Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3629: Is this guy not looking for a dead end?

Silver fox's eyes, staring at Jiang Chen, this guy, is it really not afraid of death? The peak of the Emperor's Emperor, such a strength, even on the top of the Chinese territory, is no one dare to swear against the ears, as the elders of Shan Haizong, his appearance, for the entire Shan Haizong, that is the real reassurance Everyone has gradually understood that Shanhai Zongdi has a long history and has a long history. Who has such an elder who is too embarrassed?

Those who thought that Shan Haizong must be destroyed or even become the second and third sects of the sects must also be re-examined. After all, Shan Haizong’s elders are too strong and strong, even Peng Yu and the black and white ambassador. Others, all of them have to be treated seriously, look grim, and dare not have the slightest deviation.

Although the peak of the Emperor's Emperor and the later stage are just a step away, this step is the most important step towards the strongest of the emperor. The loss of the fox is a thousand miles, so the strength of the silver fox, even if it is 100,000 years, For millions of years, they may not be able to step into the sky and surpass them.

The strength of Shan Haizong, after the silver fox, has been clearly revealed, no one dares to have any disrespect, the old sect, the deep foundation, this is the real strength.

"It has already arrived at this time. Without the strong imperial powers, it is impossible to save Jiang Chen, and his strength, even if he is a brother who has gathered this, is still unable to compare with Shan Haizong."

"Yeah, fighting alone, it is not as good as Shan Haizong. It seems that Jiang Chen must drink this hate."

"Who said no, a generation of genius figures is destined to end, Jiang Chen's strength is strong, but without a strong backing, he can only be defeated by the super sect."

"There are so many people who have killed Shan Haizong, Jiang Chen must be able to escape."

The situation of Jiang Chen has changed again. Even those onlookers who are full of confidence in him are all sighing. After all, Jiang Chen has blown out the elders of Shan Haizong. Is there any room for it?

"Reassured, little dust, even if it is to fight this life, Lao Tzu will never let this group of people succeed."

The rhubarb slammed into a cold flash, the golden gun re-emerged, stood still, rushed into the killing, the backwaters, the black and white ambassador and Peng Yu’s oppressive force, so that the rhubarb could not do anything at all, even if he had a thousand gullies in his chest. There is nothing to be done.

Rhao's incomparable anger, incomparably violent, despite being seriously injured, with an enemy ten, but his war is still undiminished, the battle to the last moment, is his greatest wish!

Seeing death, like returning!

The monk monk and the Han Yan are still the same. The three are not half-divided. Even if they know that the ending must be extremely fierce, they will even die without a burial place, but as long as the brothers are there, then they will have no complaints. regret.

Even the three have already prepared for the sacrifice, even if it is a fire unicorn, it is still the same, because if Jiang Chen dies, then he can not live alone, four people and one beast, full of emotion, full of tragic, although these The hostile people hated Jiang Chen, but those who were onlookers did not have a slight contempt and disrespect for Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen deserves their respect and deserves to be emulated. Such a strong, such a brother, Even if they have one of them, it is enough to be proud of this life.

The feelings of the brothers are so strong that at this time, there is no difference between each other, but they seek to die together. This persistent belief, perseverance and tenacity, makes everyone look at it. This is Jiang Chen, this is their brotherhood.

"You have no meaning to live. Let me die. Remember, in the next life, don't appear in the scope of Shan Haizong."

The silver fox screamed, arrogantly, and between the palms of the hand, punched out, even the most fierce rhubarb, was unable to withstand the fist, wandering away, bloody, a white coat, followed by cold, The monks of the tyrants, all three were forced to retreat by the silver fox, and were deeply hit. The people who were present were all stunned. No one dared to say a word. The silver fox is now the sky!

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cracked, his heart was constantly shaking, his face was glaring at the silver fox, and the thunder in his hands had gradually gathered.

"From this moment on, you all have to rest, they will get the punishment they deserve. No one here can leave alive."

Jiang Chen’s cold frosty voice appeared in the silver fox, and in the ears of everyone. In their view, Jiang Chen was simply talking nonsense. Now even a three-year-old child can see that Jiang Chen has already retired. Retired, but he even dared to speak up.

"Jiang Chen, I advise you to die, you just want to die, do you want to continue to go wild? Will the dead, but also how much waves can be swayed? Haha."

Hao Yunhang said disdainfully, Jiang Chen looked at it, but at that moment, Hao Yunhang was turned back to life.

"Today, the dead, will definitely be you, not my Jiang Chen. I want to move my brother, you all have to die."

"Jiang Chen, you have no retreat, let's just let it go."

Yun Ge Yao’s face is calm and seems to be the expression of the indifferent appearance of the world. However, Jiang Chen’s hatred towards her is more than that of Hao Yunhang. If it wasn’t for her, her own allure, how could this be? If it weren't for her, she might not have been separated from the city for so long. After a long time, now I want to meet again, it is already difficult.

"Hahaha, the world laughs at me too mad. Since you are all enemies with me, then I am Jiang Chen, and I am enemies with your whole world. How about? Today I want to unravel the false masks of all of you."

Jiang Chen said with a smirk, many people think that Jiang Chen is crazy. At this time, should he not beg for mercy? However, in front of the silver fox, it is still so mad, is this in the crowd? Even then, he doesn't have much time.

"Give me destruction! The power of the thunder, fusion!"

Jiang Chen’s eyes trembled violently, and the thunder and light flashed between the eyes. The power of five heavenly thunders alternated in their hands. Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene. What is this guy doing? ?

The face of Shangguan Hongyan has changed slightly. How is Tianlei in the hands of Jiang Chen, how much more than the original? This guy, will continue to integrate the power of the thunder? How did this **** get so many powers of thunder?

Not only Shangguan Hongyan, Jun Tianqiu, Yun Geyao, Hao Yunhang are all staring at Jiang Chen, because they have seen the horror of Jiang Chen Tian Lei integration, but this time, Jiang Chen is more than every fusion of Tianlei There must be more quantity.

Silver fox eyes slightly moved, my heart seems to be a little jealous, this guy, actually has so many thunder? And it is still a whole source of five heavenly thunders. Every thunder is extremely terrifying, and the thunder is so violent and can be merged together?

This guy, isn't he looking for a dead end?

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