Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3751: How many roads can you look at?

This book is rooted in the same root, and it is too urgent!

In the heart of Moyu thousand cities, he was incomparably painful. He never imagined that the ending of the matter would have evolved into this step. In the face of the martyrdom of the entire Mohist School, Moyu Qiancheng knew that he was weak and ultimately did not have any Dependence, now completely defeated, they all have to die here, the Mo Yu thousand city regrets not.

"The three elders, they are also the people of Mohist, they are not wrong at all."

Moyu Qiancheng said with a deep voice, with the color of prayer in his eyes.

"You are a mistake. It is a mistake to give birth to these unfilial children. So they don't have to live in this world. They, **** it!"

Mo Shouying's cold and ruthless side, let Moyu Qiancheng finally see the side of this iron-faced selfless ghost judge, his own mistakes, all blamed on the younger generation, what is the reason?

Starting from him, it is a mistake. This sentence makes the Moyu thousand cities speechless, who makes them less skilled? Their lives and deaths have all been controlled by the Mexican family.

"Grandpa, we don't ask them, life and death are defeated in the sky. If we lose, then we have no complaints. As a Mexican family, I am even ashamed. This group of inaction is chilling and makes people speechless. In the right way, they will only live in their own world. They simply don't care about other people's lives. They are arrogant and arrogant. They are simply a group of rabble. Old and not dead are regarded as thieves. They are simply thieves."

Mo Ling Dong Chen said with anger, very indignant, she felt her name for the first time, it turned out to be a shame.

Since there is no choice, then there is no hesitation, rather than standing and dying.

Mo Ling Dongchen and others have long since set aside life and death. Mo Yu Qiancheng couldn’t help but cover his face and weep. His practice has harmed everyone, wants to recognize the ancestors and return to the Mohist family, although they are bent on it. But for the Mohists, they are not at all seen by them.

"Smelly head, gibberish, full of swearing, do not know how to respect the elders, today I will teach you well."

Moyang Kui’s heart is very angry, and Mo Xuan is killed by her. How can he not be angry in his heart? It is necessary to completely kill the Mo Ling Dong Chen, to relieve the hatred of the heart, to avenge his son, he can not wait.

The horrible palm of the hand descended from the sky, and it was about to hit the face of Mo Ling Dongchen. Mo Ling Dongchen was not afraid of death, and his face was cold. Even in the face of their terrible fighting power, Mo Lingdong Chen did not frown.

The towel doesn't let the eyebrows, the black clothes, the heroic and refreshing, the unparalleled momentum, the stunning style, the amazing, the beautiful, the frosty, the swearing to defend the final dignity!


The sound of a fingertip sounded through the void, and Moyang Kui was directly shaken away. One finger of the power, a cold light flashed out, directly on the chest of Mo Yangkui, deeply hurt, blood donation spray.

"Who? Who? Give me out!"

Mo Yangkui was shocked and confused, and moved toward the three elders. His face was pale and very ugly.

Even the three elders were gloomy. I didn’t expect that there would be such a big Buddha hidden in front of their Mohist family. They still didn’t know it.

"Dare to ask your name to be surnamed, and I will hurt people in front of my Mohist door. I am afraid that it is overdone."

The three elders said a little to the void.

At that moment, Jiang Chen stepped out from the clouds, shoulders against the crystal enamel, and the cold color of his face made everyone look awkward.

Only Mo Ling Dong Chen, staring at the figure, trembled, and even his lips were awkward.

"I want to move her, let me pass this first."

Jiang Chen’s export said that he looked calm and looked at Moling Dongchen. The latter’s eyes were extremely complicated, especially when he saw the crystal cymbals on the shoulders of Jiang Chen, he did not know what to say.

He has been searching hard, is it the woman in the crystal?

"I am sorry."

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Ling Dong Chen, and even did not go to see the three elders Mo Shouying and others. His eyes seemed to be only Mo Ling Dong Chen, because he felt that he would eventually give her an account. He did not say goodbye, and he apologized in his heart.

Mo Lingdong Chen shook his head.

"You never owe me anything."

"You have been searching for it, it is her."

Ink Ling Dongchen asked.

Jiang Chen nodded.

"I can't compare with her."

Inkling Dongchen sighed, his mouth was filled with a bitter bitter color, and his eyes were extremely complicated. Jiang Chen could come. For her, it was already a great gift from heaven.

"I don't know who you are? Dare to scatter in my Mohist family, I should always give me an account."

Mo Shouying said quietly, looking at Jiang Chen again, his eyes are cold, this guy is very strong, very strong! But in front of the Mojiamen, I don’t want to put the Mohist family in my eyes. This is a bit unreasonable. Mo Shouying is also very indignant. Isn’t this not to put the Mohist family in the eye?

"Who is this person? So embarrassed, the elders of Moyang Kuim have been hit hard by one finger, this is a miracle!"

"The three elders don't dare to slap their sharpness. It can be seen that the strength of this person is not a leisurely generation."

"Dare to be so arrogant in front of my Mohmen, no matter who he is, he must pay for it."

"Yes, in the final analysis, this is the housework of my Mohist family. What do outsiders intervene?"

Everyone in the ink family is indignant, and the appearance of Jiang Chen has once again made the Mohist become nervous.

Mo Yu Qiancheng seems to have known the identity of Jiang Chen, and his granddaughter is trapped by love, it is because of him.

"I am doing things in Jiang Chen. It has always been like this. You are not happy with the Mohist family. You can come to me. I am Jiang Chen, and I will accompany you to the end!"

Jiang Chen’s words made everyone take a breath of air.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The name of Jiang Chen has already spread throughout the realm of the gods, not to mention the power of the Mohist family, which must have been heard.

"Jiang Chen! It is him! How is it possible? Is Jiang Chen not in Zhongzhou Shenqu? How could he appear here?"

"Hold the grass? Is it really Jiang Chen? He is my idol, cholera Zhongzhou, no one can give it to the right, this guy is too overbearing."

"Grandma's, it's really Jiang Chen's words, we must have a big problem with the ink."

"It's hard to say that the three elders are not very irritating. This Jiang Chen dare to make a fortune in my Mohist family. My Mohist will never agree!"

The name of Jiang Chen is like a slap in the ear, everyone knows it! In the First World War, the reputation of Jiang Chen was completely achieved, and his 10,000-year-old hegemony was completely accomplished. He looked at how many roads he had before, and whoever in the world did not know Jun!

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