Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3643: Serious rhubarb

When Lan Lingji woke up, when he saw Long XIII, and Jiang Chen and others around him, he even thought that he was dreaming and couldn’t make a sound.

Baiyun looked at the scene silently. She even felt awkward and felt that she was superfluous, but her love in her heart could not be shaken. For the dragon thirteen, she would not rush to death, even at the expense of the dragon. Third, let him mistakenly think that it is someone else, preferring to fall into mud and dust, sadness is like dust, and he is not willing to let Dragon XIII find himself.

Although the two people are now burying their suspicions, but for Baiyun, it is still like a child who has done something wrong. He feels that he is against Lan Lingji. After all, it is the real woman of Dragon Thirteen.

"I am not dreaming?"

Lan Lingji murmured and said that his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"No, how could it be a dream, don't think about it. Jiang Chen saved me, and there are rhubarb, cold, and they all came. Hahaha."

The thrill of Dragon Thirteen is no less than that of Lan Lingji. Even so far, it is still extremely exciting. Even he is a bit embarrassed. When his life is in danger, the brothers have saved him. ,

"Jiang Chen Brother, thank you."

Lan Lingji still has some memories, but when faced with white clouds, it is very cautious. Women’s perceptions are always the most sensitive. In the first time, Lan Lingji has already noticed that Baiyun’s People feel different.

"She is the black man. Baiyun."

Long XIII looked to Baiyun.

Lan Lingji smiled at Baiyun slightly. Although she did not say anything, she could clearly feel that she had a deep affection for Long XIII. Otherwise, why would she ignore the life and death to save the dragon thirteen? Why is Dragon Thirteen going back to find her in desperation?

In the relationship, women are always the most sensitive one.

Baiyun did not grab the limelight of Lan Lingji, but smiled gracefully and calmly responded.

"You guy, now the body is already inferior, the life is exhausted, the soul is broken, it is really nerve-racking."

Jiang Chen’s brows are wrinkled, but for him, as long as he helps the Dragon 13 to stabilize the soul, then it is not fatal. For others, it may be difficult to go to heaven, but there is a big sorrowful light in hand, Long XIII The soul of the wound, Jiang Chen has absolute grasp can help him recover.

"You said, can I recover?"

The dragon thirteen was trembled, and Lan Lingji and Baiyun were also incredulously watching Jiang Chen.

"Who makes you my brother?"

Jiang Chen’s smile made the three people breathe a sigh of relief, but Jiang Chen’s face immediately became dignified and continued:

"But the vitality in your body requires yin and yang, nourish other people's lives, and it is likely to have life. The power of the soul can help you recover, but the power of life, I can do nothing."

"Let me come."

Jiang Chen’s voice has not fallen, Baiyun and Lan Lingji almost said in unison.

Baiyun's face was red, and he looked at Lan Lingji, and Lan Lingji also looked at Baiyun silently.

"Let's come together."

Lan Lingji smiled slightly and looked at Baiyun. She could feel the love of Baiyun to the thirteen brothers and sacrificed her life, but she did not want to tell him. Now she is willing to use her own life force to exchange for the thirteen brothers. life. If she can transfer her life to the thirteenth brother, she seems to have no reason to reject her. If she loves a person, she should accept all of him. She does not want the thirteen brothers to be trapped in a bail-out. Become a ungrateful man.


The dragon thirteen brows wrinkled and said, Jiang Chen, this way, for both of them, must be a great damage, Dragon 13 can not put them in distress for their own safety.

"If they are both shot together, then the problem should be small. My big soul light can only reinvent your soul, stabilize the state, and really help you to restore the source of life in your body, only them. Yin and Yang Convergence, yin and yang, Yuanyang gathering, with the last heavy water, should be able to restore your body to the peak, even stronger than before."

Jiang Chen said.

"Thirteen brothers, Jiang Chen's big brother said, for us, this is not dangerous, but for you, it is a fate."

Lan Lingji laughed, in order to help Long XIII recover the Yuanyang qi in the body, she has no regrets.

Lan Lingji and Baiyun look at each other. No one has hesitated for a moment. In their eyes, the life of Dragon Thirteen is far more important than their own lives.

In the helplessness of Dragon Thirteen, he only had to nod.

"That's right, big men can't be mother-in-law's mother, otherwise, you are the body bone, the dog-lord I abuse you thousands of times, you have no temper. Haha."

Rhubarb said.

"When I regain my strength, if I don't give you a layer of skin, I won't call Dragon Thirteen!"

The dragon thirteen is opposite to the rhubarb, and the war is full.

"Hey, my dog, I will accompany you to the end."

Rhubarb said with pride.

"Well, I will help you reshape the soul first. Dragon thirteen, concentrate on the gods, enter my lamp!"

Jiang Chen has a low drink and a dignified color. Even the strong emperor may not be able to help the dragon thirteen to restore the power of the soul. However, the horror of the soul-stricken light is not comparable to that of the general emperor. .

Jiang Chen urged the big soul to light the soul, and began to gather the soul of the dragon for the thirteenth. The power of a horrible soul erupted from the sacred light of the big scorpion, enveloped around the dragon thirteen, and numerous souls interweave. Three days and three nights, the power of the soul of Dragon Thirteen was gradually restored to 70%.

Jiang Chen looked pale and spurred the big scorpion to help the dragon thirteen recover the spirit. For him, it was also an abnormal consumption of physical strength, constantly breathing and pale.

"The rest is handed over to you two."

Jiang Chen looked at Lan Lingji and Baiyun. Both of them were blushing, bowed their heads and were very ashamed.

"Ha ha ha, dead monkey, spring is worth a thousand dollars, grab it."

Rhubarb laughed and said, Long XIII's old face was red, and he took a look at the rhubarb, and the three entered the cave together.

Looking at the sun that gradually fell from the horizon, Rhubarb was whispering at Jiang Chen’s side:

"I haven't told you anything, little dust."

"whats the matter?"

"This time, the Luoshen family has opened the door of the family, and sent a lot of people to look for the Lost God figure. And the goddess Luo told me that the Luoshen people may find you quickly. Because they know that the gods have had a copy. Luo Shen map."

Rhubarb is extremely dignified.

"I do have a piece of Luo Shen, but it is not the piece in the hands of the **** of the gods, but I have printed it from the top of the Luohe turtle. As for the piece of Luo Shen in the hands of the **** of the gods, it should be in Shangguan. In the hands of Hongyan’s bastard, it’s a pity that at the time of Shan Haizong, he still let him slip away.”

Jiang Chen's brows are very wrinkled and very annoyed, but he knows that what Rhubarb will say next may be the real crisis. Otherwise, he will not be so serious.

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