Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3605: Ning negative heaven, not negative

Master, you are not saying, is your most important successor, is it me? You are not saying, is it to find someone who can really help me, and then to hold a contest? You are not saying, I am your most proud disciple...

At that moment, Ling Xiao suddenly realized that the master did not seem to do what he said, but he did not die with Jiang Chen directly. He wanted to kill him. The kind of killing was already infiltrated in the bones. Everything in front of him was It’s just a false feeling.

"Yes, the mountain owner!"

Yang Chan smiled slightly, he finally can shoot, killing Jiang Chen, it is imperative, this guy is full of anger and embarrassment to himself, how can he spare him?

"Kid, next year, today is your jealous day, accept the trial."

Yang Zen said with pride, and the gesture of arrogance is still high.

"What do you want to add to your sin? No, you Shanhaizong, it really makes me open my eyes. Let me guess, you set this contest to recruit, in fact, just to lead me? Maybe I have some self-made Passionate, if it is not to lead me, I really can't think of the second reason. Fishing? Want to lead me to hook, and finally block me in your mountain Haizong, I am right? As a winner The contest champions, you are all martyrdom, my words are never missing, but you are pressing hard, isn’t it just forcing me to follow suit? If I expected to be good, you should already know the secret of me? Otherwise And will not set such a trap, let the strong people above the entire state of Shenzhou, accompany you to play this play?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You are too arrogant, too anxious, but they have exposed your true thoughts, because you have not recognized me as a winner from the beginning, you just use Ling Xiao as a scorpion, really want me to shoot, and finally will me Is it right? As the owner of Shanhaizong Mountain, this method is indeed a despicable one, but it is a good way, hahaha. You have done it, you really let me look at it. Isn’t it for the inheritance of the gods? Nowadays, it shouldn’t be a secret above the entire state of China. It’s just that many people still don’t know how vicious these guys are.

Jiang Chen’s words once again let the whole mountain sea sect boil, and the craftsman inherits! Many of the gods who have come to take the written test, even the gods and gods, know that one or two. Ten thousand years ago, the gods and gods fell, the inheritance disappeared, and they have always been the fans of the whole world. However, Jiang Chen is today. At this time, he said that he was a fan of the inheritance of the gods and gods. He had to say that it was like a heavyweight*, and the thunder was flat, which made everyone shocked and unprepared.

"The inheritance of the gods and gods? Really fake? This Jiang Chen, actually has a heritage of the gods?"

"It’s true that it’s true. You see, the mountain lord of Shan Haizong doesn’t say a word.”

"It’s really embarrassing. It seems that this time it’s a big deal. It’s really a secret plot that they want to fish and attract Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the whole mountain Haizong’s people were all worried. Some people were worried about Jiang Chen’s anger. Some people have already begun to remember the inheritance of Jiang Chen’s body, and some people, for Shan Haizong. The conspiracy seems to be a dubious gesture.

Ling Xiao silently looked at Jiang Chen, she would not believe Jiang Chen, remembering what the master said to himself before, all are fake, Ling Xiao is extremely heartache, watching the master say nothing, silently looking Jiang Chen, in addition to killing, or killing in the eyes, Ling Xiao knows that Jiang Chen did not blame him, this is his purpose, and himself is just a bait for him.

This is simply too shocking. Ling Xiao is not proud of himself as a person of Shan Haizong, or even ashamed, and he is the bait and deceiving person. He is actually his deepest love, but this moment, Jiang Chen’s Destiny is likely to have been doomed. I can’t change it at all. How can Jiang Chen alone reverse Shan Haizong?

I don't kill Bourne, but Bourne died because of me. This is undoubtedly the most painful and even desperate for Ling Xiao, because she still knows everything, but she still has no use.

"I'm sorry... Sorry, sorry... Jiang Chen."

Ling Xiao muttered, although at this moment it is already late, but there is still a hope in her heart, Jiang Chen, you must not give up, leave me alone, if you can leave, don't look back!

"It’s good to say that it’s really the same thing. It seems that I really look down on you."

Liao Yunsheng smiled lightly, did not refuse, and did not deny it. Anyone has already understood that this Liao Yunsheng has not been shocked. He has already explained everything. He already knows that Jiang Chen’s body has a heritage of artisans, so all this is completely like Jiang. As the dust says, it is just a chess game under Shan Haizong.

"It seems that it is no longer important to say this now. Your purpose has been achieved, not to make me appear here. My purpose has been reached."

Jiang Chen looked at Ling Xiao and smiled slightly:

"And my purpose has been reached, I would rather be a heavenly person than a Qing."

At that moment, Ling Xiao’s tears fell like a tear, and Jiang Chen’s smile made her heart melt completely.

This scene, I do not know how many people moved, but for Jiang Chen and Ling Xiao, it is a moment of life and death.

"The road is all chosen by yourself. If you are willing to obey and obey my mountain Haizong, perhaps, there will be no such thing. Now, my face of Shan Haizong has been thrown away by you, so this time, even if It’s Tianwang Laozi, and I can’t save you.”

Yang Chan’s eyes are like a torch, and his fists are clenched. He rises into the air and turns into a streamer, rushing to Jiang Chen.

Everyone was exclaimed and couldn’t help but feel sad for Jiang Chen. Although he had already seen everything, although it was like a plot by Shan Haizong, he still had no idea what to do, and he could not change the status quo. He could choose to bow, but Jiang Chen still Resolutely looked up.

"When Jiang Chen came today, I didn't intend to let you Shan Haizong stop."

Jiang Chen walked on the waves, climbed up, punched it, and slammed it with Yang Zen. In the middle of a sacred kingdom, a late period of the gods, but what everyone did not expect was that Jiang Chen did not fall. In the downwind, it is the fist, the autumn is evenly divided, and the two people are not taking advantage of the slightest.

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