Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3389: Shangguan Hongyan

Although he had stolen the "Artisan Spectrum" at the beginning, he was very embarrassed to the master in his heart. He didn't know what to say. Even if he knew that the master had forgiven him, he still was at a loss, that kind of mood. For thousands of years, for Tuoyu Longyu, even more than the refining of the gods and treasures, it is even more tense.

The wind screams and drinks, and the snow flakes fall down on the bamboo sea mountains. Gradually, it is already snowy, and the white color above the bamboo sea is extremely cold and clear.

"Master, I am back! From now on, I will use the rest of my life to honor the master."

Takuya Longyu said in his heart.

Jiang Chen silently pays attention to Tuoyu Longyu. For Shangguan Hongyan, he is not an unforgivable person, but he has expelled Tuoyu Longyu from the mountain gate and almost directly obliterated it. The grace between the disciples is absolutely perfect. However, Takuya Longyu has already deeply known his mistakes. He wants to admit it with the master, but he does not know where to start. If it is not Jiang Chen’s words, perhaps he is still pulling the swordsman’s refining. Device.

"Master, do not filial piety Tuoyu Longyu, seek to see the master!"

Takuya Longyu Hongsheng said that with the endless predecessors and confession, before the Zhuhai Mountains, the sound sounded through the entire bamboo sea.

"Booming -"

A deafening sound sounded, above the bamboo sea mountains, covered with snow and ice, snow fluttering, a white figure, coming from the snow, long hair behind the back, a cold face, a cold face, full of endless eyes Murder.

The middle-aged man’s face was dignified, his brow was wrinkled, and he said coldly:

"In the past, I disturbed you, but you didn't know how to repent. Do you want to come back and steal my things? Hey. Do you want me to give you a death?"

The middle-aged man screamed and looked like a torch. He was scared that Takuya Longyu was trembled. At that moment, Takuya Longyu’s face changed greatly. He did not expect that the master was full of anger and did not forgive himself.

"Master, you are not already... forgive me..."

The look on the face of Takuya Longyu is extremely complicated, even full of despair, because he clearly feels the infinite murder of the master.

"Shangguan Hongyan! He is Shangguan Hongyan!"

Jiang Chen took a breath of cold air, the feeling of holding the sky, so that Jiang Chen felt great oppression, his current strength, it is impossible to be his opponent, even if it is a fusion of Thunder, it may not be able to kill him. .

Jiang Chen has never been a contemptuous person, but he knows that he has to go up with Shangguan Hongyan. It is estimated that he is dead for a lifetime.

"Forgive you? Hey, steal me baby, do you still expect me to forgive you? Without killing you, it is already my extravagance. Now you are still coming back to see me, you really want me to I am jealous of you."

Shangguan Hongyan is extremely domineering, and stands upright, swallowing mountains and rivers, like a tiger, as if blending with the snow above the heavens, the strength beyond the nature, so that Jiang Chen can not help but scream.

"Master, the younger brother said, you have forgiven me. For so many years, I have been concerned about the masters. I want to see you again. Is it because the younger brother deceived me?"

The eyes of Tuoyu Longyu are full of bitterness.

"Little teacher? Where did you come to the younger brother, who was you deceived here?"

Shangguan Hongyan screamed and slammed it out, almost letting Tuoyu Longyu abolish half of his life. Even Jiang Chen was slightly frowning. This Shangguan Hongyan is simply a murderous murderer, his murderous, too The weight is too heavy, and even people feel suffocation.

Tuoba Longyu was forced to retreat by Shangguan Hongyan. His face was pale and bloody, but he did not have any chance to shoot. Even he completely gave up the resistance, but Shangguan Hongyan was still hot and unrelenting.

"Master, I don't ask you to forgive me. I can see you again. I am satisfied. The younger brother has something to do with him, so he didn't come back with me."

Tuoba Longyu whispered.

"A nonsense, all are shit, there is no little teacher at all, you have been deceived here, don't you still understand? It's really stupid."

Shangguan Hongyan said coldly, at that moment, Tuoyu Longyu realized that he was probably tempted by others. Could it be that the former younger brothers were all deceiving, and what he said was also fake?

At that moment, Takuya Longyu turned pale. He didn't care about the true and false of the younger brother. He just wanted to know if the master had forgiven him, but it was obvious that the younger brother was simply coined. The master still hated himself. Did not kill myself, and now the hatred of myself, but also makes Tuoyu Longyu feel desperate.

"Sorry, the master, I blame me, I blame me for being too stupid... I will listen to the rumors, but he clearly knows the existence of the "Artisan", he can even hammer the sound and help me complete the ritual of the Chinese treasure, his The means of refining is never under me."

At the moment, the face of Shangguan Hongyan became more and more gloomy, even the anger of Tuoyu Longyu, especially when he heard the words "Artisan", it was even more irritating. He is extremely angry.

"The "Artisan" is also the "Artisan", it seems that today you are letting me kill you, to vent your heart."

Shangguan Hongyan shouted and his face was gloomy to the extreme. He seemed to think of the past, and the "Artisan" is the anger and imprint that can never be erased in his heart.

"Master, I am sorry, I know it is wrong. I will go find the guy and kill it to vent the hate of the master. At that time, I must decide to help Master Ron."

Takuya Longyu said with great steadfastness.

Shangguan Hongyan looks into the distance, faintly said:

"no need."

"Since it is here, why bother to hide your head? Do you want to see me? Now that you have got what you want, what secrets are there?"

Shangguan Hongyan's gaze is exactly what Jiang Chen hides, and he did not expect to be discovered by him in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s face changed, but at this time he did not hesitate and slowly came out.

"Sure enough, it is Shangguan Hongyan, and I found out my existence. It seems that you already know who I am."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are slightly opposite, and they are opposite to Shangguan Hongyan.

"Bastard! You are not my little teacher at all, who are you? Why are you deceiving me and coming to my master."

Takuya Long Yu is unstoppable, staring at Jiang Chen, killing his heart.

"The killer, the person will kill, I just come to avenge."

Shangguan Hongyan's look is more and more dignified.

"I guess a bit, but I really didn't expect it, you will come to me."

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