Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3687: Wu Shen will

"Ganwu eight poles!"

A heavy punch came out, and an old man in a black gown was born. The fists were all out, and they were in front of the silver fox and Liao Tiansheng. The power of the three people finally removed the sword of Jiang Chen. Twelve, but at that moment, the three of them all went back and went back, and the face was extremely grim.

"Yan Zhao Promise!"

Liao Tiansheng’s eyes tightened and he exclaimed. Fortunately, Yan Zhao’s promising shot was strong. Otherwise, the two of them would be afraid to retreat under Jiang Chen’s sword twenty-two.

"I haven't seen each other for 10 million years, Liao brothers don't come innocent. Hehehe."

The old man with a long crown on his head said with a smile, and stood up with his hands, and the three means to make it out, it was the sword that blocked Jiang Chen. At this moment, they are extremely dignified, facing the late stage of the gods. The younger generation, their situation, is getting more and more nervous.

"It has indeed been seen for thousands of years. If it weren't for this kid who didn't know how to live, maybe we couldn't see each other for a while."

Liao Tiansheng said with a smile, the final gaze still fell on Jiang Chen's body.

The elders of the Eight Poles Gate, Yanzhao Promise, that year, is also a man of the wind, just millions of years of change, when their strength reaches the half-step of the emperor, almost to this worldly love, it has already No more, and more want to become stronger, break through the real emperor, that is their pursuit of life, so they will give up the grand sect of the sect, and claim to have already sat Or disappeared.

Nowadays, the emergence of Yanzhao Wuji is undoubtedly to face the eight poles, and the silver fox of Shanhaizong has already appeared. The eight poles naturally cannot show weakness. Although they do not deal with it, they still have to be consistent at this time. Jiang Chen is their real enemy. This guy has made their Zongmen status on the land of Zhongzhou, and has been repeatedly challenged. Yanzhao Wuji is also intolerable.

"I didn't expect that the strength of this little guy was so terrible. It seems that we are all scorning you."

Yan Zhao smiled and looked at Jiang Chen, whispering, and even at this moment, he did not have a slight slack, and at any time there may be a shock, waiting for an opportunity.

"Old and not dead as a thief, you old group of guys, finally come down, but unfortunately, now is no longer your world. Above the land of Zhongzhou, there is no place for you to stand."

Jiang Chen ringed his chest and stood cold, staring at the three people, without fear. This is the momentum of the prestige, so that countless people look up. Jiang Chen is the top force in the post-life belt. For them, it is a kind of The great provocation, the waves after the waves of the Yangtze River, are not unfounded.

"Let's see if you have this ability, Silver Fox, Liao Xiong, it seems that we still have to join hands once, give him a little color, look at our old bones, how much Yuwei is left. Haha."

Yanzhao Wuji cross-browed cold, stunned, killing Hang Seng.

All three were silently beheading, pointing to Jiang Chen.

"To accompany the end!"

Jiang Chen dragged the sword and the sword twenty-two again unfolded, tearing the sky and the nine scorpions, the sword of love, the perfect combination of sword and meaning, formed an unstoppable sword meaning, the sword twenty-two completely integrated all the current Jiang Chen Sword meaning, the mind is connected, if the heart is there, the sword will be there.

The twenty-two swords are unparalleled in the world, and they are on the top of the sky. They are one enemy three, not falling, and they are the strongmen of the three-and-a-half-step emperor. When this war comes out, it shocks the eight parties and countless powerful people come together. Tens of thousands of people, the power of the gods alone is not less than a few hundred, this battle has already completely alarmed the holy city!

Jiang Chen and Yan Zhao's five promise, fighting for the battle, but this moment, a horrible force, descending from the sky, awesomely separated Jiang Chen and Yan Zhao, and a middle-aged man with a golden armor and a golden light. Proudly standing in the air, the eyes are shining and unstoppable.

"You, when you arrive in the holy city, please pay attention."

The strength of the gold armor, Jiang Chen also felt a great oppression, this person is likely to have reached the strength of the original Yan Ayi Nafa, the real world of the Emperor! A real distance from the real world.

"That is the **** of the gods, that is the master of the twin cities of the holy city, I did not expect that today, I can see that the **** of war will be out! It is too strong, these four people are already extremely strong, but I did not expect him to Better."

"Wu Shen will? Who is that? Is the strength strong? Is the status high?"

"Strong? Is it strong? That is the master of the two cities of Saint-Wucheng. There are two city owners in Shengwu City. One is Wu Yunfang, that is, Wu Shen, one is Dan Qiusheng, Dan Shen will, two people are both The supreme master of strength, even on the entire Shenzhou godland, is no one dare to provoke the existence. I want to be a big disaster in the holy city of the year, that is, Wu Yun Fang Wu Shen will force the enemy to retreat 30,000 miles, that is called a It’s terrible, with 8 million deaths and injuries, it’s an epic, and Wushen will be in that battle. It’s a fame!”

"That's right, the Lord of the Twin Cities and the Lord of the Wudan Hall, that is the same level of power, no one dares to slap the tiger's beard, today Wushen will be awe-inspiring, my life, if it can be achieved Valkyrie will be one in ten thousand."

"You don't want to join in the fun, haha, even the king of the king can not reach, say that it is afraid to make people laugh at the big teeth."

The appearance of Wu Yunfang made all the people watching the battle outside the holy city of Wucheng look dignified and quite awkward. Outside the holy city, although it is not the site of the holy Wucheng, these strong people are fighting here. Undoubtedly it is to smear the holy Wucheng, so that the face of Wudan Temple is not good-looking, so the appearance of Wu Yunfang is also unexpected and reasonable.

Looking at Wu Yunfang proudly, whether it is Liao Tiansheng or Yanzhao Promise, it is very shocking.

"Wu Yunfang, I did not expect to see you for so many years, it has been so terrible, Shengwu City, really is a place of great people."

Yanzhao's promise eyes are slightly stunned, and he said with a smile.

"Don't dare to be, you can give me the face of Wu Yunfang, that is to give the face of Shengwu City, Wu people are grateful."

Wu Yunfang Shen Sheng said that the low and hoarse voice is beyond doubt.

"Jiang Chen, a little meaning, Shengwucheng, welcome you!"

Wu Yunfang suddenly smiled a little and looked at Jiang Chen. It seems to be meaningful. Even Jiang Chen does not know what this Wuyun party means.

Jiang Chen nodded, not much to say, Wu Yunfang at this moment, also turned away and disappeared into the sky above the holy Wucheng.

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