Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3581: Xiang Xiaoyu, who is pity

In desperation, Jiang Chen urged Yan Tianyin to play again. The power of the Tao in the body is already running out. However, Yan Tianyin’s outing is indeed a retreat from the six Raytheon guards, but that’s it. Their bodies are like King Kong, and even the power of the Tao has not been able to destroy them.

However, Jiang Chen wants to come. After all, they have all been strong in the emperor's territory. The body can be imagined, and Jiang Dian's current power of the road is still too weak, and they can't let them fly away. They can only fight for a battle.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen finally knew what the meaning of the "dead" of Wu De Lao Dao. His strength is enough to fight the strong man in the late period of the Imperial Emperor. But even he has been helpless and forced to complain. The other three, the situation is no better than him.

Thunder like a waterfall, from the warhammer of Raytheon's Guard, constantly spurting out, Jiang Chen ignores the Thunder, and meets the difficulties, but just because of this moment, the Tianlong sword in his hand is shaking at this moment, shaking The arms are numb, it is difficult to continue, only to go back.

At this time, the ancestors of the ancestors were still in the rest of their lives, and they did not help, and they could not help.

When the black scorpion flag came out, it was directly swept away by the Thunder. The horror of the Thunder guards can be imagined. In the face of the fierce thunderous impact, the black scorpion flag and the sacred flag are unsustainable and cannot be played out. Any power.

The ancestral tower and the mother-in-law are also unable to suppress these six Raytheon guards, because they are too strong, the teacher of justice, the yang to the Gang, the mighty and unparalleled.

"The town of magic monument!"

Jiang Chen gripped the town's magic monument with one hand, but it still did not help. The town's magic monument could not suppress this Raytheon guard, so that Jiang Chen was almost desperate. This Thunder guard is too abnormal, right? Even the town's magic monument is helpless, this is the first time he encountered such a thing.

Raytheon Guard, too fierce, pure yang to just, Wanfa does not invade, let Jiang Chentou as big as a fight!

"It’s yours to treat the people with their own way."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are cold, and only Tianlei can fight with one.


Jiang Chen’s palms moved, and the power of four heavens and thunders descended from the sky. He launched a desperate fight with the six Raytheon guards. The thunder was born, and the six Raytheon guards were also stagnate. The impact on Jiang Chen gradually disappeared from the previous strong. The thunder and the six thunder guards have also become a lot slower.

"There is a play!"

Jiang Chen’s heart was tight, and he sighed with relief. The thousands of smashing thunders continued to run through them. It seemed to reduce their attack power. Even the thunder guards faced the impact of Jiang Chen’s four thunders. It seems to be stretched.

Jiang Chen’s thunder continued to fall. He felt that the consciousness and attack of Raytheon’s guards were waning and his heart was overjoyed.

Lei, between the heavens and the earth, the things from the sun to the right, the power of the thunder, the Thor guards are completely purified, and without a trace of the next time, their last guardianship of Raytheon is gradually being dispelled, even get rid of. The power of the thunder makes their strength become stronger, but the impact on Jiang Chen is even weaker, because the purification of the thunder is their consciousness.

"Raytheon Guard, cleanse me!"

Jiang Chen dumped everything, and the power of the gods in the body was completely without any reservation. All of them were turned into a heavenly thunder. Throughout the whole, the nine thunder guards were all hit by the thunder at this moment. Dao Tianlei is constantly intertwined in the body of Raytheon, making these nine Raytheon guards stronger, but they are no longer attacking Jiang Chen and others.

That scene, the incomparable thrills, the old man of Wude was almost smashed by the hammer of Raytheon.

"Infinite Buddha, Grandma's, scared the baby."

After the robbery of Wu De Lao Dao, he sighed and sighed, his face was already cold and sweaty.

The cold and the shadow of the dragon are also a lot easier, because Jiang Chen’s power of the thunder has completely purified the consciousness of these nine Raytheon guards.

Lian Jiangchen is also relieved. If these four thunders can't break the consciousness of Raytheon's guards and treat their own people with their own way, then Jiang Chen really doesn't know how to deal with them.

Jiang Huaiyu in the distance has a lingering fear. This scene is too big for him. This Jiang Chen is really abnormal. He is also in the middle of the gods, but with the strength he shows today, even God. The strong man in the late period of the royal family may not be his opponent. It is also reasonable to lose himself today.

Long Yinger showed a brilliant smile. Jiang Chen’s brother was a success after all. Once again, he turned the tide and fell down. He finally escaped the pursuit of these Raytheon guards. They were all happy.

Cold as the smoke looks cold, what is in the mind, no one knows, but he has to be convinced of Jiang Chen, this guy is really more terrible than himself.

Jiang Chen's face was pale, and he was leaning against the ice wall. Today his strength is exhausted.

No one had thought that the Yantai Jingzang had rushed out at this moment, and the sword pointed to Jiang Chen.

"Do you want to avenge the fossils?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, looking at the collapse of the Taiwanese, but her hand is constantly shaking, only a short one centimeter from Jiang Chen’s chest.

"Why, why do you want to kill the fossils of the fossils, why do you want to be so cruel, why do you want to do this, why!"

The Fujian and Taiwan Tibetans constantly asked Jiang Chen, and at the same time, they asked themselves, what should she do? This sword should not be left behind. Should it be revenge for the entire Fossil?

"There is no reason why I am self-conscious and worthy of the world."

Jiang Chen shook his head, his face was calm, his eyes were like water, and even if he killed the 100,000 souls of the fossils, he still did not regret it.

"You are worthy of the heavens and the earth, then who is going to make atonement for the 100,000 innocent dead souls?"

Yantai passed through the red lips, and said one word at a time.

Jiang Chen’s smile makes it extremely incomparable to the ruins of the Taiwanese, because in his eyes, the 100,000 souls are not worth mentioning.

However, she and the former director, the 100,000 souls helped the abuse, never once complained for their apprentices? Ten thousand souls, watching Wang Fengqi being detained, they only spit, only contempt.

At this moment, the Yantai Passage was rushing forward without hesitation, and a sword was inserted into the chest of Jiang Chen!

Long Yinger originally had a smiling face, but it was abruptly changed and rushed to Jiang Chen.

That sword, failed to stab the heart of Jiang Chen, did not stab the key to Jiang Chen.

"My hatred, reported, but unfortunately, my sword is too bad."

The Fujian and Taiwan fascinating smiles, the hundred charming, the beautiful things, the beauty is suffocating, but the miserable smile is heart-wrenching.

Jiang Chen mouth spit blood, his face pale, not waiting for the dragon shadow to fly to the end, the Fujian and Taiwan rushed back to the military front, swallowed the sword, in the complex eyes of Jiang Chen, straight down quite, the soul Flying, fragrant and jade!

Between the two, the ice is scattered, but I don’t know if the flowers bloom and the flowers are full of flowers.

[Follow my WeChat public account Su Yuexi, there will be a red envelope tomorrow]

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