew that Wu Shi really had to promise Jiang Chen. Then their secrets could not be saved. Those things should have belonged to them, but now they have to share with others. This is not good news for them.

"Wu Shi, this -"

Wu Zhenjing still wants to say more, but Wu Zhentian waved and said:

"No need to say anything, find a meteorite outside the sky, we are equally divided, how about the small friends?"

"Well, I like to talk to people like Father, never snarling."

Jiang Chen's faint ink looked at the 澹台经藏, and the 澹台经藏瞪了江尘一眼, a cold scream, but helpless, after all, Wu Shi has decided, she wants to change, it is impossible, this time also To listen to the command of Wu Shi, the Taiwanese dynasty has no hope for Jiang Chen. Although he has some skills, he is completely different from the real half-step god, at least in his own hands, wanting to destroy. It is not difficult to get rid of him.

"I hope you won't be disappointed."

After that, the Fujian and Taiwan Tibetans were turned away and took the lead in the forefront.

"She is like this, the little friend should never mind, the character is already, the pure nature of the person, most of the time."

Wu Zhentian said.

Most people with pure nature are so? I am afraid that you are ridiculed by this gimmick. If you are by your side, it is estimated that you will not be used to her. The typical is that the eyes are higher than the top, but it is not the case for others. I don’t want to understand the dust. Is it really that I am wearing it in front of her?

"Haha, it seems that someone will dare to scream with you, little dust, take time."

The tyrants and monks danced and looked at Jiang Chen, and there was a smear of color in his eyes.

"I am not fighting you, my brother. Don't hit your mind with the Tibetans. Otherwise, you will die very badly. Although no one here will be embarrassing you, but if you enter the fossils, If you enter the scope of Kunshan County, then if you dare to target such a battle, you may be attacked by countless young talents. At that time, no one can save you."

Sun Xiaolong shook his head and sighed and said.

"You really want more, I have no idea for her, there are a lot of good-looking women, but this kind of dominatrix, I can't afford it, you can rest assured that even the woman under the sun is dead, I guess Will not be with her."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Then I will be relieved. I am also concerned about you. After all, no one can resist the ruins of the Taiwanese ruins. Although you have some skills, you must remember to refrain from arrogance and arrogance. You cannot be self-respecting. Otherwise, you will enter Zhongzhou in the future. After the gods, it will be difficult to move. I am sorry for you, and you must go to your heart."

Sun Xiaolong said with a heavy heart. At this moment, Jiang Chen really felt that this Sun Xiaolong was simply a big mouth, and it was endless and harder than a woman.

"thanks for reminding."

Jiang Chen said with some helplessness, his brows are wrinkled, but this guy seems to have great interest in knowing the direction of Jiang Chen’s life. He is always looking for Jiang Chen to talk.

"Look, the front is a small mountain!"

Sun Xiaolong walked in the front and said chatteringly.

Everyone is looking forward, a circular ridge, appearing in the eyes of everyone, an extremely powerful energy fluctuation, from the small mountain.

The surrounding towering ancient trees are all withered. Within a thousand miles, Xiaogu Mountain is almost absurd. Even the mountain seems to have a great deflection. The most important thing is that there is no trace of vitality here. The beasts are all traceless, nowhere to be found, and the surrounding flowers and trees are all withered without a little bit of water. Even after Jiang Chen and others stepped into it, they felt great oppression and dry tongue. Dry, it seems that there are ten sun-baked roasts in the sky.

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