Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3381: Swords are like a sigh of relief

"Junzi, don't let us join hands, see how this guy can last."

Jiandong’s eyes are very small, and Jiang Chen has become a target of public criticism.

Behind Jiandongliu, the other two masters of the gods are also ready to shoot, and their goal is only one person.

Among the people in the field, there are only those who have not shot, and only the Yantai Jingzang, the Yancheng City and the silver-haired man with unknown identity.

Jiang Chen crossed the knife. At this time, he is already fearless of anyone. The candle dragon sword in his hand is now unmatched. Who can fight with it? This horrible suffocation, until now, seems to have just revealed the tip of the iceberg. The horror of the top grade level of the treasure is not what Jiang Chen can expect.

"Dongliu brother is right, kill the thief first, who can get the candle dragon sword, and then it will be the same."

Jun Tianqiu has not been able to take advantage of Jiang Chen for several times. At this time, all the strengths are revealed. Jun Tianqiu is not so stupid. Whoever leaks all the cards first, then anyone can become Which one is the first to die.

Jun Tianqiu's face is extremely cold. Now Jiang Chen is enemies with everyone. It is tantamount to finding a dead end. Jiang Chen and his chances have been mixed, but who asked him to get the candle dragon sword first? Although he took the initiative on the first opportunity to win the sword, but on the final odds, Jiang Chen is very small.

Who holds the candle dragon sword, then whoever takes the absolute initiative, but it is not so easy to hold the end, because no one is a fool, the candle dragon sword is a hot potato, now no one can take it In the end, whoever moves first will change passively.

"Now, I have no patience. If you want to fight, you will shoot together, so let me see, where is my limit."

Jiang Chen reached out and stroked the peerless sword in his hand. The candle dragon sword gave him the feeling that he was a peerless squad. His unparalleled domineering seems to be in the candle dragon sword. He wants to drink blood. Kill the enemy.

However, Jiang Chen also knows that these people are not fuel-efficient lamps. Who can let him drink blood is also an extremely difficult problem. With the help of the Dragon Sword, Jiang Chen’s only goal is to kill Jun Tianqiu, to vent his hatred. Otherwise, this guy will entangle himself all the time. He will be stared at him in Zhongzhou Shentu. The feeling is that Jiang Chen is extremely uncomfortable. It is better to be straightforward and kill Jun Tianqiu. In that case, it will be able to be done once and for all.

"If you are arrogant, then send you to the West."

Jun Tianqiu holds a long sword and ravages the sky, and the sword is unparalleled. This time he also played a nine-nine-nine effort, and it is necessary to make Jiang Chen fall into the dust.

On the other side, with the addition of Jiandongliu, Jiang Chen’s situation is also extremely embarrassing, but Jiang Chenyi’s high-spirited people are daring, and there are candle dragon swords in hand, the kind of go-ahead, the domineering domineering, Along with Jiang Chen, the three swords are swaying, and the ray of light is staggered. It is also the master who has evolved the sword to the extreme. Jiang Chen has an enemy two, and Jiandongliu and Jun Tianqiu are unable to shake the Jiangchen.

"The sword of no border, sword seventeen!"

Jiang Chen used the candle dragon sword to display the sword seventeen, the kind of supreme sword, so that Jun Tianqiu and Jian Dongliu are far behind. At this time, Jiang Chen’s sword is already unparalleled in the world, turning into a dark madness. The dragon, broken out of the body, the horrible supreme hegemony, makes Jun Tianqiu and the sword east flow, all of them are face changes, the sword is like a rainbow, the momentum is unstoppable, the sword is fighting, the world is extinct, the candle dragon sword The sword is completely suffocating in the swords of the previous mountain.

Sword is like a shadow, suffocating!

Jiang Chen looks calm and calm, with one enemy and two, strolling in the air, and having a good time.

"Damn guy."

Jun Tianqiu’s incomparable anger, even such an offensive, can’t take Jiang Chen. Is this guy really so strong? After all, it is because the candle dragon sword is doing something, and I have to admit that Jiang Chen means to go against the sky, but if there is no candle dragon sword, he is still impossible to be so strong.

"Don't shoot, wait for it? Do you want the candle dragon sword to be delivered to your hands?"

Jun Tianqiu screamed, and the two masters of the early Emperor’s dynasty, who had already been eager to move, were also looking at each other. They wanted to take advantage of the fishermen’s interests, but it’s clear that today’s Jiang Chen is in full swing, not both of them. It is now more difficult to defeat and want to kill Jiang Chen and win the candle dragon sword.

The person present, who is not human? Can you give me the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of the fisherman? If they don't, they are likely to be affected. When they are forced to do so, the situation will be even more difficult.

Although Jiang Chen blocked the attack of Jun Tianqiu and others, Xue Liang was not so lucky, because Xue Liang’s strength was almost the same as no regrets, but he joined forces with the three gods in the early days. Under the attack, Xue Liang became struggling.

Despite the fact that the sword in his hand kept smashing out the sword, but it was still the feeling of two hands and four hands, but at least it was still stable, Xue Liang gritted his teeth, his face was gloomy, if he lost so quickly In the coming, it will undoubtedly disrupt the battle of Jiang Chen, and it is very likely that he will be trapped in the quagmire and difficult to extricate himself.

Xue Liang looked at Yancheng, why did she always watch the play there, motionless? Is she the killer of Jiang Chen?

However, when Xue Liang once again looked at Jiang Chen, his situation has become difficult. The four great emperors joined forces to suppress, and there is no regrets and swords. It is a very strong master, and the talent is absolutely nowhere. Any chance of Jiang Chen, even if the candle dragon sword is in hand, but Jiang Chen’s sword method is not the candle dragon sword can be displayed.

"The younger brother, motivate your god's qi, the spiritual center, the qi sacred door, and stimulate the suffocation of the candle dragon sword, can bring the power of the candle dragon sword to the strongest state. Be careful, defy, Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

At this time, the voice of Tuoyu Longyu appeared in Jiang Chen’s mind. Jiang Chenyixi, this guy seems to be really in the snow, he can’t completely control the candle dragon sword, but Tuoyu Longyu is right. The candle dragon sword knows everything.

Jiang Chen did according to the method of Tuoyu Longyu. Sure enough, the suffocating smothered in a flash, and the raging atmosphere, the majestic atmosphere, covering the sky, the smoldering sword that appeared in an instant, directly penetrated the two The masters of the early days of the gods, the two guys became the scapegoat of Jun Tianqiu and Jian Dongliu.

The candle dragon sword, horrible, so that everyone sucked a breath.

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