Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3495: Wind sister

Jiang Chen’s heart is quite embarrassing, but now there are Xue Liang and cold as smoke both shot, intercepting Shangguan Hongyan, he has nothing to worry about.

Jiang Chen's soul of the emperor, covering it, almost the entire sky, thousands of miles away, all in his control, coupled with the induction of the ancestral tower, it will take a long time to find them.

Although I don’t know the mysterious power, why did I go, but the direction is exactly the same as Wang Fengqi’s direction, so he will be worried.

I don't know why, Jiang Chen's heart is more and more anxious, and the speed is extremely fast. Although his strength is already ten, it is very difficult, but he does not dare to be scornful.

"Cing sister, you must wait for me!"

Jiang Chen muttered, volleyed, the speed is amazing, and race against time.


Wang Fengqi’s look back has already left tens of thousands of miles, but he still hasn’t stopped because he doesn’t know what will happen after he stops. The most worrying thing is the situation of the master. It is death or alive, and Wang Fengqi still knows nothing about it.

"Master, you must not have anything. Otherwise, what other faces do I have to see the two teachers?"

Wang Fengqi murmured and said that he was struggling with inner strength, but in the original situation, he really could do nothing. If it was a person, then he would definitely choose to swear to follow the master, but the master gave himself a very important task. With the ancestral tower to rescue the two teachers, this time, he knows that the teacher is difficult, but he is sad, all this is up to himself, and now it is so sad.

Wang Fengqi only tried his best to take the two teachers away from here. This is the only thing he can do. If the master is dead, then he will never live alone. This is not a fool, but a man’s dignity. Can not be insulted, the master has an accident because of himself, how can he feel at ease?

But at this moment, above the sky, the clouds are densely covered, and the heavens and the earth seem to have become dim. The surrounding thunder and hurricane are constantly intertwined. Wang Fengqi’s face has changed greatly. This vision of heaven and earth makes him Some are overwhelmed. This is by no means a natural imagination. He has already felt that he is surrounded, and the feeling of being incapable is full of despair.


Wang Fengqi screamed, his voice spread over the void, and the surrounding heaven and earth, but it seemed to be isolated, and the echo of one voice could not be heard. The Thunder was more violent and the hurricane was even more embarrassing.

Is the master defeated? Now that Shangguan Hongyan has caught up again?

I thought about it, but Wang Fengqi was already unable to walk. It was impossible to go any further because of the horrible oppression, the suppressed knees and the pale face.

"Put out the people in the tower."

A low voice, with an unquestionable deterrent, said faintly.

Wang Fengqi’s face changed. In the thundercloud, a sly face made up of dark clouds was even more horrible than the cockroaches. It was full of tens of people, covering the sun and covering the sky, completely obscuring Wang Fengqi, his head Above, there is no trace of brilliance, in the dark clouds, the terrible face, open the mouth of the blood, as if to swallow the general.

"Who are you?"

Wang Fengqi shouted and shouted the ancestral tower. This person is not Shangguan Hongyan. Is there anybody behind them who can’t stand it?

"Little doll, you are not qualified to know who I am, don't force me to say the second time, otherwise you will regret coming to this world."

The giant face, full of endless pressure, made Wang Fengqi smile, his blood and spirit, even the oppression is quite uncomfortable, even the bones and bones, it seems to be locked, the oppression is difficult to breathe. The giant face is like a judge from hell. Even if Wang Fengqi wants to refuse, he does not know how to speak.

However, the two teachers are still in the ancestral tower, he will never let the two teachers be shocked, even if they die, they will not.

"Don't think about it! Even if you kill me, you get the Zulong Tower, you can't open it."

Wang Fengqi said with great steadfastness.

"Oh, it seems to be a hard bone, then look at it, our means, even more terrible."

The giant face sounds dull, and there seems to be no anger. At that time, Wang Fengqi feels his body and mind, just like being out of control. When he looks up, he sees the wind girl and sees it. That figure came from the model.

"Wind girl, you are not dead, you are still alive! Great..."

"How can I leave you alone?" Brother, we said that we can't separate each other for the rest of our lives. How can I let you be alone and suffer in this world? Let's go, this time, Be sure to be together forever."

The wind sister came with a shy color and whispered.

"Well, forever, we will never be apart."

Wang Fengqi said incomparably dignified, he was beaming. At this moment, he already knew that the fire of his life seemed to be re-burning.

"We must be honest with each other. Otherwise, how can we be mutual guardian?"

Fengmei pouted and said uncomfortable.

"What do you have to look at me, you must have something to look at me."

"I don't have it, my love for you, the heavens and the earth can prove the sun and the moon. After you leave, my heart is up, I can't wait to be with you every day and night, every minute and second, you know? I have I miss you more, I really want to miss you."

Wang Fengqi said with a tear in his eyes and muttered.

"Since you love me so much, you have to tell me everything, then, then, can we be really honest and honest? You haven’t seen me for so long, don’t you want to tell me something? ?"

Fengmei said with a disappointment.

Wang Fengqi was extremely anxious and told the wind girl everything she had experienced during this time.

"What about the Zulong Tower? What happened to the Zulong Tower? I want to go in and have a look."

Fengmei said with great curiosity.

"No, that's the master, I can't move."

Wang Feng was shocked.

"Don't you love me? Isn't you even satisfied with this little request?"

Fengmei said with great grievances, step by step back, at that moment, Wang Fengqi’s heart is like a heart.

"Don't go, wind girl! Don't! You can't go, wind girl, I will take you in, I will take you in to see the head office."

Wang Fengqi said with great anxiety, his face is full of complex colors.

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