Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3294: Old turtle's shock

"The strong among the Shihai Ice Palace, we still don't know who it is. It seems that it is time to ask the old turtle to ask."

Jiang Chen whispered, he was quite happy at this time, holding the bronze throne and the thunder, although these two things do not know what to do now, but the rareness of the bronze throne, Jiang Chen has been quite satisfied, not to mention the thunder of the day.

But now they still don't know who is the mausoleum of this person. The person who looks like Yuan Hua is who is worthy of deep thought. After all, even Yuan Hua is not clear. This is the most distressing.

"I think, I should already know something."

Yuan Hua said to Jiang Chen.

"You knew already?"

Jiang Chenyi, looking at Yuan Hua, Yuan Hua's eyes with a touch of complex color, nodded heavily.

The next moment, Yuan Hua slowly squatted down, facing the bronze cymbals, and smashed three heads with great looks, solemn and incomparably dignified.

"There is a piece of inherited memory in this huge axe. When I broke through the royal kingdom, I got a part of the memory of the inheritance. The people in the bronze cymbals should be my ancestors, but they have experienced No, I don’t know. But he sealed himself here to save his strength, but he was eventually killed, and he was killed and killed in the bronze urn. I only saw the memory. Some of the remaining fragments, I am not sure, who is that person, but I feel that he is too strong, even if it is as strong as my ancestor, Supreme Emperor, after the injury, there is no such thing in his hands The room for returning is directly killed."

"That person is really horrible. Turning the hand into the cloud, covering the rain, the sky is on, the earth is down, as if there is no way to restrict his existence between the heavens and the earth. But I can't see his face. It’s just a shadow, it’s not the deity, it’s not yet known. I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, but that person seems to be very angry, and after he killed my ancestor, he hurried away, I I can only see these short-lost memories, which are kept in the giant axe. Even now I want to avenge my ancestors, I don’t know who killed him.

Yuan Hua said with a sullen face.

"Even if you know what you can do? Even your ancestors can't help, what can you do? I am not attacking you. Before you break through the emperor, you still don't think about those who have nothing. Killing the great powerhouse, what kind of existence do you think it is? In the eyes of others, you are just an ant, just cut."

Wu De whispered, his mouth slightly stunned and said with a sneer, he said that this is obviously deliberately Yuan Hua, because Yuan Hua and Jiang Chen both got the baby, but he did not get anything good. How can Germany not be angry?

However, at this moment, Yuan Hua was silent. He did not say much, because Wu De said that he was very right, his strength was too weak and too weak, and the Emperor’s realm was estimated to crush an ant in front of others. So simple. If you don’t reach the emperor, why not take revenge?

Jiang Chen also fell into silence. According to Yuan Hua, the mysterious and powerful man, between the hands raised, killed the emperor’s ancestor who sealed himself in the Shihai Ice Palace. How much is it? Strong? Such people, at least now they can't even think about it.

"So where are we now? Is it really Shichahai?"

Jiang Chen looked puzzled at Yuan Hua.

Yuan Hua nodded and continued:

"Yes, this is Shichahai, but because it is blocked by space, it is impossible to highlight the sponge. This tomb of the seabed is closed by the nine-degree space. It is only possible to connect the palace of the Five Emperors. It is impossible to go from here. Above the sea of ​​Shichahai, so no matter how many years of stunned generations of our seabed people, it is impossible to break through this sea level."

"But I believe that one day, I will find out the truth. Even if it is broken, I will certainly avenge my ancestors. My body is now reborn, and I can achieve this step and break through the royal kingdom. For me, it is a good start. In addition, Jiang brother really wants to thank you. If it weren't for you, maybe I will never enter this Shihai Ice Palace for a lifetime, and it is even impossible to know this Shihai Ice. The people buried in the palace will be my ancestors."

Yuan Hua looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes filled with gratitude. He knew his strength. If it wasn't Jiang Chen, he might stay in the half step and the Emperor did not know how many years, and this time he inherited the inheritance of the ancestors. With the giant axe in his hand, his strength and talent are all on the next level.

"These are nothing. What we should know the most is who is that person, or who your ancestors have offended, what kind of past is there, otherwise, it is only by your own. Inheriting memories, it is impossible to find the truth. Or should you ask the old turtle, maybe he can know some."

Jiang Chen said with a deep voice, the look is also extremely serious, although this matter has nothing to do with him, but after all, Tianlei and the bronze throne are all here. For Jiang Chen, this is in the Shihai Ice Palace. He is also very curious about who the owner is and what kind of past he has.

"Let's go, anyway, you are all loaded with a return, and I am a bitter child, not even the root hair."

Wu De said, full of unwillingness, but this moment, above his head, a white feather fell on his face.

"What is this special? What hair, ah ah - aunt--"

Several white hairs fell on his face, and Wu De couldn’t help but sneezed. Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned and he suddenly looked up, but he could not see the traces of a trace, a white shadow, once again. It appeared in front of his eyes and it was fleeting.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are awkward, but the white shadow is gone, and Jiang Chen’s heart is clear, but it’s impossible to catch up with that. As for the white fox, it is no longer important, but its mystery makes Jiang Chen full of sighs.

Until they left, they were still full of awe in this Shihai Ice Palace. The mystery of this is not enough for outsiders.

When they left the Shihai Ice Palace, they entered the bottom of the sea and found the old turtle. At that moment, the old turtle looked at them like a monster.

"You, you, you... are you still alive? Xiaoyuan, have you broken through the royal kingdom? My Scorpio, Shihai Ice Palace can't keep you, it seems that you are really blessed."

The old turtle was full of shock, shaking his head and shaking his eyes, his eyes filled with incredible colors.

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