Dragon-Marked War God

: The 3712 delicious to stay until the end

"I haven't recovered completely, so I need your dedication and sacrifice. I need your blood and flesh. That is what I want most."

Shengpin Dan medicine reached out and slowly grabbed Dan Xiaomo and others, and the sharp color in his eyes reappeared.

"Hey! Save me!"

Dan Xiaomo kept going backwards, his face was pale, and he punched out with a punch and a punch. He wanted to escape the attack of the holy drug, but in the hands of the holy drug, it was simply a car.

"No, son! No!"

Dan Qiusheng's eyes are red, screaming, and desperately rushing to Dan Xiaomo, trying to repel the holy medicinal herbs, but it does not help, seemingly slender arm, but comparable to the stone, Danqiu holds the sword However, it was impossible to shake the holy medicinal medicine. He watched as his son was pierced by his chest, and his body was pinched into a ball. The sound of ancient songs screamed at Danqiusheng. Every nerve in the whole body, he is almost completely mad.

Dan Qiusheng did not think that the sacred drug that he tried to repair would be such a terrible demon, why! Why is this happening! Why did the Tianqi Emperor not tell him this? He can't possibly know, the emperor, where are you now?


The sound of Danqiu’s heartbreaking lungs is deafening, but it is simply unavoidable. Dan Xiaomo’s misfortune is eaten. Danqiu’s anger is rushing to the crown, and he is unwilling to live. The most painful thing in the world is that the white-haired person sends black hair. At that moment, Dan Qiusheng almost tried his best, and the strength of the virtual emperor's realm also showed the ultimate peak and began to attack the holy drug.

The realm of the Emperor, the extraordinary, is stronger than the four alchemists and Jiang Chen of Wu Dan Hall, and even one step can be able to step into the ranks of the emperor!

Dan Qiusheng's knife flashed in his hands, and he was dying to death. Even his son was dead. His anger can be imagined.

"Negative resistance!"

Shengpin Dan medicine looked at Dan Qiusheng and looked disdainfully. It was already a slap in the face of Dan Xiao, and there was no hair left.

The rest of Wang Dagang and Murong Feiyan and others, all of them are pale and trembling.

"I still don't want to, but when will it be? Escape can't escape, it will only make each of you die without a place to die."

Jiang Chen frowned and looked at Wang Dagang and Murong Feiyan who had turned around.

"Ghosts are waiting to die here, I don't want to be your funeral."

Wang Dagang first rushed to the outside, but the voice did not fall. The slender arm of the holy medicinal medicine passed through his body again. He threw his liver and intestines out of his abdomen, and the **** touch made Jiang The dust can't help but look dark.

Wang Dagang looked down at his chest that had been sneaked out, his face pale and was thrown directly into his mouth, swallowing his life.

The two great alchemy elders of Murong Feiyan and Wudan Temple, although they have the heart to escape, but at this moment, they are also scared to shake their hands, only to fight a battle, because this is their last chance.

Jiang Chen has already started as a sword. He knows that running can't run. Now this holy drug is not in the emperor's territory. It has not been completely repaired. It can only be controlled at this time. Otherwise, then the result It can only be a dead end. Once he has completely swallowed up Jiang Chen and others and completed the repair, its strength will be even more terrifying.

Danqiu was angry and filled with resentment and unwillingness. All of this, the Tianqi Emperor could not be unclear. Even he was deceived. He had already guessed the Emperor of Heaven and did not treat them as a human being. The repair is complete, their life and death, has long been abandoned.

With the addition of Jiang Chen and others, the Shengpin Dan medicine is a certain convergence, no longer unstoppable!

The Tianlong sword rises and crosses, and the sword is even more invincible. He and Dan Qiusheng face the impact and completely block the offensive of the holy drug. Everyone has taken out 12 points of strength because they know that only Really repel the sacred drug, they will have the opportunity to regenerate.

Jiang Chen went all out to kill the machine step by step. In the face of this horrible big fat man, he did not dare to have a slight scorn, the domineering of the sword twenty-two, the sword of the sword without the border, the display of the best, but the holy drug It is too strong, even Dan Qiusheng, who is in the realm of the Emperor, has lost in succession.

The two people of Murong Feiyan and the other Wudan Hall were all easily killed. It was not Jiang Chen and Dan Qiusheng who had time to rescue. In other words, Jiang Chen did not have the mind, as long as he survived. Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door?

In the twinkling of an eye, the people around them have completely died out. Jiang Chen and Danqiu are fighting against each other. In the face of the fierce sacred drug, they can only go all out, and the step back is no longer a broad sky, but In the abyss, no one knows what the next moment will look like.

The dignity of Jiang Chen and the madness of Dan Qiusheng also formed a sharp contrast at this moment. Under the tragic death of the other seven people, they also became very cautious. Dan Qiusheng only knew the assault and went forward, although he gave the big fat man. It has brought a lot of crises, but it can't really threaten this big fat man. It can be said very responsibly. At this time, Dan Qiusheng's strength is there, but he can't fight with one heart and one mind, because Dan Xiaomo's death, Already let him suffer, how could it be as rational as Jiang Chen?

Dan Qiusheng can be said to be full of flaws, Jiang Chen is also sighing, this guy in the sacred medicinal herbs several times to retreat into the battle, became a shackle, completely falling in the wind, the power of the virtual emperor, only Played out five or sixty percent.

The terribleness of this holy medicinal herb is far beyond the expectations of Jiang Chen. It is very clever. In the final battle with Jiang Chen, he is completely dead, and does not give Jiang Chen a breather. opportunity.

“The best food is naturally left to the end.”

The big fat man said with a smile, it is very sensitive to the breath, how can you not feel the body of the mother of the dust?

Jiang Chen’s heart sinks, this guy has long been premeditated for a long time, and put himself in the end, it is really a scheming guy. Even the alchemy teacher who refining it was eaten by it. It can be imagined how terrible it was and how horrible it was!

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the holy product is the holy medicine. Even if it is a strong emperor, it may not be able to be an enemy. Once this holy drug is completely repaired and transformed, then The ending may be unimaginable. Jiang Chen’s heart is awkward. Even the Tianqi Emperor who sits on the mountain and looks at the tiger may not be able to change the fate of this holy drug.

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