Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3625: How did he live for himself?

"Jiang Chen, what should I do? Are we really going to die here?"

The fire unicorn said bitterly, even if it did not expect to help Jiang Chen fight against the enemy after returning, but it turned out to be a life of nine deaths, no, it should be ten dead and no life, who is still able to turn the tide?

Jiang Chen’s expression became dignified, which he could not recover. At this moment, he could only persist to the last moment in anticipation of a miracle.

"Jiang Chen, you have no hope, just let it go."

Liao Yunsheng angered, and Shan Haizong paid a torch, all of which were defeated by Jiang Chen. At this time, no one was more heartbroken. For thousands of years, Shan Haizong stood up on the land of Zhongzhou. I don’t know how many people admire. I don’t know how many people are admiring and paying homage, but now he has only one seed, all The backbone of the power, the strong people above the gods, all turned into ashes.

Liao Yunsheng endured a shame, even if he killed Jiang Chen a hundred times, it was not enough to flatten the anger in his heart.

"Little teacher, your end date is still coming."

Shangguan Hongyan smiled slightly, and Han Yan struggled hard. The tyrants and monks were defeated and defeated. The fire unicorn and him were both suppressed. In a moment, they were defeated. Jiang Chen was nowhere to go.

"I have to say that you are really strong, so that there are so many strong people on the top of the Chinese state, but you are offended, but there are too many people who are offended, so people who want you to die are also like a cow. You have no reason at all, just leave here alive."

The judgment of Shangguan Hongyan made Jiang Chen feel a little desperate, but the two figures on the way were even more like a good drink.

One black and one white, two old men, from the void, the two people, Jiang Chen does not know, but the three people behind them, Jiang Chen is very clear, it is the three elders of the dragon!

"Jiang Chen, you disturbed the safety of my dragons. Today, my black and white sacred priests will go out in person and will definitely drop you down!"

The dragon elders said, a group of five people, all of them are the strongmen of the late Emperor's reign, let Shangguan Hongyan and others, once again become serious, Jiang Chen, this bastard, how many people want him to die? Jiang Chen’s life and death, Shangguan Hongyan does not care, but the inheritance of this guy’s body is not to be taken away by anyone.

"The black and white ambassador of the Dragons has always been a legend. It can be compared with the strong patriarch of the Dragon patriarch. Jiang Chen must have been smashed by the dragons. Otherwise, the dragons will not send black and white ambassadors and the three elders. ”

"Oh, many lines of injustice will be self-defeating. Jiang Chen is the one who has taken it himself. Even the dragons have been offended by him. Under the circumstances, who else is he afraid to offend?"

"It’s also true. It seems that this guy is just a hole in the sky."

"Today’s battle is only seen in my life. I guess that from now on, no one will be able to reach the height of Jiang Chen. Haha, this is the strongest person who attracts the Zhongzhou. There are also countless."

The appearance of the dragon black and white ambassador and the three elders made Jiang Chen feel a trace of sorrow.

The wall is pushed by the crowd, and countless strong people are coming to the wind. They are attacking for the sake of the group. The enemy they have sinned is also one by one. Every one is enough to shock one party, and Jiang Chen is now at this moment. , can rely on, but it is gone.

The Zulong Emperor was dragged by Xiaolei, and he was completely unable to play. Now he has almost no power to fight again.

"Small beast, give me a kneeling!"

The dragon elders screamed, and the black and white sages were strong. Even compared to Peng Yu, they did not give up. The dragons joined and the Shangguan Hongyan’s reinforcements pushed Jiang Chen into the abyss in an instant.

The monk's monk's breathing became dignified and began to fight back and fight. The battle was extremely fierce. He had to play his last bit of heat, and it was necessary to win a chance for Jiang Chen.

Han Yan is also constantly erupting, killing a thousand self-damaged eight hundred, unceremonious, began the final counterattack, but they have been suppressed by death, even this moment, there is no bit of a return to heaven.

"War battle! I see who can help me!"

Jiang Chen held his left hand Dong Huangzhong, the right hand town of the magic monument, swept past, the foot of the fire unicorn, crushing his last glimmer of strength.

Take an enemy ten!

At that moment, Jiang Chen was constantly forced to retreat, but he was like a small strong who couldn't die. He was incomparably tenacious and extremely fierce. The town's magic monument and Donghuangzhong had both offensive and defensive, and they were unmatched, but faced black and white. The ambassador and Peng Yu and others continue to squeeze, Jiang Chen's situation, extremely difficult, and constantly retreat, his face pale, blood thin, but the clenched fist, without a trace of slack.

The brothers around me, the women in my arms, even if he is dead, will never let go.

"The ancient dragons!"

Jiang Chen forcibly displayed the ancient dragons, and then the body continued to skyrocket, and the body of Baizhang was like the **** of war. Even if he knew that he must die, he had no regrets, no war of death, and battle to the end.

The fire unicorn eyes are red and the flames are all over, but in the face of the battle of the top ten strong players, it has tried its best, but it is still in vain. Jiang Chen is under the impact of the top ten strong, constantly retreating, with a body, Always insisting.

Han Yan's eyes are red, with a touch of blood and tears, and his voice is deafening. He is not willing to give up, even if there is still a little hope!

The monks of the tyrants are also witnessing the splitting. No one can understand that the battles of the three brothers at this moment are using the last brilliance in their lives to show their unyielding will.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the will cannot be lost!

Jiang Chen lost the battle successively, and the injury was once again severely severe. It was already a defeated army, dragging the last bit of strength, and fighting all of them.

"Stubborn! Give me to die!"

The black and white ambassadors of the Dragons are invincible. Before the four brothers of the Han family, the impact of wind and rain and lightning has made Jiang Chen helpless. Now the strong dragons have completely suppressed him and even stepped on the dust.

"Don't the big brother really die?"

The moon muttered that she had already prepared for the funeral of Jiang Chen, and that the Helian family was no longer important. Jiang Chen was the only one in her life.

"He lived for himself in his life."

Long Yinger shed two lines of tears. She knew that Jiang Chen was very tired and very tired.

For the one he loves, for the love in his life, why did he have a breath of a moment?

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