Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3290: I can't return

The relationship between the Fujian and Taiwan and the Jiang Chen has been long-sighted, and the heart is full of helplessness, but since it is the road of choice, it must be finished anyway, although in the eyes of Jiang Chen, she may be just a ruthless person. Even so, she has no choice but to do something. She is also involuntarily in some things.

Jiang Chen knows that this battle is inevitable. They must have one person to withdraw from the battle.

"Mingzhi knows that there are tigers in the mountains and Hushan. People are alive. If there is no spirit of resistance, what is the difference with salted fish?"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and the smile on his lips made the Fujian and Taiwan more and more puzzled. This guy is indeed thought-provoking, but he should never enter here, everything will become no longer the same. Although I had to return to the battlefield in order to save him, it is no longer the same today.

"Then I can only kill you, don't blame me, everything in this world, this is cruel."

The Yongtai and the Tibetans have never said the reason, but she and Jiang Chen are already in a state of endless life.

"Just be, you and I have never met before."

Jiang Chen smiled and calmed down. He naturally didn't want to go to this step, but it was already here. It wasn't that he could change the ending in one sentence.

Life is full of helplessness, full of sorrow, full of the feelings of life and earth, love and hate, life and death, who knows the next moment, who will become your enemy? Jiang Chenxin’s heart is like water, I will turn my heart to the moon, but I don’t know what it is, but it’s not his fault. It’s not that he can control it. Maybe it’s not wrong, but it’s just the moment they meet.

"Summer, goodbye!"

The fascinating look of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the dynasty.

Life is like a play, the years are like songs, and the eyes of the Tibetan and Taiwanese Tibetans are flashing a tear. Maybe it is a complaint about the world. Maybe it is the embarrassment of Jiang Chen in her heart. Maybe it is the feeling of her unclear feeling in her heart. .

Just at the moment when the ink-printed seals of the Fujian-Taiwanese dynasty hit the river dust, Jiang Chen’s eyebrows changed slightly, and between them, they punched out and thundered, and each of them retreated more than ten steps. At that moment, 澹The eyes of Taijing’s Tibetans became even more shocked.

"Your strength... is still so strong? How is this possible?"

Yantai said in an incredible way.

"Nothing is impossible, just like I also think that you will not shoot me. I always thought that I was very accurate. Even now, I feel that it is impossible, even impossible. It has become possible. Let's take it."

Jiang Chen said indifferently, without the slightest emotion, the cold words of frost made the incomparable shackles of the Taiwanese ruins, even the flushed faces, full of sorrow and helplessness, but now they are already strangers, already Standing on the opposite side, there is no longer the possibility of standing back together.

The Yantai was bitten by the Tibetan silver teeth, and the corners of the mouth trembled slightly. It was also full of war. At this moment, she had no retreat, and fighting for death and giving birth to death was the only chance.

"So, I have nothing to hide."

The Fujian-Taiwan dynasty was shocked by the Tibetan Mastiff. It was extremely fascinating and incomparable. It no longer suppressed its own strength. At that moment, even Jiang Chen felt a huge oppression, that kind of oppression, and When it was cold and smoked, it was better than before.

Long-sleeved fluttering, no wind and automatic, under the crowd, it seems that no one can compete with it, the kind of high-ranking unparalleled domineering, cold frost, like the Queen above nine days, proud and inviolable, but the complex look in her eyes, but It is to let Jiang Chen not see through it anyway.

The strength of the Fujian-Taiwan economy has actually reached the realm of the Emperor! However, she has always been invisible, and there is no such thing as the slightest performance. At this moment, the strength of the Fujian-Taiwanese Tibetans is fully revealed. Even Jiang Chen feels quite surprised, the realm of the Emperor, it is not an ordinary person. What can be achieved, no matter what kind of past experience has been experienced in Fujian and Taiwan, her power is unquestionable.

"The realm of the Emperor, hahaha, it seems that you are hidden, and it is still too deep, even I have been deceived by you."

Jiang Chen said with a big smile, there is nothing to say now. The confrontation between the two people has once again become one-sided. Jiang Chen’s strength is exhausted, and only the gods are at the peak, even if he is a god, It is also impossible to defeat the Fujian-Taiwan economy. This is the unparalleled confidence of the Taiwanese fortress. After all, the strength of the cold smoke is not necessarily able to overcome itself. Today, Jiang Chen is already close to the oil, otherwise, The ruins of the Taiwanese dynasty will never reveal the true purpose.

"Give up, you can't beat me."

The Fujian and Taiwan Tibets repeatedly persuaded Jiang Chen.

"My body, carrying, far from you can imagine, my loved ones, my brothers, my lover, are waiting for me, how do you let me give up? How should I give up? Hahaha, It’s easy to say, if I give up, this world, and where is Jiang Chen’s place? Today, even if the Supreme Emperor is standing here, my Jiang Chen will never retreat. I can take a step back. But my beloved relatives and friends will never back down. For them, Jiang Chen is bound to fight the world. One day, I will let everyone know that I am Jiang Chen, not everyone can bully. My brothers love It will definitely smash the Zhongzhou godland."

Jiang Chen said with a smirk, he could not retreat, because his loved ones and lover are waiting for him. He can only move forward step by step, or even step by step.

People are alive, always fight, fight with the sky, fight with the ground, fight with others, and have fun!

Jiang Chen’s face was sweating, but the back was as rock-solid as he couldn’t retreat, and he couldn’t fall!

"You can't go backwards, and I can't go back. We are all the same people, but not the same people in the world."

The Fujian and Taiwan confessed to himself, Jiang Chen was the same as her, they were involuntarily, they were fearless, it was not because they were strong and unmatched, but because of their back, no way to retreat. Strong, are forced out, who do not want to laugh at this life? But only the strong, can stand on the ground between the heavens and the earth, can stand out in the world and take charge of the world.

"Get out, life and death are the commandments between us."

Jiang Dust Road.

"it is good!"

Between the Fujian and Taiwan, the hands of the Tibetans raised their hands, and this time, with the supreme power of the Emperor’s realm, one palm, it was a heavy blow to repel Jiang Chen, the horrible momentum, the mountains and the sea, the river was blocked. Dust all the way, life and death in the first line!

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