Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3736: Moyu Qiancheng

Jiang Chen’s heart is in a hurry, but he knows that this is not something that can be done overnight, and does not say how the South China Sea is now. For the sake of the present, he must first look at it beforehand.

Going thousands of miles, the wind is surging, Jiang Chen is in a hurry, watching the rain in the crystal scorpion every day is his greatest motivation.

A low mountain range, Jiang Chen looks south, this two million miles, is already far from the South China Sea, and further.

Every time a region is over, Jiang Chen is able to see those who have been fighting for years. The bonfires are immortal, the contending for a hundred schools, and the constant fighting. It is not an exaggeration to ignite the entire Nantong Shenzhou.

When I went to two million miles, Jiang Chen encountered more than a dozen wars, but he was not a savior, nor a teacher of justice, nor was he obligated to save the world, so Jiang Chen did not care about it, even There is nowhere to go.

There is nothing in the world, and the mediocrity is self-interesting. If you have to take a strong shot, you will only break the balance and let the whole Nantong Shenzhou fall into a more chaotic situation. People die like lights, some people rise and some fall, this is the heavenly cycle, Jiang Chen can't change everyone's destiny. At this time, he is like a bystander, passing over the sky of Nantong Shenzhou, going to a million miles. .

However, just as Jiang Chen passed through a green bamboo forest, a shocking war attracted his attention, because it was no longer a battle between the kingly kingdom and the gods, but the gods were strong. There are no fewer than a dozen people.

And the most important thing is that the front 100,000 miles of the void, surrounded by smoke, completely banned, even if Jiang Chen wants to pass, he has to detour.

"I just want you to step into my territory. I really don't care. Now let me get out of here. I can still be as if you have never been here. Otherwise, I will definitely do all of you here." ”

A woman holding a green slash, said with a sneer, a bright tooth, a golden hair, fluttering and moving, three thousand hair, lingering.

The icy purple scorpion, like a jewel, is like a sharp sword, penetrating the human heart, and the seven-foot-blue slashed in the hand, the cold light and the magnificent atmosphere.

Behind the woman, three hundred gods will be prestige and domineering. The worst strength, there is also the middle of the gods, even the Emperor of the Emperor, no less than fifty people, this power, in the entire Nantong Shenzhou, is considered to be quite strong.

"We are the Mohist people. If you insist on blocking, don't blame us."

In the head, a gloomy old man said, Shen Sheng.

As the owner of the Mohist branch, he was expelled and went away. Today, he wants to bring his own people back to his homeland!

"Moh? Hahaha, the Mohist family and your character? Moh's Mo Xuan and Mo Yunfu, you can recognize? You are the oldest, I will see it for the first time. If you are really a Mohist, will Don't you recognize me?"

The woman smirked and said that she did not put these people in her eyes at all. The eighteen emperors were also weak, but there was no arrogant capital in front of her, because this is the must of her military. The land of contention is narrow and dangerous, and no one can step on it from here. Otherwise, it would be the biggest shame of their military.

For millions of years, no one has been able to scatter in front of their military corps, let alone these counterfeit goods that do not know where to come. As a genius of military genius, Yang Yunqi is a female middle-aged hero in Nantong. The name, the name of the world, from no one, can be an enemy. They want to go from here, don't even know their name? How can this be?

So there is only one reason, these people are fake. Don't say that you are a counterfeit. Even if it is true, it is impossible to pass through the battleground of our military.

"Army! Soldier!"

The leader of the old man muttered, his heart filled with bitterness, and the memories were also difficult to face. The Mohist and the military were the opposite, the battle of the ink attack and the battle of the military, from endless, he did not expect that this time he came. The battleground of the military.

"The old man Mo Yu Qiancheng is indeed a Mohist person, but he has never returned to Nantong Shenzhou for many years. He does not know the master of the military, and he hopes to open the side of the military master. Otherwise, if you really want to live and die, The Mohist is an enemy, and it is estimated that you may not be able to be the master."

Moyu Qiancheng said with a deep voice that he is not humble and unremarkable, and his face is grim. In the face of the martial arts, there are many people. It is almost impossible for Moyu Qiancheng to know that he wants to be hard, so he can only understand it with emotion. Li, I hope that this female doll can focus on the overall situation. Although the Mohist and the military have always been the tip of the eye, it is not the easy one if they are to be fully developed. The tribes under the king of the gods have fought each other.

"I remembered, you were the man who was expelled from the house by the Mohist 100,000 years ago? Mo Yu Qiancheng! Once a genius disciple, hahaha, but unfortunately, he insulted his nephew and was driven out of the house by the Mohist. It’s awkward, man, huh, huh.”

Yang Yunxiao said with a sneer, for the Mo Yu Qiancheng, it is full of disdain, especially when she said this, the entire military family is full of laughter, full of these Mohist people, full of Satire and ridicule.

And the people behind the Mo Yu Qiancheng are even more stunned and angry.

The face of Moyu Qiancheng is also gloomy to the extreme. For many years, he has always had such a reputation, so he will be driven out of the house by the Mohist. If it wasn’t for the Moh’s nephew in order to let his husband board the Mohist The genius throne, he will not be trapped here, bears great hatred and deep hatred, Mo Yu thousand city is back home, after the agreement of 100,000 years, when you step on the ink, it is necessary to make your own name, it is necessary to let the Mo family look Who is the real peerless genius!

In the heart of Moyu Qiancheng, there is no hardship to say. For 100,000 years, he has endured the inner pains silently. Now, with his descendants and grandchildren, he has re-entered the inkfield, and he has absolute confidence! However, I did not expect that good things would not go out and go wrong. Even if 100,000 years passed, this Yang Yunqi still knew the reason why Moyu Qiancheng left the Mohist family. This is a shameful thing, and he was detained with a scorpion, Mo Yu Qiancheng. How can you be better in your heart?

"You don't want to spurt blood. I am the one who is doing the meditation of the city. This time I return to the Mohist family, I want to be famous for myself. The Qing dynasty is self-clouding. My ink jade city is definitely not a generation of cockroaches."

Moyu Qiancheng said very firmly.

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