Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3702: not that simple

Dan Qiusheng is also very embarrassed, his face is red, some pertinent comments, incidentally, he also installed a ratio, but in the end, he was ruthlessly beaten!

This is what his mother’s name is. Although Dan Qiusheng’s heart is full of 10,000 grass mud horses, but it’s also speechless, indeed, his original Bacheng Dan, compared with him, is still worse. Less, I thought it was Bacheng Dan, but I don't want people to be the ultimate standard of the gods!

Shicheng Dan!

This word emerges in everyone's mind. The stronger the grade of medicinal herbs, the more effective the effect will be, and the 10% of Jiang Dian is the most perfect remedy.

It is a three-point drug, which can refine the medicinal herbs to the grade of 10%. It means that the toxicity has been completely neutralized. The medicinal transformation of the medicinal herbs has been completely completed. Known as Dan Wang!

"Tencheng Dan? Hey, I still heard that for the first time, Jiang Chen, you should be an individual."

"It’s awful, you see no, even the face of Dan’s Lord has changed, hahaha.”

"Jiang Chen is simply more terrible than anyone. Such a master of alchemy, I am afraid that I do not know how many people are willing to sell their lives, especially Jiang Chen or Dan Wu double repair, not only the master of alchemy, but also the inheritor of the craftsman. God is too much to care for him."

In the face of those amazements, Jiang Chen is determined to be idle and unmoved. For a while, the style is still there. More and more people are no longer keeping up with Jiang Chen. The attitude, but everyone wants to make friends with Jiang Chen, such an alchemy master and refiner are all masters of the peak, the world is afraid that there is no second person.

"After life is awesome."

In the distance, Wu Yunfang silently paid attention to Jiang Chen. Even he was shocked. He did not expect Jiang Chen to be so perverted, even more terrible than he thought. What Dan Xiaomo, what Murong Feiyan, has completely become a failure. ?

"Dan medicine is good, you have advanced."

Danqiu's raw equipment is not a match, so he will not say more, converging his look, and will continue to prepare for the next third test.

"This third-weight test, I think people who are present should also have some understanding. Only the refining of the successful intermediate-level medicinal remedy is worthy of being called the god-level alchemy teacher. The name of the master is not enough to describe him. Powerful."

Dan Qiusheng seems to have completely forgotten the previous embarrassment. After all, as the host of the alchemy event, he must maintain a good attitude.

"This last threshold is the battle of your true god-level alchemy teacher! Who can laugh at the end, it depends on your creation."

Danqiu’s voice fell, even if Jiang Chen became a wrinkle, the intermediate-level magical medicine, although he did not refine, but it is also somewhat certain, after all, the low-level magic medicine, for him now It’s already a mess, and it’s a big challenge.

However, the intermediate-level magical medicine, even the Wudan Temple, is afraid that it will definitely be self-respecting? The low-level medicinal medicinal herbs can make Danfang public, and it is quite rare for more people to observe the refining system. The gods Danfang, who will come out to share?

"It seems that this Wudan Temple should be to leave the true God-level alchemy teacher here."

Jiang Chen’s heart is fretting. Otherwise, such an important Dan Fang, will they really be indifferent? Jiang Chen does not believe that Wu Dan Temple will really be so unselfish.

Having said that, you can refine the successful intermediate-grade medicinal remedy, which means that you are qualified to become a god-level alchemy teacher and qualified to become a member of the Wudan Temple. But you can't practice it, give you Dan, don't you help? ?

"Wu Dan Hall, it is really rich and rich."

"Yeah, even the Dan Fang of the intermediate-level medicinal medicinal herbs dare to announce it for refining. This kind of discouragement is comparable."

"Wu Dan Dian can have today's achievements, I am not at all surprised, this is the bulk of the temper."

Many people have raised their thumbs at Wu Dan Temple, but few people can understand the idea.

Jiang Chen sighed, this battle of the god-level alchemist seems to be far from being as simple as he imagined. However, if you can stay in Wudan Hall for a while, it may be a good idea. The most important thing is that He can use the power of Wu Dan Temple to help him find the morning rain, and it is also a good way.

"Now, there are only 12 of you left. This is the Dan Fang of the intermediate **** medicinal herbs, Ling Qi Pei Yuan Dan! It has the magical effect of consolidating the soul and the foundation. Don't think that this is just an ordinary psychic Dan. It can greatly increase your chances of breaking through the realm of the semi-empire, and it is quite horrible. This Dan is also extremely difficult to refine. In my Wudan Hall, only five people can be refining success, if you are among them, If anyone succeeds, it is the true god-level alchemy teacher. On the top of the Chinese territory, it is also a rare phenomenon."

After Dan Qiusheng finished, no one could refute it. It was just holding his breath and watching silently. The horror of the intermediate-level medicinal remedy was not something that they could understand, and it was said that it could greatly increase the breakthrough. The chances of the emperor's situation make everyone's breathing become rushed.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he looked at the Danfang and the medicinal materials that had been hit from Danqiu’s hands on the empty sky. His heart was dignified.

"This Lingqi Pei Yuan Dan is a good medicine."

Jiang Chen muttered, if the refining is successful, it is estimated that he will swallow it, and the chances of advancing to the semi-empire will be greatly increased.

Among the twelve people, except Jiang Chen, Murong Feiyan, Dan Xiaomo and others, everyone is frowning. If you want to refine this intermediate-level magical medicine, it is simply difficult to go to heaven. One by one, scratching their heads, the sigh of the face.

"Get started, this time, I will let you lose your heart and take it, Jiang Chen!"

Dan Xiaomo looked at Jiang Chen coldly.

"You really don't see the coffin without tears, then see who can laugh at the end."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and even your oldest man had to admit that my ten-year-old Dan, you still die and not repent, with me just in the end, teasing is really cute, you can do whatever you want.

"I hope you can make a successful refinement, otherwise I will be too boring."

Murong Feiyan stared at Jiang Chen, and he was regarded as the number one enemy.

"Reassure, I am not targeting him. I just want to say that everyone present is rubbish. This god-level alchemy teacher, no one can give me the right."

Jiang Chen calmly said calmly, in a word, it was set off by the excitement of all directions, arrogant to Jiang Chen and other places, depending on the presence of all alchemy masters as garbage, it is really unprecedented!

"Light rain, it won't take long, I will definitely become the strongest in this world, I must let you see, your man, has stood at the top of the world, waiting for you. Have you seen it?"

Jiang Chen looked into the distance, above the empty sky, like a sweet smile, looking at himself silently.

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