Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3588: Such as the dew, go to the sun

"What happened? The bells of Shan Haizong have not been heard for ten thousand years."

"When the bells ring, there will be big things happening. I don't know what it is, I can make Shan Haizong pay so much attention."

"Yeah, go, let's see, we haven't been so busy for a long time."

Within the entire mountain sea sect, the bells are melodious, the heavens and the earth are turbulent, the mountains are in the gloom, and the sea winds up, making the whole mountain sea sects within miles, all running away, and countless disciples, flocking to the center of Shanhaizong.

As the top of the Chinese territory, second only to the Buddhism Tower and the Wudan Temple, the horror of Shan Haizong is by no means a fossil sect, a ghost of the sect of the sect, and can be compared, Shan Haizong is like a cloud, and his disciples are tens of millions. It is a disciple above the gods. It has already passed tens of thousands. There are thousands of disciples in the kingdom of the gods, and there are hundreds of powerful people in the realm of the gods. Such a huge thing can be called a real top. Zongmen!

Even the Wudan Hall and the Futuo Tower, for the super-large gates such as Shan Haizong, are not dare to act rashly, and they are moving all over the body. It can be seen that the horror of Shan Haizong is unbelievable.

Above the void, Shan Haizong's three elders stand up and stare at the tens of thousands of disciples under the void, the dignified color of their faces. This is an unprecedented gathering of them in the history of Shan Haizong, and countless disciples are running away.

The three elders are majestic, the power is shocking, and countless disciples are worshipping. As one of the best sects on the entire state of China, the grand event of Shan Haizong is a grand event above the entire state.

As the coordinator of Shan Haizong, Yang Zen is very dignified, cold-eyed, and 100,000 disciples are all looking at him silently, looking forward to it.

Countless noisy sounds make the entire mountain belly full of resounding, dozens of thousands of disciples, you say a word, are guessing, what the three elders have to announce, so that they are expected.

"Today's event is the grand event of my mountain Haizong. It is worthy of the celebration of the whole day, and everyone is cheering. I am the three elders, Yang Zen, and the main sacred priest of Fengshan, once again announced that after 100 days, in my mountain Haizong, a contest will be held. Under the universal sky, whoever can become the ultimate winner, can become a disciple of Shan Haizong, the son-in-law of Shan Haizong."

Yang Zen’s words made the entire Shanhaizong a very shocking shock. Countless people are eager to try and can’t help but watch each other, because everyone is incomparably curious. Who is this so-called female disciple?

"The main priest of the mountain, his introductory disciple Ling Xiao, 窈窕 lady, 良良淑德, is the model of my mountain Haizong, female Zhongyingjie, therefore, the pro-granting of the marriage, for my mountain Haizong Wannian big joy, it is gratifying what."

Yang Zen said proudly.

In an instant, the whole mountain sea sect is in vain!

Ling Xiao, that is the goddess of Shan Haizong. It is the first disciple of Shan Haizong. The strength is not strong, but it is also the disciple of the mountain master. The future is boundless, and the strength is shocked.

In the whole mountain Haizong, countless people are far behind, although there are many admirers, but few people dare to show their love to Ling Xiao, because everyone knows that Shan Haizong’s master brother Jun Cong is the most powerful supporter of Ling Xiao. Who dares to step into the half-step of Ling Xiao, it is estimated that it will be repulsed by Jun Juncong, or even... obliterate!

Ling Xiao Tianzi's excellence, glamorous, and lonely, is one of the most talented disciples of Shan Haizong. I don't know how many people regard it as a dream lover.

At this moment, Jun Juncong looked at Yang Zen silently, and looked at Ling Xiao on the distant mountain peak. The corner of his mouth flashed a sense of confidence.

"No one can take you away from me, you must be mine."

Jun Juncong clenched his fists tightly, his eyes sparkling with strange colors. At this moment, he finally waited. It seems that the mountain owner has decided to give him Ling Xiao Xu, even if it is in the whole mountain sea, even Is it a young talent who is above the entire state of China, and who can compare with himself?

This time, I was attracted by the military. Although it was quite rushing, it made the whole mountain sea sect. It was a stormy wave, and it continued to exclaim. It made countless male disciples crazy and female disciples jealous. This is the great glory of the mountain lord personally giving birth.

"Three elders, I don't want to be a Taoist with people, and I don't want to participate in the contest."

Ling Xiao out of the crowd, stepping on the air, and the three elders eyes straight, Zhu lips lightly, whispered.

Yang Zen brows a twist, said Shen Sheng:

"This is the holy priest of the mountain lord. You can't let yourself, Ling Xiao, you still have to take a good look at yourself. The words of the mountain lord are not to be rebellious. Otherwise, you will be unimaginably punished."

Ling Xiao still shakes his head with incomparable persistence.

"Ling Wei does not have this kind of heart. It is not sincerely contrary to the wishes of the mountain owners. He has married the faces of the three elders. I am just as good at stopping the water and practicing with one heart. I am not here."

"That can not be you, this is a lifelong event, the mountain master Jinkou Yuyan, can not be recovered, the mountain master did not personally tell you, but let me announce this time, you should understand that the mountain owner is all for your sake. You I don’t know what to do."

Yang Zen said with a serious face, cold screaming, Ling Xiao’s heart trembled, it seems that this is the meaning of the mountain owner, and the mountain owner did not directly tell himself, this way, it also decided that she wants to violate the mountain owner. The meaning of willingness is not to solicit opinions from her, but to inform and inform everyone that, in the name of Ling Xiao, the contest of the contest will surely make the whole of the state of China more and more turbulent.

Ling Xiaohong’s lips were bitten and her face was white. Her heart was also grayed out. I thought that Shan Haizong could continue to cultivate with peace of mind, but it still seems to be unable to escape the control of the world. I thought the mountain owner was quite kind to her. For Ende, but in the end it would be such a situation.

Ask the world what the situation is, teach the life and death.

Ling Xiao can't help but think of Jiang Chen, the man who doesn't want to marry her. Since she is already*, she will be the wife of Jiang Chen for the rest of her life. She will never marry again, even though they are going to go again, but she will not go after all. Leaving the world of Jiang Chen, if you love, you will love it. If you hate it, you will hate it. If the two feelings are long, you will be in the dynasty. If you have love in your heart, it will be enough, even if Jiang Chen can’t give her a Peace of mind.

No one understands that at this moment, Ling Xiao’s mood, all the people of Shanhaizong, are waiting silently, waiting for the real strong, to embark on the Nine Miles, to marry the goddess in their minds, Ling Xiao. Although they have a heart, they are also happy to see such an unprecedented event.

Yang Chen's unwavering, but also crushed the dream of Ling Xiao's heart, it seems that she will not escape the fate of the claws, but if there is such a day, she would rather die.

For example, if you are exposed to the sun, you will go to the end of the day, and you will live forever.

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