Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3548: Cheap you

Jiang Chen looks awkward, these dragon soul powers, incomparably majestic, incomparably pure, they can completely absorb the power of these dragon souls, plus this time the war, break through the middle of the gods, just around the corner!

Jiang Chen mobilized the dragon, madly swallowed the power of the dragon soul, the dragon pattern in the body, but also at this time, the skyrocketing.

Five hundred and sixty thousand roads, 5.7 million roads, 5.8 million roads... six million roads!

At this moment, the number of dragons in Jiang Chen’s body broke through six million. At that moment, his strength was also a complete breakthrough in the middle of the gods. Jiang Chen felt the breath between heaven and earth, and seemed to be even more Careful, more refined, the atmosphere that I can feel, and the more sorrowful, the middle of the gods, this step, Jiang Chen looked forward to too long, after a small Tongtian Day and the Great Consummation, finally a complete breakthrough, The joy and excitement of the heart are beyond words.

"The middle of the gods!"

Jiang Chen punched out, the mountains and rivers thundered, whizzing past, shaking the sky. At this time, if you once again confronted the Xuanyuan Mountains, Jiang Chen had the confidence to be able to abolish it without any effort.

"Yes, your strength has really broken through the middle of the Emperor's Kingdom. It is a step forward from the strong emperor."

Zulonghuang said with great gratification, Jiang Chen's strength is strong enough, then it shows that his future hopes will be greater. Now the dragons can't control themselves. Jiang Chen's arm is indispensable.

"Right, shadow!"

Jiang Chen’s mind was moved, and Qing Xuan and Long Ying’er appeared in front of themselves.

"Jiang Chen big brother, shadow her... I am afraid it will not work..."

The eyes of Qingxuan are full of despair, and the breath of Longying's eyes is completely dissipated. The blood of the dragon is completely exhausted. Now she has dried up the lamp, it seems that only the wick is left, there is no lamp oil.

At that moment, Qing Xuan saw the Zulong Emperor, feeling the power of the majestic dragon soul, her heart was extremely trembling, she knew that she saw something that should not be seen, this person, the strength is too horrible, she I can't imagine at all what kind of existence he is.

However, Qingxuan is very clever, she will not ask more, and will not say more, let alone Jiang Chen’s big brother is very kind to her.

"Shadow, sorry!"

Jiang Chen's fists clenched and he was stunned. Although his strength was making a breakthrough, he found that he could not help the shadows to recover. He could do nothing.

"She hasn't completely died yet, and there is still a breath. If you ignite the wick and continue to burn the lamp, you will be able to survive. But you need to give him the power to continue the blood. In that case, the two of you must be water and melt." ”

Zu Longhuang said with a serious face.

"Water...water* melt?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes looked at him.

"It's just a matter of men and women. Is this also for me to teach you?"

Zulong Huang took a look at Jiang Chen, and said:

"My genius girl of the dragon family is cheaper."

"This... is really a bit difficult."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, this time, he turned out to be a little embarrassed, male and female love, it should be a matter of mutual affection, but now it is simply to catch the ducks, but Jiang Chen knows that now it should be There is no other way, otherwise, Zulonghuang should not choose to do so.

"You are still not happy."

The Zulong Emperor sighed.

"Jiang Chen big brother, you must hurry, or the shadow girl may be dangerous."

Qing Xuan said with a red face.

What makes me hurry up? Jiang Chen’s old face is red, and this is too shameful. But after thinking about it, this is all about saving the shadows. When she wakes up, she will explain it to her. After all, this is the only way.

Jiang Chen looks dignified. At this time, only his own blood force can save her. It is also the only way. Jiang Chen knows that he is duty-bound!

The shadows of Jiang Chen and Long Yinger are slowly intertwined, and they are constantly overlapping. On both of them, a thick layer of giant pythons is born, which eventually forms a ten-meter-large giant egg.

In the pillar of the sea heart, there is no such thing as a long time. I don’t know how long it took. The two people finally woke up, and the giant egg was also cracked.

Jiang Chen took the lead to wake up and saw the naked woman in her arms. The hair seemed to be longer, her figure seemed to be better, and the smile on her lips seemed sweeter. The dragon shadow in his chest seemed to complete the girl. The metamorphosis is like a woman who is at the national level. When I see it, Jiang Chen actually looks at it.


A screaming sound woke up Jiang Chen from the hustle and bustle. At that moment, the shadow clutched his clothes that had obviously not fit, biting his red lips, his eyes filled with shame and anger, but After anger, she seemed to feel a hint of guilt and panic.

"Jiang Chen brother, you, you, you actually..."

Long Ying children don't go too far, with tears on her face, she never imagined that Jiang Chen's brother would actually do such a thing to himself.

"Hey, shadow, this thing is not what you think. You are already dying. I only have this way. After you complete the water, you can completely transmit the power of the blood to you and complete the salvation for you. ,if not--"

Jiang Chen said bitterly. At this time, he didn’t want to turn his face and confess when he finished eating his mouth. But he was a bit embarrassed. He didn’t know how to face the dragon shadow. He used to treat her completely. My sister looked at it.

But at this moment, Long Yinger seems to have grown up completely. Whether it is body or face, whether it is temperament or eyes, it is no longer the 28 girls, but a young woman who wants to refuse to return. Full of shame and jealousy.

"Sorry, Jiang Chen brother, I am blaming you, but..."

Long Yinger wants to stop, she does not know how to face Jiang Chen brother, her heart is very fond of Jiang Chen, subtle, has become love, she has never cared a man, she knows this It is a love from the heart. Otherwise, how can she give up her death to Jiang Die, and think about letting him escape the birth?

"You can rest assured that I will be responsible for you."

Jiang Chen said that he naturally would not have left the shadow of the dragon, although it is passive, although it is to save people, but ruined the girl who did not intend to be responsible for the innocence of the world, Jiang Chen could not do it. Moreover, Dragon Shadow is lively and lovely, kind and gentle, and it is also loved by Jiang Chen. He couldn't help but think of the ice-clear and clean, understanding girl, light rain, light rain, wherever you are, you know how much I miss you.

[Today's two more, my son got pneumonia, sent to the intensive care unit warm box, busy for an afternoon, now no mood code words, sorry. 】

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