Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3710: Past events

Before the crystal cymbal, a man with a stalwart figure stood up and stood there quietly, with a look of indifference, no joy or no sadness.

And he is a heavenly emperor!

"How many years, you can finally try it. As long as the holy drug can be repaired, you should be able to recover it. Even if you can't recover to the peak, it will not be comparable to ordinary people. Billions of years have passed. After all, it is still a matter of people. I don’t know how long it will take to regain the sun."

The Apocalypse Emperor murmured at the characters in the crystal cymbal, with a touch of reverence and admiration in his eyes, and even an indescribable attachment.

At that time, she was so high in the mountains, so shocking, and he was just a little boy.

At that time, she only broke her hand, ran through Changhong, and fought eight hundred emperors, and her heroic and heroic, nothing.

At that time, she was cold-eyed and unparalleled in the world. She was called the youngest **** and proud of the sky.

And he is just a little guy in a godland. He has been a billion years old. When she once saved herself from the ruins and dust, he will never forget the sentence: there is a sister, Never let you suffer.

He kept the words forever in the heart, and in this world, there are so many things that are so full of emotions. In the billions of years, he survived, from the little boy in the ruins to the present day. The hand covers the sky.

Among the ruins, there are thousands of gravel. She holds up a lonely city in one hand, and rescues thousands of creatures. It is also the heart of her unswerving power. He wants to become stronger. He wants to be the strongest in the world. Big people.

"Sister, when can I be as strong as you? I want to run the bad guys, I want to protect them, and you."

The young child, talking about the innocent words, the Heavenly Emperor knows that it is the happiest but most desperate moment in his life.

"There will be a day. As long as you become stronger, you can protect yourself and protect the people you want to protect."

The gentle smile of ‘Sister’ made him unforgettable in this life.

However, in the next second, the whole sky became dim, and 'sister' also ushered in the most powerful opponent of this life. At that moment, he was weak and afraid, like a coward, huddled in the ruins, watching 'sister' being Being hit hard, turned and fled.

Once upon a time, he also dreamed of traveling between heaven and earth, but he knew how terrible the battle was, behind her, under the protection of her body, he saved his life and kept him. The last trace of dignity, and memory, is preserved.

Time will heal everything, time will change everything, but now, once again, he still can't forget, how old he was, even now, in that battle, it must be just cannon fodder The presence.

Jiu Pindi respects the king of heaven, and remembers to the biochemical god!

In the emperor's everywhere, the emperor can have a dignified world of the ages, he is only the lowest level of ants, and even the ants are not counted.

Because of the fate, thousands of turns, he did not expect that he would meet her again after hundreds of millions of years, the ‘sister who gave birth to her new life. ’

In his heart, she is everything, the driving force for her life. In the last life, she guarded her with desperation. In this world, he will never let her suffer again. However, the premise is that he wants to use her to conquer the world, as long as the holy medicinal herbs can be repaired, then the Tianqi Emperor will not even eat it himself, but will let her take it, regain the strength of the year, and then show the glory of the past.

For hundreds of years, he finally saw a glimmer of hope. He worked diligently, and hundreds of millions of years, finally reached the realm of the Great Emperor. This is his ambition today, the nine-day mysterious woman, the one-time **** of war, if she can hold her in her hands, then it is heaven and earth, only I am alone.

For this ‘sister’ who saved his own, his heart is full of jealousy. He does not allow anyone to compete with him. She can only be her own!

However, at this moment he has already been unable to wait.

"Don't let me down, this is my only chance."

The eyes of the emperor's emperor are getting colder and colder, looking to the depths of the Wusong Mountain. Whether the Shengpin Dan medicine can be cultivated and finished, help him to fly into the sky, all at this moment.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and others went all out to complete all the celestial treasures, and the nine red lights broke through and began to exhaust their own strength, pouring all the energy into the holy Above the drug.

"Give me a start!"

Dan Qiusheng took the lead and rushed to the forefront, leading everyone to start repairing the holy medicinal remedy. This is the experiment he has experienced countless times before. He has this idea to repair the sacred drug, as long as the energy is enough, as long as Their divine power can be supported, and the holy medicinal herbs are not irreparable, even refining, and they are entirely possible, but they do not have this ability yet.

"Come on, it won't take long, we will be able to completely repair the holy drug."

Danqiu’s eyes are shining, this is his lifelong pursuit. Once he succeeds, he will fly to the sky. No matter his identity or status, he is not satisfied with the Lord of the Twin Cities. He wants to be the real Wudan Temple. Overlord.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are dignified, and the purple sacred drug seems to be constantly consuming the horrible energy. These heavenly treasures are enough to refine dozens of hundreds of magical drugs, but their energy is in the holy medicinal herbs. Among them, it seems like a hungry big man, desperately sucking, wanting to complete his redemption.

Jiang Chen feels a trace of fear. This is a feeling he has never had before. This horrible engulfing breath is faster than the speed of their smelting. The horror of the holy medicinal herbs is unfolding.

"This holy drug, will not even swallow us together?"

Jiang Chen’s heart has a lingering sorrow, his eyes are slightly stunned, and the energy of Tiandi’s treasures in the universe is also a kind of almost crazy speed being swallowed up.

"Is it finally finished? I have already felt the beating of the heart of the holy medicinal herbs. It is like a living creature."

"Yeah, this is simply crazy. Hahaha, although I can't refine the holy drug, I can fix the holy drug, which is still something that ordinary people can't hope for."

"The repair of the holy medicinal herbs, I have made great contributions. This time Wu Dan Temple will not treat me badly, hehe."

Everyone is incomparably crazy, extremely excited, only to see the brilliance of the holy medicinal herbs, more and more strong, more glaring, like an unparalleled energy light group.

Shengpin Dan medicine, finally has to be repaired!

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