Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3621: Golden light, such as mans on the back

Han Yan and the monks and monks joined forces to attack, and it is unstoppable. Even if Peng Yu joins this camp, it is still unable to force the retreat of the cold, and both of them are in the forefront, even if they occupy an absolute advantage. I dare not have the slightest scorn, because once there is any change, they may become the burden of Jiang Chen, not only can not save the river dust, but also may be killed by the opponent.

"Chen Yan, you are the shadow, it is good, look at who we first hit the opponent, how? Haha."

The monk monk looks at the cold, and laughs and says, with a touch of unremarkable color, the desire and the cold will be high.

Cold and cold, said:

"I am not a small dust opponent. Can't you even beat this stinky monk?"

The indifference of Han Yan is also the anger that makes the monks and monks more and more angry.

"The tiger doesn't pretend that you take me as a sick cat. Today, we are two compared to see who can beat the opponent. If you don't let you obey the post, the monk will be white for so many years."

The two people did not give each other, the means to do it, and Yunge Yao fighting against the British and other people, life and death battle, the momentum is like a rainbow, the skyrocketing shadow and the town of God monuments are constantly intertwined, swallowing the mountains and rivers, Shangguan Hongyan and others, watching the shock, Jiang Chen, the two helpers, can be said to make Peng Yu complain.

"This guy is thought of having such a brother, all of them are very talented."

Shangguan Hongyan’s brows are wrinkled and his looks are cold and cold. The current situation is not good for them. Now Shangguan Hongyan has no strength, and can only watch this scene silently. The reason why he did not leave is because he If you don't want to give up, if you don't share a piece of it, then everything you have done before will not become useless.

"The monk I have heard of it, it is said that in the West China Sea, there is no small movement, saying that it is a reincarnation of the living Buddha, that is, I don't know if it is true."

Liao Yunsheng said with a lingering fear that this monk monk has an extraordinary history and amazing strength, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

"This Jiang Chen is so strong, and his two friends are even super-perverted."

Liao Yunsheng is very malicious to Jiang Chen. After all, Shan Haizong is ruined in the hands of Jiang Chen. This hatred is hateful. Even if Jiang Chen is killed a hundred times, it is not enough to smooth out the anger in his heart.

"I hope that Pengmen will be able to give them a fatal blow."

Shangguan Hongyan sighed and whispered, this is the last expectation of Shangguan Hongyan, whether it is the sorcerer or the sergeant monk, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Peng Yu led Yun Ge Yao and others, and once again began the road of crazy campaign.

"These donkeys are handed over to me, seeing me stepping down the law and trapping them."

Fighting against the British eyes, this Raytheon Guard and the Dragon Rider Tianwei are embarrassing, but the strength is extremely terrible, even the Lord of the Eight Poles is entangled by them, it is obvious, but the battle against the British with the array Should be able to fight with them.

Jiang Chen stared at his two brothers, and his heart was full of sorrows. He was very emotional. His consumption was too big, and it was completely impossible to recover from the moment. Even the addition of the body of all things is a drop in the bucket. .

"Look at the two of you."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, but it was extremely bitter. It was the only pain in his heart that could not fight with them.

"Two guys who don't know how to live, let you see what is the real powerhouse."

Peng Yu’s anger screamed, and the Emperor’s emperor was very successful in the later period, but it was stronger than anyone else. Shangguan Hongyan and Liao Yunsheng looked at each other. They waited for this moment. Even these two guys came to the top and they were good. However, under the violent bombing of Peng Yu, it should be difficult to do anything.

"Boxing eight poles!"

Peng Yu’s punching power, sweeping the universe, the trend is like a rainbow, and rushing out, leading Yunge Yao, Jun Tianqiu, Hao Yunhang three people, the power is like a broken bamboo.

"Wanfo Chaozong!"

The tyrant's monk screamed with a sigh of relief, and the handprints were shocking, and countless buddhas were smashed out, and they were full of golden brilliance.

A Buddhist handprint, if the situation is astounding, but compared with Peng Yu’s fist, it still seems to be stretched. The Buddha’s handprint is constantly forced to retreat. However, this moment’s cold is also descending from the sky. The two men complement each other and must not let the monk monk People are passively beaten.

"Wind and flames, only I am alone!"

The shadows are constantly arrogant, the winds are repeated, the magical spirits, and the tyrants and monks join forces, attack and kill, and Peng Yu completely confronted, not afraid of points.

Peng Yu Li Ma Hengdao, unstoppable, his fist, collapsed all the peaks within a thousand miles, the rocks fell, the avalanches continued, the entire mountain Haizong area, has long been beyond recognition.

Han Yan and the monk monk looked at each other and were shocked by the heavens. They not only quit, but Peng Yu may not be afraid of them, but the three people of Yunge Yao are already surrounded by the flank, and their situation is extremely difficult. Under the enemy's back, the enemy is defeated, and even the chance to breathe is not.

Han Yan and the monks of the tyrants can only guarantee the suspension of the situation, but their situation is the most heart-rending.

"Bastard, eight poles!"

Jiang Chen gnawed his teeth, but he couldn't help, and now his strength has just recovered.

Seeing the situation of Han Yan and the monk monk, it is quite a crisis. Jiang Chen clenches his fists. He feels that he can no longer wait for it. Even if he is dead, he must die with his brother!

"Cold, let you see my true strength."

The monk monk said with a sneer, the cold eyes fell on Peng Yu and others.

"Well, I am waiting to see you."

The cold and radiant confession, the blood in the corner of the mouth overflowed, it has been quite difficult, looking back at Jiang Chen, there is no need to talk between the brothers, even if they hold the last glimmer of strength, they must not let others move Jiang Chen a hair.

"If there is no real skill, how can Laozi be in the West China for so many years."

The tyrants of the monks are shocked, golden and dazzling, a breath of incomparable and peaceful, open from the whole body, as if they have permeated the Kyushu land, it is calm, but with a feeling of worship!

Jiang Chen also silently looked at the monk monk, this guy, it seems that these years in the West China, there are also many adventures, the strength is leaps and bounds, no weaker than themselves.

Jiang Chen never thinks that he is the power of Tian Xuan. Only those who work hard enough can live longer than others, and only those who are diligent enough can stand in the world.

"The 9th Buddha Light, Wonton Relic!"

Between the tyrants and the monks, they are wearing the Buddha's light, facing the difficulties, holding the Yunnian relic in one hand, and holding the monument of the gods in one hand, just like the Buddha of the glory of the world, above the nine-day void.

With one hand moving, the golden light is thousands of miles, like a man on the back, annihilating the sky!

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