Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3235: Shocked again and again

Jiang Chen exerted the dragon's change, and the powerful air waves rolled out. If there was God's help, Jiang Chen's body was extremely powerful. Under the dragon's change, he almost completely crushed the half-step gods, even to the evil dragon. Such a sacred kingdom is also completely illusory. It is only a one-off hand. It can already be seen that Jiang Dust’s domineering, how fierce it is, and the sacredness of the gods in the late stage, the two are retreating. Although Jiang Chen is not lacking in some mess, but it completely competes with the evil dragon emperor, and has not fallen into the wind.

Jiang Chen reached out and held a hand, and the dragon was out of the sword. The eyes of the Tibetans were once again hot. The terrible sword, the terrible man, this guy is far more powerful than the one he thinks, more crazy, holding Under the Tianlong sword, Jiang Chen’s confrontation with the evil dragon emperor has already occupied a faint initiative. At this time, the Fujian and Taiwan Tibetans really realized how terrible Jiang Chen was. This is the weakest person in her eyes. It turned out to be the most horrible guy. At this moment, Jiang Chen really showed his super strength.

"This child is so terrible."

In the heart of Fujian and Taiwan, there was a wave of turbulent waves. No matter when, she didn’t think so. A guy in the late stage of God’s honor can compete against the gods. It’s incredible, but Jiang Chen did it, and still The previously unknown guy, the guy who was ridiculed by himself, his appearance, like the same emperor, crushed down, so that the evil dragon emperor was completely difficult to parry, actually took the initiative.

All of this was too shocking, too unbelievable, completely subverting the thoughts in the minds of Fujian and Taiwan, but this made her look more closely at Jiang Chen, the gods who had never shot before, not Because the strength is not good, but because no one deserves his shot, this moment, she really understands how naive and ridiculous she was before her behavior. Jiang Chen can use his deity to sacred the gods and need to question his Fighting power?

From the very beginning, people didn't bother to shoot, but in their view, the strength is still very mad. At this moment, it is simply smashing the face, so that the Taiwanese confession feels that it is blind, and nothing is expected. This is actually the case.

"Before, he may have always been dissatisfied with us? Now it seems that the really ridiculous person is not Jiang Chen, but us."

Yantai said with a smile, the heart is full of helplessness, can only silently look at Jiang Chen and the evil dragon emperor.

There is Jiang Chen, and I don’t know it. The Yantai and the Tibetans also think that this matter will definitely be suppressed by Jiang Chen.

"Hahaha, now I know how bad the dust is. How many of us are not his opponents, hey. I was not his opponent in the fairy world. I didn't expect that I had been practicing for a hundred years, and it was still not his opponent."

The speaker has no intention to listen to the intention, and the words of the monk monk have once again become a dignified person through the Tibetans. Are they promoted from the fairy world? Moreover, did Jiang Chen and the real person only cultivate for a hundred years?

The Fujian-Taiwanese Tibet has taken a breath of cold air. If this is the case, then I am afraid that in this state of the land, it will be called a rare genius, and a hundred years of cultivation of the gods, it is simply a breakdown. It’s too horrible, right? Awesome and shocking, this Jiang Chen is simply awesome! It has never been heard of the ruins of the Taiwanese ruins. It is unheard of for anyone to be able to cultivate the enchanting spirit of God's glory for a hundred years.

"What kind of enchanting is this Jiang Chen."

In the heart of the Tibetan and Taiwanese emperors, I thought that I was already a peerless enchanting in the Kyushu region on the land of the Zhongzhou gods. However, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, it is simply not influx, a hundred years of cultivation, as strong as the emperor, this said If you go out, it is estimated that countless people will be shocked by the chin.

The evil dragons and the emperor resorts are all out, the ghosts are scattered, the black mist sweeps over, and Jiang Chen is completely included. The dragon shadows of the shadows are crushed with the evil dragons. Jiang Chen ignores the evil dragons and ignores them. That long shadow of the dragon, a low drink, the sword is as sturdy, the sword fifteen swords retreat, the evil dragon emperor shape is exposed, is constantly forced to retreat, very difficult.

"This sword is so terrible..."

The battle between the Fujian and Taiwan is one of the vibrations. Her sword is very different from the sword of Jiang Chen. It is impossible for her to reach such a fierce kendo. The realm of this realm and the swordsmanship has made her far behind.

"Asshole, you crazy."

The evil dragon emperor was repeatedly forced to retreat by Jiang Chen. His strength in the realm of the gods can only be regarded as just a breakthrough, and it is still the use of the secret method to break through. Now, under the strong pressure of Jiang Chen, the complete prototype has been exposed, and it is impossible to compete with it.

Jiang Chen opened the big match, the sword is amazing, and even the monk monk is once again looking at Jiang Chen. At this time, Jiang Chen is like an unstoppable killing. No one can block his sword. The evil dragon is a ghost. One of the domain owners of the ghost domain, but the strongest of the gods in the week, so no one can be enemies with it, the high-level attitude is used to it, naturally it is crazy, but now it is A god-respecting guy has suppressed it, and the anger of the evil dragon king can be imagined.

But the strength is not as good as people, but it is a fact. The evil dragon emperor has already felt the horrible of Jiang Chen, the breath of the sword without the border, and constantly released. The evil dragon king knows that this time he met a real master, even God. Respecting the situation, you can also reverse the master of Qiankun.

"Lonely sword!"

Jiang Chen rushed and became more and more crazy. At this moment, after he swallowed the fire, even the breath of the body became violent.

Qinglian Zhan Xinghuo is like a ray of light, surrounded by lonely swords, accompanied by lonely swords, intertwined, two horrible waves, rolling up, a sword, a fire .

"A terrible offensive!"

It’s extremely shocking to see through the heart of the Tibetan and Taiwanese. If it is her, it’s absolutely impossible to stop the sword of Jiang Chen. It’s just too horrible. The invisible Qinglian Chong Xinghuo fires directly into the evil moment at the moment of Jiang Chen’s impact. The dragon king's body, but the evil dragon emperor is ignorant.

"Kid, you dare to kill me! I am the three domain master of the ghost ghost domain. If you kill me, my two brothers will definitely avenge me. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, they will never let you go." ""

The evil dragon emperor was repulsed by Jiang Chen’s lonely sword, and his face was pale. On the surrounding ridges, the rocks broke and all fell, and the evil dragon was in danger.

In the face of such a terrible Jiang Chen, the evil dragon emperor was insane and his face turned from green to red.

"Killing you is like killing a pig. Why don't you dare?"

Jiang Chen said faintly, above the blade, with a cold light.

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