Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3269: Long Daren

"Then you will be ashamed of me, just grab your big guy and ask what you want."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold and he looked at it with the Fujian and Taiwan.

"Be careful!"

The Yongtai and the Tibetans are preparing to deal with the so-called Chaoshan Hailing together with Jiang Chen. However, Jiang Chen does not intend to let the Fujian and Taiwan go through the Tibetans and deal with it. It is more than enough.

"You look at it carefully, and give me this kind of work. Women must have a woman's posture."

Jiang Chen said that the Fujian-Taiwanese dynasty had a slight glimpse of it. I did not expect that Jiang Chen would say such a caring word. In fact, she did not know that Jiang Chen was worried that if the martial arts had a shot, then the other party must be the target. Pointing at her, then it will be a bunch of hands.

"Is it by you alone? Do you dare to yell with me? Hahaha, it’s really laughing at me. Go to the deity to die. Hey-"

The tides of the sea spirit roared, the fish under the sea, all of them are retreating, and no one dared to approach the battle circle here. Jiang Chen stood proud and stood proud.


Jiang Chen is also a low-pitched voice. Compared with the Chaoshan Hailing, the sound is not big, but it is full of low and thick voices. Even the collapse of the Taiwanese and Tibetans is a burst of surprise. This voice is full of arrogance. The temperament of the king is actually... the sound of the dragon?

For a moment, the eyes of Chaoshan Hailing were full of horror, and the subconsciously retreated, and the eyes were full of horror. It never happened, this seemingly inconspicuous guy turned out to be a dragon? impossible! Never possible!

The Chaoshan Hailing is full of incredible colors, but it is indeed the sound of dragons, otherwise, how can you be drunk? The pressure in the bones is completely irresistible. The sound of the dragon screams and the whole underwater world is violent.

"You, you, you... are you a dragon? This is impossible! You are obviously a personal class, you are not a dragon."

The tidal sea spirits sternly said, completely did not expect that he would be retired by a human being, this is above its territory.

"Is it true that you have nothing in your heart? If you want to fight with me, you have to think about it."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"It's just an illusion that you made. I don't believe, you are really a dragon! I don't believe it!"

The tides of the sea spirit roared and rushed to Jiang Chen. It did not believe that Jiang Chen was really a dragon, although the heart was filled with shackles, because the sound of the dragon screamed it felt a huge pressure, but if you let it go Two guys, then the heart is full of unwillingness, the previous few guys, they are not able to succeed, they were jointly ran away, and now these two orders, it will never be merciless. So delicious, if you are run away by them, how do you lead the sea creatures here?

Chaoshan Hailing desperately rushed to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen knows that this will definitely be a hard battle, directly exerting the dragon change, the dragon body is in a flash, so that the Chaoshan Hailing is more and more feel that this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. However, the arrow had to be sent on the string. It had already launched an offensive. Even if it felt the more horrible Longwei from Jiang Chen, it still didn't want to give up. The most important thing is that it is its territory, and it dares to be so unscrupulous. This kind of arrogance, although Long Wei has suppressed it, but it is not enough to make it a soft-footed shrimp. At this time, it must be smashed.

Jiang Chen crossed the knife and stood in the bottom of the sea. His eyes were incomparably clear and incomparably clear. He completely ignored the tidal sea spirit that came from overwhelming. Jiang Chen punched it out, under the sea, the water ripples and the whirlpools. It was directly on the head of the Chaoshan Hailing. The tides of the sea spirits were shocked. The whole person felt confused and was beaten by Jiang Chen. The preparations before it were completely ruined. I did not expect this. The guy is so horrible, his strength seems to have increased? The peak of God's esteem can make this half-step **** of the gods so taboo?

The shock in the tide of the sea is overwhelming, but it can't stop. This battle must be held until the last moment, for your own food, to verify whether this guy is a real dragon.


The tidal sea spirit is constantly bursting out with a burst of buzz. It seems to be telling Jiang Chen that his sovereignty is not afraid. He does not shrink back. The horrible air waves are really discolored. Under the sea, the tides and sea spirits are twisted. Qiankun, a whirlpool of water, constantly rising, and it is crushed toward the river dust in the whirlpool.

Jiang Chen sneered, like rooting in the underwater world, and the Chaoshan Hailing, which was attacked by the face, was full of surprises. The whirlpool he created himself could not shake Jiang Chen completely, and it seems that his strength is not here. The horrible Longwei has suppressed its strength of at least 20%. Chaoshan Hailing thinks this guy must be prepared. Regardless of Longwei, it must give a head-on blow to this undead human being.

A tidal sea spirit, a dragon and a dragon, is cut horizontally, like a sharp long knife, smashing through the water, extremely fast, incomparably brisk, and it is hard to prevent.

Jiang Chen calmly looked at the tail of the Chaoshan Hailing in an instant, and what Chaoshan Hailing did not think was that Jiang Chen actually began to grasp his tail, madly swaying, making the entire underwater world seem They all became violent, and an extremely horrible vortex was gradually formed from the center of Jiang Dust, and the Chaoshan Hailing was the guise of Jiang Chen’s scorpion, and the flesh and blood seemed to fly out.

Jiang Chen has a lot of power, and the sky is on the top of his head. He is calm and calm, and picks up the hundreds of thousands of pounds of Chaoshan Hailing. If there is nothing, it is extremely shocking and extremely terrifying!

"This guy, it's too abnormal."

The Fujian and Taiwan murmurs say that the power, speed, and strength of Jiang Chen have not been affected in any way in this underwater world, and even the overwhelming sharks of this underwater world are so helpless in his hands. This is simply a humanoid beast!

Needless to say, the tides of the sea spirit in the hands of Jiang Chen, extremely incomprehensible, the shackles of the seven-six-seven, eventually reached the limit, smashed down the bottom of the sea, countless corals, countless megaliths, Splitting, deeply trapped in the bottom of the sea, is like being inlaid there.

"Rain, ah, great man, forgive me..."

The Chaoshan Hailing screamed and said that now it has no doubt that the guy in the dragon body can easily kill himself. Whether the dragon is a human or not, the tide is not clear, but he is able to get water in the water. One thing is that it is completely unthinkable.

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