Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3559: Showing identity

Jiang Chen looked stunned and looked gloomy. He looked at the figure above the void and his face was extremely dignified.

"The dragon patriarch, hezhi!"

Jiang Chen didn't think that he had actually alerted him to personally, but he remembered the seaweed in his hand. He was quite relieved. It is estimated that even Qi Zhi is very jealous of his own seaweed. At this time, he is destined to become The target of the public, the dragon people, have completely torn the face, or, say, shameless.

"It seems that today is really going to die."

Jiang Chen’s heart is extremely repressed. This battle is very difficult for him. However, if he wants to leave here, Jiang Chen is not empty. The strength of the eight elders of the Dragons should be weakened. After all, the soul is hit hard. They did not think of it themselves.

"Hand over the seaweed, maybe this seat can spare you a life."

He said that he stood up and said with a low voice.

Behind him, dozens of dragon masters, all flew in, black pressure, the gods and gods are everywhere, the nine elders arrived as scheduled, Long Jingze looked very sad in this scene, Jiang Chen's situation is not As the saying goes, and his daughter is also in it, the situation of Long Yinger also worried him.

"Jiang Chen, you who are going to die, what else can you struggle with? Don't hurry down and call Haixinlian. Maybe our patriarch's kindness can put you in a path."

"You must not make your own mistakes. The self-righteous guy is now too late to return. Don't wait until you finally regret it. My dragon is not a good one, boy, you are digging your own grave."

"I really don't know what to do, it's the end of the matter, and I want to be an enemy of the Dragon. I want to know, you have a few heads."

The people of the Dragons are disdainful, and they are quite contemptuous of Jiang Chen. Now it is a must-have. I don’t know what he is still insisting on. He can make this **** kill the dragon genius. It is really people. Angry. But the deceased has passed away. Now Jiang Chen is living well. How can the dragons not be angry?

After Jiang Chen killed Long Haoyue, he had already provoked the anger of the entire dragon.

"It seems that it is not easy to want or leave today."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

"Jiang Chen brother, you go first, after I break, you don't have to worry about me later. As a dragon, they won't treat me, but you are different. You killed Long Haoyue, now everyone. I want to kill you."

Long Yinger whispered, in the eyes, there was a strong color of anxiety.

"A fool, what do you think I am? When I left you alone here, how could they let you go? Do you think I am stupid? Even if I did, I can’t escape. Off, especially the Dragon patriarch personally, my situation will be very difficult."

Jiang Chen touched the head of Long Ying's head and said that his mouth was always with a faint smile.

The dragon shadow children bite the red lips, and the glamorous eyes are in the eyes, but with a trace of despair, how strong the dragon patriarch is, no doubt, with the current strength of Jiang Chen’s brother, it is absolutely impossible to compete. Entangled, then there is only one result, Jiang Chen big brother will die.

"Since I know, I don't want to let go, I don't want to fight. After all, this is the land of the dragons."

The faint road seems to give Jiang Chen's face, but Jiang Chen does not appreciate it. These guys are robbers.

"Why do I rely on my own efforts to get something from the price of my life, but I have to give it to you dragons? If you have the skills yourself, why not take it yourself? The so-called dragons are just a group of people. Only for generations."

Jiang Chen cold eyes, sneered and said.

"You killed my dragon genius is true, you are also messing up the dragon ancient land, this is just a punishment for you."

Indifferent to the saying, Jiang has been cured of the crime.

"Well, I will accompany you to the end today, and I will have a good time with you. I have to look at it. I will leave Jiang Chen, who can stop me."

Jiang Chen holds the Tianlong sword, and he is so screaming, screaming and murderous.

"The stubbornness is not good."

He shook his head and seemed to have made up his mind to fight with Jiang Chen.

"Wait for anything, give me a shot!"

The elders screamed, but they were already arrogant, and they immediately wanted to take out Jiang Chen. Before that, their eight elders were all traumatized by the soul. Today’s strength is only seven or eighty percent, but even so, against Jiang Chen, Still full of confidence.

"Give me back!"

A violent drink, like the thunder of falling from the sky, resounding through the void, everyone is incomparably shocked, face to face, heart and soul are shocked, an unparalleled pressure, shrouded over everyone's head, Jiang Chen looked up and looked At a glance, Zu Longhuang finally has to be shot at this time.

"Who? Dare to make a trip to my dragon?"

敖 敖 敖 敖 , , , , , , , , , , , , 敖 , , , , , , , , , 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖 祖Force, there is a feeling of unclearness, it seems that he is in front of him, and he can’t produce the slightest resistance.

"you are……"

When I was in my heart, my face changed slightly, and the people around the dragons were all looking scared and even had the urge to worship.

"Yes... Zulong Emperor! Is it the Dragon King of my Dragon?"

"Isn't the Zulong Emperor already fallen? How could it still be here?"

"After the rumors of the Battle of Taikoo, the Zulong Emperor was sacrificed, how is this possible!"

Countless people exclaimed, and the complexion was quite ugly.

"Those who dare to make a trip to the Dragons should be you. You are a group of ignorant rats. I am the one who made me in the same year. You don’t even know how to cherish it. It really disappoints me."

The ancestors of the ancestors screamed coldly, and their hearts trembled and their faces were blue and green. Is this really the Zulong Emperor? Some doubts in his mind, but they dare not refute, because in front of the ancestors of the ancestors, it seems that there is no rebellious heart, the blood pressure, so that everyone is afraid to look up and see Zulong Emperor.

Zulonghuang is the first true dragon to open up the sky and the ancestor of the dragon family. It is the ancestor of all dragons!

The identity of the ancestors is placed there, and the atmosphere is there. Even if it is sly, it is speechless. I don’t know what to say. If he is really the ancestors, then today’s World War I am afraid. It’s going to be ruined.

Facing the high-end Huang Pao old man in front of him, I feel that my heart is full of feelings, and there is a feeling of riding a tiger, and it is a dilemma.

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