Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3519: Thunder

"Kill them, one does not stay!"

The impermanence of cold and frosty smell runs through the whole body, within the mayor, and the chill is stunned, like an arrow of ice and ice, shooting through the underwater world.

The impermanence of the wrist changed, the original long sword became a wolf hammer, a nine-foot hammer, and it was turbulent. The speed was amazing. Even under water, there was no stagnation. The violent, shocking, Jiang Chen's eyes are also a slight movement, a shock, the dragon under the change, the body of the real dragon, so that the impermanence is slightly shocked, the body of the dragon, it is indeed unheard of, but this The strength and atmosphere of the guy, but it has increased a lot in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s bare hands and punches, urging the power of the whirlpool in the water, directly hit the effect of a violent wind. The wind and waves run through the whole, and the impermanence of the nine-foot long hammer, mammoth down, turned out to be nothing with Jiang Chen. Second, the autumn color is divided equally, Jiang Chen’s fist is very strong. Under the human dragon, the crazy and domineering Longwei is also evident. At this time, even the impermanence is extremely tricky because he I don't know the origin of Jiang Chen, I don't know how crazy this person is. It is just this punch that makes him feel the extraordinary of Jiang Chen.

Qingxuan on the side is also admired for the strength of Jiang Chen. The eldest brother is the big brother. Although he has never met for a long time, Jiang Chen’s strength has not fallen. He thought she was a top genius, but her brother. The strength is to force him to a half point. It is estimated that even a monk may not be his opponent.

Today's business, for myself, is really fortunate in the unfortunate, can meet the big brother Jiang Chen to help, it is simply beautiful.

Qing Xuan heart is very clear, if it is not Jiang Chen's timely release, then she is already destined to be here, and it is likely to be humiliated, no longer see the monk.

"Big brother, you must not have anything. Otherwise, the monk will blame me."

Qing Xuan muttered that Jiang Chen’s strength is indeed exceptionally strong. In Qing Xuan’s view, it should not be difficult to deal with these guys. It is also the dragon shadow of the dragon who is next to the eldest brother. It is also the power of the eight layers of blood. If you think about it, it is quite strong. This battle should be no problem.

She went alone to the Dragons, in order to compete for the ranks of the Dragon Festival. Even if she did not get the first place, she would at least get a good ranking. When she was estimated, she would not have to be coerced by the family. I can't help myself, even my own life, I can't do the Lord completely, so I will let Qingxuan have such a headache. I am willing to take the risk, because she has to wait for the monk, even if it is waiting for the old days, until the sea is dry, Also no regrets.

She wants to ask herself a fame, and she must name herself. Otherwise, she will never wait for the monk. Only by becoming a pillar of the family and becoming a real powerhouse will the family not interfere with her. But now, obviously, it is still too far away from this step. No one will understand his own good intentions. Her path is also a long way to go.

Fortunately, I met my eldest brother, perhaps this time the Dragon’s Dragon Festival, I can play well.

The strength of Qingxuan is not weak, but it was only when he was fighting with the flying eagle fish, he was seriously injured. He harvested the flying eagle fish, but he did not expect to wait for him. It was a terrible battle, almost lost. For World War I, for him, the meaning is profound, and the kindness of the older brother is also greater than the sky.

Jiang Chen under the dragon's transformation, the strength of the horror is unparalleled, completely let the impermanence complain, although the two sides have not yet won the game, but his suffering, it is estimated that he alone knows. That pair of iron fists, let the nine-foot long hammer in their hands are shocked and numb, even the palm of the hand, there is a crack, his face is dignified, do not dare to neglect, underwater is his dragon's world, but Jiang Chen The body of the dragon seems to be no less inferior. I am completely incompetent and incompetent. Jiang Chen is infinitely powerful and punches. The underwater world is a storm, and the vortex is over the sea. It is estimated to be a thunder. Hehe, the tide is a thousand feet.

Jiang Chen took the top handprints and played them one after another. He was only able to cope with impermanence. The impact of the two people was extremely strong. Everyone wanted to gain the upper hand. Unfortunately, in the face of Jiang Chen’s domineering, he eventually lost his impermanence. Going, Jiang Chen is too perverted, with the flesh and blood, the body of the dragon, almost made the impermanence to be autistic.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's momentum is soaring, the situation is like a broken bamboo, and his face is ugly, and he is defeated and breathless. The initial arrogance is also a slap in the face.

"Kid, your strength is not bad, there is such a terrible Longwei, who are you? The dragons do not seem to have your character, people are not people, dragons are not dragons."

"Who am I, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you must die today."

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, the murderous machine is alive, because this guy is offended, not someone else, but a woman of a monk, what is the difference with a woman of her own? The friend's wife was humiliated, and Jiang Chen was duty-bound. Otherwise, what face does he have to see the monk in the future?

Jiang Chen’s shots are thunderous and thunderous. At this moment, his crit power makes it difficult to stop, and it can only be passive defense. On the other side, Dragon Shadow is also a strong force, facing several gods. The early guys, still have it, after all, is the dragon's most powerful genius girl, and the dragon and the dragon become the dragons, this must still be acknowledged, but in the eyes of Jiang Chen, Long Yinger seems to have been They are all suppressing, or being suppressed. Otherwise, her strength should not stop there.

Jiang Chen holds heavy punches and provokes the power of the thunder. The underwater world, the thunder are all over, and the scalp is numb in an instant. This is the first time that Jiang Chen has spurred the thunder of nine days. The impermanence of the whole body, the thunder and the vertical, the impermanence of the face suddenly changed, even the roller climbing, the nine-foot long hammer in the hand, but also under the lightning, turned into a pile of scrap iron, and he himself, is also continuous dodging His face was pale and he was hit by two thunders. He was already numb and trembled.

"Bastard! Jiang Chen, you dare to kill me, the North Dragons must not end with you!"

He is arrogant and guilty. At this time, he is already quite awkward. He can only be passively defended. He is miserable. So bad!

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