Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3597: The good use of the mountain owner!

The gray robe man sighed and shook his head. This scene is obviously not what he expected. The Ba Chaoyuan is not a small character. It is a big disciple of the King Kong Buddhism Hall. It is a proud disciple of the King Kong Buddhism, just in his mountains and seas. The sect is dead, and there is always some that cannot be said.

As the mountain lord of Shan Haizong, Liao Yunsheng is also full of dignity in his heart, but this is the end of the matter, only the soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil.

"First, don't move, the floating tower should not come so fast, everything, wait until the end of the contest."

Liao Yunsheng said faintly, his look was indifferent, and he turned around and floated away before leaving Zongtang.

"Yes, the mountain owner."

Yang Zengong sent the mountain owner, he knows who the mountain mainly went to see.

Three days, the moment is coming, and this moment, Liao Yunsheng also came to the peak where Ling Xiao is located.

Hundreds of flowers bloom, birds and flowers are fragrant, but for Lingyun, even if it is beautiful again, it is no different from **** on earth. She does not want to stay here for a second.

Ling Xiao sat there, screaming out of the face, without a trace of blood on his face, although still beautiful, as the one out in the painting, but it is a bit of a lost soul.

I have carried countless sorrows. In the end, I was regarded as a canary by Shan Haizong. I am captive here, and it seems that Ling Xiao’s once mundane dreams have all become a bubble and fragmented.

Jiang Chen’s figure is constantly appearing in his mind. Will he come? Shouldn't it, he is thousands of miles away, why did he have to be himself? If he really has the heart, he may have been searching for himself in the world. If he really loves, why did he leave?

Yes, the person who left is himself, but after listening to his refusal, he decided to leave, because she is not a person who likes to force others, let alone her love.

For decades, as the day passed, there are many dreams, gods and gods, unintentional, unintentional, ruthless, and ultimately only two worlds, just like two parallel lines, there will never be intersecting tracks.

"Your heart doesn't seem to be here."

An indifferent voice made Ling Xiao’s heart tremble, but he did not look up, because whoever came, she already knew that at this moment, his appearance was nothing more than to persuade himself. At the beginning, he was determined to push himself. Going out, the moment of recruiting relatives, Ling Xiao’s enthusiasm for him has already died. This master has completely let her feel what is warm and cold, and the world is cold, and she is only a pawn. If the use of the use is not played out, then it is even less useful.

People are affectionate, the master treats her very well, teaches the exercises, and the feelings are still there. Although Ling Xiao knows that his heart may not care at all, she can't, but until this moment, she is grateful. But his own destiny, after all, was played by people.

She wants to be angry and wants to tear up the agreement, but with her strength, she can't do it. In this mountain sea, she feels that she doesn't even have the bird flying above the sky more free.

"My heart is already dead. The former Ling Xiao has long been gone."

Ling Xiao said.

"From the moment you refused to see me, I knew that I was just a dispensable piece. The master's Shan Haizong is more important than anything else."

Ling Xiao smiled awkwardly, and there was no more hate in her heart. When she got out of this cage, it was when she fell. If there is no love, there will be no color, and it will be spent for decades. In her heart, There is only one expectation left.

However, that one expectation is also very embarrassing, and even people can't see any hope.

"Oh, that's the case, but do you know the hard work of the teacher?"

Liao Yunsheng felt a sigh of relief, but it seemed to be very lonely. The brilliance in his eyes seemed to have dimmed in a flash.

Ling Xiaomei frowned and looked at him silently. He seemed to hope that his well-respected master could give her a reasonable explanation.

"I just want to find a wishful Langjun for you, for the inheritance of Shan Haizong. In my eyes, even Jun Juncong is not my first choice, the inheritor of Shan Haizong, I only care about you. Although I want to give everything to you, but your time at Shanhaizong is still too short, and the foundation is still shallow. Therefore, I have come up with a way to recruit relatives and find a wishor for you. Jun, I would like to entrust you with all the great mountains and seas. No matter who is the ultimate winner, you must enter Shanhaizong, and you will be able to work for Shanhaizong, so that you can work together to help you. At that time, Shan Haizong will be more stable."

"I am all for you, oh, I didn't think you would reject me like this. Do you really think that your master is such a ignorant person? I do it all for you, In order to make you the real master of Shan Haizong, I will pave the way for you. I know that you may refuse, so I chose to retreat at that time and deliver everything to the three elders. In this case, you will not have With the opportunity of refusal, you can become the real princess of Shan Haizong. At that time, no matter who you are, you are destined to serve Shanhaizong, serve you, and become your rider. I am afraid that you refuse, accepting Shan Haizong. The position of the mountain master can only make this decision."

Liao Yunsheng's words, the long-term focus, so that Ling Xiao is a little dumbfounded, looking at his master, is it true that he really misunderstood him?

Even so, he could not decide his own destiny in this way. Ling Xiao never thought about becoming the mountain lord of Shan Haizong. To become the wife of others, he must control this huge sect.

"I don't have such a big ambition, Master, why, why do you want to go it alone? Why! If you tell me one by one, maybe it won't be like this. Besides me, there are so many Shanhaizong. Young talents can be truly leaders. Why, why did you choose me? Isn’t he the most suitable candidate?

Ling Xiao muttered, his eyes still filled with painful colors.

"He is still too arrogant and too arbitrary. It is not something you can imagine. If I give him the entire Shanhaizong so irresponsibly, then the entire Shanhaizong may become a human purgatory. At that time, there may be many people who will become his slaves."

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