Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3526: More and more flying eagle fish

Qing Xuan and Long Ying's face changed, all of them rushed to Jiang Chen, only to find that Jiang Chen was not a big problem, but the body consumption was too serious, the strength was exhausted, exhaustion would be like this, and the heart was also loose. A sigh of gas.

"Nothing is fine, that magic Xuan, it is too horrible."

Qing Xuan said that for the entire dragon, it seems that it is not a good news. The strength of Moxuan is even comparable to that of Jiang Chen. The two people are ultimately the end of both defeats. The guy of this magic shadow family should have Ready, it seems that they need to be careful, more people.

The dragon shadow is silently decapitated. Although the character is strange and the heart is kind, it does not mean that she is stupid. The former magic shadow guard and the magic Xuan not long ago are the crisis that makes their dragons become very serious. The most important It is the Donglong and the North Dragons, and those magical shadows are actually with the impermanence of the Northern Dragons. These close connections are more and more intriguing.

"This time the Dragons may not be as easy to fold as the crown of the Dragon Festival."

The dragon shadow is dignified, and the beauty is even flashing. This battle should have been played by himself, but it has made Jiang Chen so difficult, deeply hurt, and kept the dragon's majesty. Long Yinger is against Jiang Chen. Unbelievable feelings.

"What should I do now? Wait until Jiang Chen wakes up and talks about it, at least when he recovers, we will make plans."

Qing Xuan and Long Yao looked at each other on the next day, and now they can only do this.

Three days later, Jiang Chen finally woke up. Qing Xuan and Long Yinger were incomparably shocked. Because of the three days, when Jiang Chen woke up, it was like breaking into a butterfly. The strength completely recovered to the peak. on.

"It's a metamorphosis."

Long Yinger giggled and looked at Jiang Chen with a shocked look. The serious injury, even within such a short period of time, was completely restored.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Jiang Chen brows.

"Three days."

Qing Xuan said.

"so long?"

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart. If he entered the ancestral tower before he was in a coma, perhaps the time of a scent would be restored. I didn’t expect this coma to be three days, but in three days, the body of all things has already been The strength has been completely restored. Now that Jiang Chenxiu has reached the royal kingdom and wants to recover completely, it has become quite slow.

"Is this still a long time? You really thought you were an iron man who couldn't die."

Long Yinger turned his eyes and said.

"We should also go to the direction of the evil spirits island. There are still half a month, it should be the March period. If you can continue to get some of the squid fish's spiritual fish paste, then naturally it is better."

Jiang Chen did not continue to talk with Long Yinger, but his look was full, and his heart was evil spirits. The two women silently nodded. Jiang Chen said that they did not hesitate, and the three men went on again!

Jiang Chen and others have traveled tens of thousands of miles away, but they have not encountered a flying eagle fish, so Jiang Chen is quite disappointed. There are more than a dozen flying eagle fish, the number is not too much, can Standing firm on the island of evil spirits, I still haven't known.

Just as the trio went to an area where the storm was gathering, suddenly, several traces of flying eagle fish were discovered.

"These guys are all here."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and the smile on his lips was more and more interesting. The Emperor’s heart was not satisfied, and they finally showed up.

"Yeah, it seems that the place where the storm has gathered has indeed attracted several flying eagle fish. We should really take a look."

Dragon Shadow is eager to try, with a smile on his lips, and the three are non-stop, and continue to move forward.

"Here, it won't be the nest of the eagle fish?"

Qing Xuan thought of it, but the figure of the three people is in a blink of an eye. The place where the horrible storm gathers, the vortex is born, the horrible is terrible, the force of sucking, even the strongest of the gods, must To be treated seriously, I dare not have the slightest scorn.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly found out that in the storm gathering, a figure of dozens of flying eagle fish, the scene is spectacular, and that figure is exactly the dragon moon that Jiang Chen saw before. !

Around the Dragon Moon, a flying eagle fish, a constant attacker, dozens of flying eagle fish, the gas attack is extremely fierce, it is impossible to prevent.

However, they are faced with Long Haoyue, the leader of the younger generation of the dragon, even in the whirlpool of the storm, he is still standing proudly, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

"It's him?"

Long Yinger also discovered the figure of Long Haoyue. In the endless storm, even she was timid, but Long Haoyue was in the storm, with dozens of flying eagle fish constantly circling, its horrible On the one hand, it is chilling.

Such a master is worthy of being called the first teenager of the dragon.

"What to do? Can't you shoot?"

Qing Xuan whispered, she did not care about the life and death of Long Haoyue, because she wanted to get a flying eagle.

"Let's see it first."

Jiang Chen said, at this moment, Long Yinger is still standing still, standing behind Jiang Chen, watching silently.

With more and more flying eagle fish around, the sea monsters around Longyue are gathering, and it is increasing day by day. In the storm, the flying eagle fish is like a river crossing, more and more, even in less than a musk time. It has already increased to hundreds of articles. At this time, the strength of Long Haoyue has obviously felt tight, although it can still cope with it, but it is also very difficult.

Jiang Chen stared silently. Long Haoyue had hundreds of flying eagle fish for a long time. After a long time, he finally felt the oppression, and behind him, dozens of flying eagle fish were also endless, and all the flying eagle fish around them. It was gathered together and the scene was quite chaotic.

Qing Xuan and Long Yinger looked at this scene with amazement. This time they all felt cold and scalp tingling. The strength of these flying eagle fish is basically in the late stage of Shenzun and the peak of the gods. However, their speed and the power that can erupt in the underwater world are quite powerful. They are definitely the masters of the half-step Emperor level, and the speed is so fast that they are far behind. However, it is difficult to capture them.

Under the circumstance, the number of flying eagle fish has reached 178. However, the flying eagle fish is still coming from all directions, and it seems very calm. Even if the strength is strong, he is also difficult. Forced so many flying eagle fish, and this moment, can only be a step by step, even the space of their activities is not only compressed, the blade is like a sword, slender fish mouth and spiked teeth, let the flying eagle offensive The more powerful, Long Haoyue walked from the initial leisure, and now it is difficult to walk, it took less than an hour.

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