Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3578: Star River Sword

The star river swords, nine turns to the sky, the Beidou shift, the stars cut off!

The swords of the road are flickering, Jiang Chen meets the difficulties, and the swords of the borderless swords are exerted. The swords of the stars and the swords of the stars are cut down. It is like a waterfall, and the sky is as long as the frost.

The two people are constantly intertwined, and the stars on the nine days seem to have fallen down by Jiang Huaiyu.

"Fighting with me, you are too tender."

The ankle and the very domineering said, sneer, rushed for nine days, a sword cross-cut, the ice wall collapsed, the ice cones fell, the heavens and the earth changed.

"Whoever laughs at the end, who is the best laugh."

Jiang Chen said indifferently, the sword of no borders and the sword of the Xinghe River, the autumn colors are equally divided, no one can help, the Galaxy sword has been cast to the extreme by Jiang Huaiyu, but Jiang Chen’s sword of no border has been constantly rising. , constantly looking for stronger swordsmanship.

Although Jiang Chen may not be able to condense the sword 21 in a short period of time, the sword 20 is constantly upgrading, constantly changing, and constantly impacting, but it is imposing, and it is hard to resist.

The sword of no border, silent, endless, this is the true meaning of the sword of no border, no end, no end!

Jiang Chen is determined to be idle, the sword is slanted, and the Tianlong sword roars out. The swordsman is bursting, killing the dead, and breaking the sky.

Jiang Huaiyu faced Jiang Chen’s super-strong combat power and he did not dare to take it lightly. After all, this guy is a master of art, and he is willing to be a green leaf around him. Jiang Huaiyu knows that Jiang Chen is not simple, he wants to win him. It is not that easy.

"Da Yan refining the soul, destroying the soul!"

Jiang Chen's soul moves, thousands of virtual shadows, cut through the sky, like the earth's secluded general, the soul is open to the sky, destroying the soul.

"The horrible soul is oppressed!"

Jiang Huaiyu's look changed greatly, but he went back, but Jiang Chen's soul power has been overwhelmed. Jiang Huaiyu never thought that Jiang Chen's soul power could be strong enough to reach such a level. When I quit, I looked shocked, but I was still hit hard, and I was so fascinated that there was even a stagnation, groggy, and my soul was created.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he seized the opportunity. He took the wind and started a sword. Jiang Huaiyu spurted out a blood, his eyes suddenly opened, facing the dust of Jiang Chen’s swearing, and he took the initiative and took the sword, but Jiang Chen’s sword has already fallen. The power of the ten elephants in Kowloon has pressed the millennium. Jiang Shengyu has been pushed into the ground more than three feet. The Star Beidou sword has not helped him resist the impact of Jiang Chen at this moment. .

Tianlong sword slammed down, accompanied by Jiang Huaiyu's star Beidou sword, the two swords crossed, inserted into the shoulders of Jiang Huaiyu, into the meat three points, bloody.

"Xinghe Jiujian!"

Jiang Huaiyu screamed, screaming at the sword, forced to retreat Jiang Chen, his face was extremely white, and his body was no longer innocent, and he looked very embarrassed.

The Xinghe Jiujian, turned into the light of the nine stars, each of them seems to be a sword from the outside world, blocking the dust in all directions, without any shape.

"I want you to pay for your blood!"

Jiang Huaiyu screamed and exhausted, the nine swords fell, the meteors fell, cut through the sky, and went to Jiang Chen crit.

"God bell gold cover!"

Jiang Chen holds the East Emperor Bell and immediately traverses the knife. The light of the nine stars is all on the east bell of Jiang Chen. The light and shadow are scattered and the layers are bursting. However, Donghuangzhong is still proud.

With the increase of Jiang Chen's strength, whether it is Donghuangzhong or Tianlongjian, it is more and more powerful. Although Donghuangzhong is a broken artifact, even then, Jiang Chen can't display all its power, really. The ancient artifacts are true to the ancient monks, and that is enough to reverse the existence of heaven.

"When the East Emperor was holding the East Emperor's Bell in one hand, sweeping through the ages, and establishing a court, what a power, what a glory. It's a pity... Hey, this East Emperor Bell has also been broken, but the dead camel than Ma Da, Jiang Chen, this guy is really getting more and more surprised."

Wu De Laodao muttered, the horrible Donghuangzhong, even he is very jealous, even though today's Donghuangzhong is just a disillusioned artifact, but the East Emperor's clock, which represents the majesty of the court, is still not small. watch for.

Donghuangzhong Jinguang was released, and the gods were forbidden. On the sky above, the ice melted and melted, and the light of the nine stars in front of Jiang Huaiyu was wiped out. The means of terror was shocked by Heaven and Man. , still unparalleled!

Jiang Huaiyu stepped back and his face was pale, but the pressure of Donghuangzhong was still not stopped.

"The riot of the stars, the light of the Beidou!"

Jiang Huaiyu's eyes are like a torch, and he swears to death. Jiang Chen's Donghuang Zhong is too horrible. He has no hidden secrets. If he can kill Jiang Chen, then he will not lose.

Countless stars gather, the sword is falling, the Beidou sword is rising, and the wind is blowing.

Jiang Chen holds the East Emperor Bell and is strongly suppressed. However, Jiang Huaiyu’s Xinghe Swordsman is also extremely horrible, and he argues that he will not let it.

Accompanied by a golden and blue light, the two sides of the light gathered together, and finally they completely dissipated, and the light retreated. Jiang Huaiyu squatted back and looked grim.

Jiang Chen stood up and held the East Emperor Bell, and the momentum was detached, still very indifferent.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be so strong, you can die under my last sword, and it is dead!"

Jiang Huaiyu slowly stepped in, holding the star Beidou sword, his mouth and his mouth sullen, killing like a rainbow, the pace is steady, and the momentum swallows.

"Reverse Stars! Star River Swords!"

Jiang Huaiyu violently rises, like a thunder, a sword comes east, spurs the nine-day star, the endless star river, that sword, even Jiang Chen is also extremely shocking, full of dignity.

"Sword twenty!"

The sword of no border, for the first time, there was a stagnation. Although the sword was not defeated, it was hard to say that Jiang Huaiyu’s terror was irresistible.

The sword is fighting in the sky, and when it is strong, it is strong. It is the strongest combination with Tianlongjian. When it hits the front, no one can go further.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s eyes are linked, and the big heavenly machine is wearing a sword, and one-handedly prints and breaks the sky!

"Yan Tianyin!"

Jiang Chen turned his hand, and a seal was made, and the chaos of the world was astounding. With a shuddering imperial connotation, Yan Tianyin forced Jiang Huaiyu to retreat, leaving Jiang Huaiyu completely defeated, his face pale, even a plop, Sitting on the ground, all the blood and bones, all under the Jiang Chen print, became bloody.


Under the rush of blood, Jiang Huaiyu had no breath. If he had a golden paper, he really lost. Even if he was defeated, there was no room for resignation. Jiang Chen closed his hand and stared at Jiang Huaiyu. He had to say that his strength was very strong. Strong, but only the people I met were themselves.

[The golden festival of the website has not really participated, the dragon pattern is almost finished, Lao Su also wants to fight for it. The monthly users have an appreciation ticket every day, and they are wasted if they don’t vote. In addition, you can get a reward for ten yuan. Appreciate the ticket, there is no upper limit, I hope that the brothers will support me and vote for me. Whether it is throwing a dragon or a sword, it is the greatest support. 】

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