Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3535: Glacier tunnel

The appearance of the flame dragon makes everyone nervous, and the heart is full of dignity, the horror of the flame dragon, the scalp and numbness, which is enough to burn the flame of the soul, so that the people present are all looking at it.

Long Haoyue took the lead in attacking. Jiang Chen was also unwilling to show weakness. The strongmen of the roads attacked the wind and faced the flame dragons under the magma. They did not have the slightest stagnation, and they raced against each other, cautiously, fearing that they would be swallowed up by the flame dragon. .

The consumption of spiritual fish paste is increasing. Many people are already upset. Once the spirit fish paste is exhausted, it will be sealed here forever. The hot magma and the blazing flame will completely devour them. Even the soul is no exception.

"The taste of blood is full of desire."

The low voice is filled in everyone's ear, and the heavy and violent tone seems to destroy everyone's heart step by step.

Long Xiaokun bears the brunt of it and fights against the flame dragon with Long Haoyue. However, the flame dragon seems to be very crazy, constantly hitting the masters. The fierce flames are sprayed out of their mouths. It seems to be able to burn everything, Long Xiaokun Avoiding it, it is covered by the flame in the mouth of the flame dragon. Between the two, it is the destruction of the gods. At the same time, there are still a few people, all of whom are masters of the gods, are not spared. In the face of such a terrible flame power, even the dragon and the moon, and so on, is also far behind.

"Xiao Kun!"

Long Yinger exclaimed, in the beautiful, cold flashes, incredulously looking at this scene, almost no signs, Long Xiaokun has fallen, disappeared into the magma, leaving no trace.

Long Haoyue looks cold and retreats. It seems that there is not much emotional fluctuation. In his view, this is the embodiment of the incompetence of strength. If he dies, he will die. There is nothing to be pity.

However, Long Yinger is the death of Long Xiaokun, full of regrets. After all, it was a former friend, a childhood playmate, and so in front of her eyes, disappeared without a trace, despair.

Jiang Chen looked at this scene, but also powerless. The death of Long Xiaokun, too sudden, the violent flame dragon, like the king above nine days, the king is in the world, no one can rival.

敖 敖 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 等 等 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰 火焰It is impossible to compete with it. The death of Long Xiaokun and others is a lesson for them. This flame dragon seems to be the scorpio in front of them and cannot be crossed.

"This flame dragon is too strong, be careful."

Jiang Chen took Long Yinger, and she did not hesitate to go to the impact and meet the difficulties. At this time, it will only become the next moment of Long Xiaokun.

"What now? This flame dragon is so terrible, are we going to die here?"

Some people are pale, and they are extremely worried. The situation is critical and everyone is hard to stay out of the way.

After Long Xiaokun and others died, Jiang Chen felt that the shadow of the flame dragon's soul seemed to be dim, which was offset by the momentum of Long Xiaokun and others, that is, the formation of this flame dragon. It is completely energy gathering. It is not difficult to completely exhaust the energy of this flame dragon and destroy it.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, no matter whether this flame dragon is the ancestor of the dragon ancestors of the year, now their goal is only one, that is to break through the bottom of this magma, seeking the desire and breakthrough of life.

"Everyone shoots together, don't be afraid, join forces to fight this flame dragon. As long as we work together to offset the energy of this flame dragon, we can destroy it."

Jiang Chen said with a deep voice that the power of the soul is all over the place. This sound of low drink makes everyone feel confused. Not everyone can believe in Jiang Chen. After all, everyone is a strong genius. Who is willing to follow the crowd?

Jiang Chen’s words did not play a vital role, but the flame dragon was still sprayed with flames, raging, and more and more people were killed and injured.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen was formed with a strong protective wall with Long Ying Er Qing Xuan. Jiang Chen urged Donghuang Zhong, and the **** clock was in hand, countering the impact of the flame dragon again and again. I didn't get the slightest damage. However, those who are all alone are all under the impact of the flame dragon. They are hit hard, and the death and injury are more than half. Many people think that the spirit fish paste can resist this flame dragon, but they don’t know the spirit fish paste. Can only defend for a while, but the defense is not good.

It seems that the method of seeing Jiang Chen by the impermanence and the violent people seems to be quite effective. They no longer take the initiative to attack this flame dragon, but lose the energy that slowly consumes the flame dragon.

But at this time, nearly half of the people, all completely fell here, only less than 30 people, in the final fight with the flame dragon.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, the energy of the flame dragon was exhausted, and the illusion gradually dispersed. However, Jiang Chen felt that things were not so simple. Where was the flame dragon sealed? Also because what is sealed here?

Yan Yan, the ancient power of the Dragons, what kind of past, even the Zulong Emperor, fear may not be able to clearly know.

At the moment when the energy of the flame dragon completely disappeared, more than 20 figures of people finally rushed through the bottom of the magma, breaking through the bottom of the magma, making people suddenly open, and the chill that Jiang Chen felt was also derived. Therefore, under this magma, it turned out to be a hollow glacier, like a tunnel in the glacial era, with black lacquer extending to the unknown.

Deep, quiet, quiet, cold like a waterfall, it makes people feel trembled, it is hard to say, it seems that even the soul is frozen, more than before, in the magma, there is more than the cold, the extremely cold and the extremely hot The interweaving of the earth makes people feel extremely desperate.

The scent of frost, the surging, the extreme cold, is the tremor from the depths of the heart.

The column of the ice around the road, like a pointed cone, in the space of the big Baizhang, exudes a deep and silent chill.

"It's too horrible here? Our spiritual fish paste can barely block it, but if we go deep into the pillar of the sea, we might not be able to walk so quietly."

"Yeah, in the deeper parts of the extremely cold land, we don't know what kind of things there are. I already want to go back a bit. Here, my soul is frozen, and the spirit of the gods seems to be It is extremely slow to flow."

"What should I do? Going in or going back?"

Further crisis, and step back!

But more people are reluctant to quit halfway, and it is the most difficult choice.

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