Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3725: First person in ten thousand years

what? Jiang Chen actually forced the retreat of the Tianqi Emperor? For example, when Kaidi Jun faced him today, he was very careful. How did this guy do it? Is the emperor strong in the world invincible? How to fold in the hands of Jiang Chen, a half-step emperor, this battle, I am afraid it is not as simple as imagined.

However, Jiang Chen is already exhausted. His situation is worrying and he wants to turn the tide. It seems that it is not an easy task.

Yanzhao Promise and Liao Tiansheng are very grim. If they can help Wudan Temple to kill Jiang Chen at this time, it may still be a two-pronged thing.

"There is no way to heaven. I thought I didn't have the chance to kill him again. Now it seems that this guy is really self-satisfied, hehehe, a good future, a good hand, and he is so bad." ”

Yan Zhao's mouthless cold smile is full of strange taste.

The three people in the distance confronted Jiang Chen, stepping forward, and being very cautious.

"Block me, kill innocent!"

Jiang Chen shoulders against the crystal shackles, holding the Tianlong sword, the mighty domineering, the vertical and horizontal gallop, like the war gods in the battlefield, proud of the heavens and the earth, fearless, unmatched.

The three were scared by the power of Jiang Chen, but they have no way to retreat. They must deal with Jiang Chen. This is the order of the Emperor of Heaven and the responsibility of them.

"Small generations, Hugh to be stubborn, you, let us join forces to kill this."

"Good! Dare to be an enemy of Wu Dan Temple. I am afraid that you have lived too long, and the death is too long, hehe."

"No need to say anything, let him talk about it first."

The three men held the soldiers, with a hint of fear and jealousy, rushed to the front of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen shouted, the three immediately languish, the shadow of the famous tree, before seeing the power of Jiang Chen, three people Naturally, it will not be able to remain calm, and even the Tianqi Emperor will be defeated. What kind of prestige is, what a hegemony.

However, the three have no retreat, so they can only fight desperately with Jiang Chen and so on.

Fight for your own dignity, and fight for the glory of the Wudan Temple!

Jiang Chen is full of enthusiasm and dry clouds, and the sword is rushing forward. Under the siege of the three people, it is still a leisurely walk, and there are more than enough, three masters of the emperor, surrounded him, Jiang Chen shoulders resistance, calm and calm idle.

Although he has been injured, but there is no strong imperial power, now he can not hurt him.

Jiang Chen screamed, and the sword of the twenty-two swords was like a thousand horses. It was like a thousand horses, and it poured down. The sword was long and the sky was invincible. The power of the sword 22 has already raised Jiang Jian’s swordsmanship. At the peak, even the Emperor of Heaven does not dare to neglect, let alone them.

The sword of no border, there is no beginning, the end of it is the ultimate sword, the sword twenty-two, just a move of the sword without borders, what can be achieved, everything must look at Jiang Chen's own creation.

Jiang Chen looks stunned, with the momentum of sweeping the world, the sword 22 blocks the long sky, and the strongest of the three major half-steps is forced to retreat.

But after all, the three are not fuel-efficient lights. Even the original Danqiusheng is far from their opponent. At this time, the three people joined forces to fight against Jiang Chen. Although the situation is difficult, it is not without a fight. force.

A knife and a sword, a heavy cloud and thunder, above the void, Jiang Chen footed the clouds, sweeping invincible, Canglong five steps, step by step to heaven.

The three of them were in the chasing of Jiang Chen, and they were more and more messy. Jiang Chen was steady and steady, so that the three people simply did not have the power to advance, lost the sense of the main battle, and the three of them were worried, naturally they could not compete with Jiang Chen. .

"Five Thunder!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand in the order, and the power of the Thunder surged out, pouring down, and between the electric and the Flint, the three were defeated.

The apocalypse emperor in the distance is also clenching his fist. This guy, obviously, is already holding on. At this time, he will not shoot, but when will he wait? This is his best chance. Once Jiang Chen leaves, it is the real return to the mountain.

"Kid, take your life!"

The emperor's emperor came across the void, shrinking into the ground, and the speed of light hit, directly pressing Jiang Chen, a huge palm, falling from the sky, like a void visitor, Jiang Chen's pupils tightened, the sword stood up, straight into the sky, and the giant The palms gather together, regardless of the light and shadow intertwined, vertical and horizontal.

However, the strength of the Apocalypse Emperor is still very strong. Although it has been seriously injured, it is still better than Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has battled several people and battled with the Tianqi Emperor. At this moment, Step by step, the giant palm of the Apocalypse Emperor is also the Jiang Chen from the top of the sky, the horizontal pressure, and finally a mountain torn, Jiang Chen was crushed in the canyon stone, the palm gradually disappeared.

The dust is everywhere, the wind is blowing, the countless mountain forest beasts, all of them are tragic deaths here, panic, and fleeing.

The Emperor of the Apocalypse esteemed the shackles of the sky and the cold eyes, which had already turned into a mountain peak.

But for a moment, a rainbow of light burst from the ruins, the momentum is amazing.

Jiang Chen stood up again, licking his mouth and blood, staring at the Apocalypse Emperor. At that moment, Jiang Chen is still full of war, like an undead war, as long as he is still alive, as long as he still has a breath, it is absolutely There will be no compromise, there will be no scorn, because he will live and leave here with light rain.

"Not bad, still stand up, then give me another hand!"

The emperor's emperor roared, and the power of thunder and sorrow was like a big wave of sand, rising from the tide, sweeping across the world, the unstoppable fierceness, chilling.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and immediately smashed it under the knife. The road was printed again and again. This time, Jiang Chen also did his best. With this Tianqi Emperor, he has no choice but to have a choice. Fighting against the water, the final battle.


The horror of Yantianyin, before the Tianqi Emperor was also seen, this time Jiang Chen once again launched, the Tianqi Emperor is also a common enemy.

"Prisoner's palm!"

The two rainbows were once again intertwined, and Jiang Chen flew away, like a broken kite. Under ten miles, there was no landing. The collision between two people was like a comet rubbing shoulders. The kind of tremors, even the whole world. Shaking a bit, at least within a radius of a million miles, it seems that a terrible earthquake has occurred.

The volcano is sprayed, the tsunami is repeated, the surrounding peaks are broken, and the beasts roar. The scene is spectacular.

Jiang Chen is quite a wolverine, the horrible atmosphere, once again, the Tianqi Emperor is not a strong emperor, even if it is forced back by Jiang Chen’s 羡天印, he still can stand proudly, of course, this road The power of the Taoist dynasty is more than that of the prisoner's hand. If it is not by virtue of its strong heritage, the ordinary semi-empirical world has long since vanished.

The Emperor of the Apocalypse took a deep breath and swallowed the blood that had already poured into his throat.

For thousands of years, no one has been able to let him bleed, Jiang Chen is the first!

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