Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3423: Gate of heaven

Fengshen Valley, the wind and the curtain, the beauty of the shadow, as the base of the Helian family, above the East Shengzhou, are extremely powerful influence, its status, even no more than the sword of the state Weak, and as one of the top ten gates of Dongsheng Shenzhou, the Helian family has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. It is one of the oldest families. The living fossil of Dongsheng Shenzhou stands in the eastern state and stands tall and unattainable. .

Among the Fengshen Valley, the birds are facing the phoenix, and the main hall is located above the Fengshen Valley. The pillars of the celestial heavens are guarded by the pillars of the heavens. They stand between the hills, the clouds are hidden, and the ladders are stepping on the air. The Temple of Heaven to the Helian Family!

The Temple of Heaven is the most high-standard temple of the Helian family. Under the sacred environment, it is not allowed to embark on the Temple of Heaven, or even to qualify for the cloud in the Valley of Fengshen.

In the Helian family, the family is very strict, and there are extremely large family children, which are not weak compared to the Zongmen. Moreover, this ancient family, which has been handed down since the ancient times, is very important to the ancient teachings. It has its own doctrine and significance, and countless sects are gradually falling behind. The Helian family can be ancient. So far, they are all super-mass gates of the realm of the gods. From this point of view, many ancient sects and families are far behind, even the ancient emperors, such as the Eastern Emperor Sect, are gradually declining. The strength of the Helian family is extraordinary.

Above the main hall, five powerful elders have a lot of arguments and their faces are extremely dignified. They are arguing endlessly. These five people, once in a hundred years or even a thousand years, have never gathered together for the first time, but when they meet, they are quarreling. Above the Temple of Heaven, I have different opinions.

"I looked at the girl and I didn't see the coffin. I didn't cry. As a person of the Helian family, I should always have the consciousness of giving life to the Helian family. And she is so stubborn, this is not a clear statement." Why is the family facing it? What are the use of these disciples?

A long-lost old man, cold-sounding, domineering.

"You can't say that, the third child, our Helian family has not had such a talented disciple like the moon for a long time. Even if it is a publicity and a rich tide, these two guys can barely be able to deny it. After a month, if you say this, aren't we going to break our arms? Although the heart is unwilling, but we can slowly and slowly educate."

A black robe old man said with a smile, because he is more powerful than the old man, the second elder of the Helian family, Helian Changyu.

"Second brother, what you said is not in conformity with the rules of our Helian family. As the saying goes, there is no rule, and there is no rule. Why is our Helian family standing between the heavens and the earth, the gods, the billions? Isn't that kind of iron-faced, unbiased ancient training? Our Helian family wants to be meticulous, and there is no sand in the eyes, but you say that you have to indulge the little Nizi, are you trying to let us inherit hundreds of millions? Is it necessary to abolish the ancient teachings? If you want to be an ancient teacher, you must severely punish you. If she wants to know what to do, when these ancestors do not exist, do we not exist?"

The old four Helian River smiled coldly, with a touch of disdain in his eyes. For Helian Changyu’s words, he did not dare to agree at all. When he said this, the old black robes of Helian Changyu and Helian Changhe were The four eyes are opposite, the needle tip is on the wheat, and the two seem to have completely forgotten their identity.

"Harmony to make money, and to make money, hahaha, the reason why our Helian family can maintain its longevity, the reason is because we are united enough, and there is no locust in the family, everyone is united as a family. In order to truly make our Helian family a new level, we must be united and unanimous. The situation of the month is very suitable. It must not be sloppy. Everything needs to be considered. We all want to To solve the problem satisfactorily, but the two brothers are angered first, very important, and they should be treated with extraordinary means, whether it is severe punishment or lenient treatment, everything must be based on the interests of Zongmen, we live so For many years, it’s hard to be beaten by a child.

The old five-year-old company was a smile, and he was not humble in his words. He was calm and relaxed. Although he was the fifth elder, he was the youngest, but his strength was enough to compete with the great elders.

"The fifth is right, this matter needs to be long-term, which is related to whether the Helian family can become the premier super-class of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and even stabilize the land of Zhongzhou. It is not impossible. Even though the moon is somewhat self-willed, it is ultimately the person of the Helian family. Don't give up."

The great elder Helen said in a long day, although it is not a slap in the face, at least everyone is silent and no longer speaks.

"At this time, the owner is in a critical period of breakthrough, so we must not be able to alarm him. He is the most loved of the month. Everything, let him wait until he leaves the customs."

When the elders turn down, the three elders are low:

"Big brother, this dead girl is hard-nosed, taking advantage of the family's favorite, Hu Zuofei, now trapped in my mountain, good life wake up, can be regarded as a kind of creation. But as today's door has been opened, I am afraid I can't wait for the owner. Going out, if you miss the door of God, then the next time you open it, you don’t know when to wait."

The elders also sighed, the gate of God is the ancestral home of the Helian family, a bronze gate that has closed countless years, and it is said by ancient times that as long as the door of God is opened, the people of the Helian family can enter it. Only the person who has entered the door of God's will can truly understand the mystery of Lingwu Tian Xuan Shenji, which is the mystery of the great heavenly machine.

The last generation of the Helian family who realized this mystery has been a thing hundreds of millions of years ago, so this time the door of God's will opens, which is a top priority for the entire Helian family, but this time is exactly the same. Even the family's owner has entered the practice of retreat. This time, the homeowner wants to complete the breakthrough in one fell swoop. It is also a top priority. No one dares to bother and disturb, so this time, the situation of the month will be brought into distress.

"In March, wait for another month, if the owner still does not leave the customs, then implement the ancient training."

The elders also sighed. On the one hand, they were forced to helpless. On the other hand, they were for the rise and fall of the entire Helian family. As a great elder, he was also duty-bound.

On the top of my mountain, at this time, Helian Yueer, who is already playful and cute, is beautiful, and the 16-year-old girl looks completely different from the little girl who was many years ago.

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