Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3632: Mountain sea beast - fat

"What is that? It looks like a mountain, so big..."

"It seems to be a fierce beast, an ancient beast!"

"Isn't that the mountain beast of Shan Haizong?"

"I'm not sure, this is too horrible. I feel that the sky above our head seems to be completely covered by this guy. Is it dark night or day?"

A group of people silently looked at the void, and even the people inside the Shanhaizong did not know, what kind of existence is this, because this guy is too big, not so much as it is a mountain, it is better to say He is a mountain that rises from the ground, is majestic, amazing, and with an unparalleled pressure, so that everyone present feels suffocated.

"This is... mountain sea behemoth?"

Peng Yu's face was pale, and he stared silently at the huge beast, and the giant beast that rose from the ground was quite embarrassed.

Liao Yunsheng looked at the silver fox, the elder elder, and whispered:

"Before the elders, is this really our mountain sacred beast?"

Even Liao Yunsheng did not dare to have the slightest scorn, and his face was dignified. In this mountain sea sect, even he did not know that there is such a terrible behemoth. The greatness of it is simply that people feel the scalp numb.

The silver fox nodded, and the look was solemn and grim, but even if it was directed at the giant beast, he made a slight squat and gave a gift.

"This is the mountain beast of my mountain Haizong, and the ancient beast. It is more ancient than the myriad beasts. Even I thought that it had completely fallen with the war of the ancient times. I did not expect it to become I made a mountain ridge, and I have been quietly guarding hundreds of millions of years in my mountain.

The silver fox is obviously unbelievable, but the appearance of this mountain behemoth has made him feel a bit swaying. The mountain behemoths, how fierce and invincible, followed the first generation of Shanhaizong, traveled across the sea, and fought. Eight wilderness is the true totem-like character of Shan Haizong, whose power is greater than heaven and succumb to the ground.

"I am a fairy board! I am too perverted. It is taller than a big mountain. This is a real change in the mountains and seas."

Rhubarb couldn't help but say that the brows were tightly locked, and the surrounding peaks continued to fall. Under the ground, the rivers and rivers turned, the big waves rushed, and most of the mountains and seas were flooded by the red water, and the waves smashed the shore and rolled up thousands of layers of snow.

"Isn't this thing a mountain sacred beast? It seems that it is even more horrible than this silver elf."

The monk monk whispered, and the heart once again set off the stormy waves. Their road to survival is really twists and turns. This is simply to completely block their back roads, so that no one can breathe. This is a huge force. It is shocking and chilling.

"Not simple."

Han Yan said indifferently, his eyes stared at the slowly rising giant beast, covering the sun.

"That's still what you said."

Rhubarb white glanced at the cold, this guy's mouth is very special nonsense, now their situation is really worrying, defeated a silver fox, and another mountain behemoth, now Rhubarb finally understands a truth This life and death war, the drawbacks of away games are simply too big, you do not know how many horrible cards the opponent has.

However, for Shan Haizong, don't say that the mountain master Liao Yunsheng, even if it is a elder, does not know that under their sect, there is still such a giant beast in the ancient times. For them, This is undoubtedly a good news.

Jiang Chen did not move, silently staring, but the heart has also produced a sigh of color. Now, he can only pin all his hopes on the ancestors of the ancestors, and he is completely helpless.

"It's a fat man! Big fat man! Once the master of the mountain sea sect, there are two great ancient animals, one of which is a small fat, its shape is like a scorpion, yellow body and red scorpion, its name is a small fat, the food has been 疠It can kill all the world's Kun. The second is the big fat, it is this guy in front of you, six feet and four wings, like a demon, see the world drought, everything is dry, but it is said that this guy was praised by the ancient gods How can it be killed here?"

The voice of the ancestors is extremely low, and the voice seems to be a little hoarse. This ancient savage beast is not so irritating, the strength is strong, in the ancient times, it was fierce, even the ancestors were very Taboo.

"I have only heard of it. The behemoths are not just a giant beast. There are no more than ten behemoths. It is comparable to me at the peak. The most terrifying one is the phoenix and the phoenix. This fat fate does not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp. Although I have not handed it over, I have heard of its fierce name. I am far from being able to control it. I am far from it."

Zu Longhuang is not too familiar with this fat man, but such a description has already made Jiang Chen somewhat desperate. How terrible is this guy?

The six-legged and four-winged, back-to-back mountain, when it was completely uprooted, the entire Shanhaizong was turbulent.

"This guy, already has the power of the emperor, when it was, it must be stronger, but now it is already a serious injury, the mountains and sea beasts are extremely horrible."

Little Raytheon is also extremely low-speaking. At this time, don’t forget to give Jiang Chen a head-on.

"It’s just terrible. Can we really just wait to die?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Chen feels that the power of the soul of this big fat man is not worse than it, and the strength is not to mention that he is full of doubts, because the strength of this fat man seems to be illusory, but even so, It is also stronger than Silver Fox, which is enough.

"Shan Hai fat, ha ha ha, we Shan Haizong, is invincible, see the fat elders."

Silver Fox said in a deep voice, the voice is extremely serious and respectful. This is the symbol of their mountain Haizong. They are the totems of their mountains and seas. Nowadays, Shan Haizong is in great difficulty, and the beasts of the mountain gods are finally fully revealed.

"How long have I been sleeping, a thousand years, or 10,000 years?"

The thick and oppressive voice echoed above the heavens, thundering and deafening, the behemoths, shaking the four wings, making the river rushing, the Yellow River roaring, the sky above, the hurricane bursting, except for the gods, all were Fans fly away, thousands of miles away.

"Our Shan Haizong is finally going to be revived. Hahaha."

Liao Yunsheng is also extremely happy. Although he lost hundreds of Zongmen’s backbone strengths, the final result is better than he imagined. As long as there is this mountain guardian beast, who will dare to make it in Shanhaizong in the future. Times?

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