Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3768: Endless life, never die

The monk monk looks grim. When he came to the Zizhu Forest, he had already appeared in this scene. He finally realized that the reason why the Qingpao man summoned himself was to demonize the demon. It is possible to restore the Zizhu forest. As Nantong and even the last pure land of the whole godland, it is now shrouded in endless magic. For them, this is a shame. The self-contained Tudor is no longer But they must not bow their heads and swear to guard this piece of pure land.

From the moment he entered the place, the monk of the tyrant has already set aside life and death, because he knows that the last pure land of this godland can never be defiled. Otherwise, the whole godland will be in the haze.

Here, not only the land of faith, but also the belief that is always in the heart.

"Look at how many pounds you have. Here, this is not the place you should come."

The Qingpao man said with a deep voice, pointing to the ink cloud and waiting for others, the war is high.

"I don't know the dead and the dead. When I am still there, I am not afraid, let alone you little shrimps? Hahaha."

Kong even said with a big smile, crazy and extremely overbearing.

"Try it, who can laugh at the end."

The sergeant and the monk smiled and said that since he has been involved in this, he has no complaints. Even if he is dead, he will never regret it.

Zizhulin, this is the place where he is full of memories, but the monk monk can't think of it anyway. This is where it was reproduced, but as a Buddhist monk, the power and majesty of the Tuas is. The monk monk is still extremely admired, so he must swear to guard here.

This is a kind of conviction, and it will never end in life!

"I don't know the dead guys, let me both of you who don't know what to do, let me die."

Zhuge sneer sneered, and the five great emperors were shot in an instant, and they immediately went to the monks and monks.

The scene became extremely hot in an instant, and Mo Yundi and Kong Changyun and others also became a lot easier, and began a crazy counterattack.

"They are completely under control. We can't sit still now. They are still alive, but the soul is already dead."

Mo Yundi holds the sword of the gods, kills the machine, and has a big devil, because they have no choice. If they lose, they are likely to become nothing, and the family will cease to exist. Lost the top ten families, the entire Nantong Shenzhou will certainly be like the same scattered sand, chaos and endless.

In the words of Mo Yundi, Zhuge Yu and Zhuang Yunsheng and others are empathetic. At this time, no one can stay out of it. If they want to leave here and want to defeat them, they can only fight back. This is their last hope.

At the same time, the two top masters joined them, and the attack of the monk monk and the Qingpao men also made Mo Yundi see a glimmer of hope. These two people, swearing to death, how can they be indifferent?

With the resurgence of the top ten families, the night killer led by Kong Jun also became hesitant. After all, the strength of the Qingpao man and the monk monk almost completely blocked the five great emperors, although their situation is worrying, but their situation is worrying, but However, he has won enough time and opportunity for Mo Yundi and others.

The monk of the tyrant is one enemy and two, and he only has half a step in the emperor. In the face of the two great emperors, he seems to be exhausted. Under the joint efforts of Kong Yun and Zhuge, the powerful impact force makes the tyrants monk The move is defeated, but fortunately, he can toughly stabilize the situation, not to fall directly, facing the two great emperors, this battle, for the hegemonic monk, is the most difficult battle.

The other side of the Qingpao man is also not allowed to lose, to an enemy three, although he is already a strong emperor, but in the face of the ink cloud to pray for three people, he has no room for it.

"Tian Luo Shenyin!"

The Qingpao men's handprints are like rainbows, and they are strong, but the three great emperors are not vegetarian. As a genius among the hundreds of families, although they are controlled by the mind, their fighting power is still unstoppable.

"The brush is for work!"

Kong Jun only clenched the pen in the autumn, swept the long day, banned the void, directly let the men in the green robe, difficult to move, recruited and defeated, step by step.

"Daofa three thousand!"

Zhuang Xu hits the palm of his hand, and the Tao Yun is infinite. The law is like the sky, making the Qingpao man even more embarrassed, his face blue and sweaty.

"Eat me!"

The ancestors of the military ancestors held the gods and smashed the scorpion, and the men in the green robe were cold, and they almost fell down from the void. Every hit of the emperor was full of heaven and earth, and the atmosphere was long. Unstoppable, the three masters jointly shot, so that the Qingpao men have become quite ugly.

"Let's go on like this, we definitely support the time of a fragrant incense."

The tyrant's monk is close to the bite. He has never encountered such a dangerous moment. The two great emperors, at this time, have suppressed his body, and there is no power to fight back, especially in the night. The wind and rain, the thunder and lightning, made them even more fierce, and between them and the Qingpao men, they could not block their **** impact.

In the daytime, they are able to remain calm under the influence of the supreme Buddha rhyme in the Zizhulin, but once the night falls, the night falls, and the wind and rain interlace, then the horrible guy will completely devour the hole. Waiting for the mind, let their souls be completely used by him and become the most powerful.

The tyrant's monk is angry and rising, but his situation is more and more worrying.

"Wanfo Chaozong!"

The tyrants and monks' handprints are all over the sky, all over the sky, and they are fully implemented. Finally, they are completely stable. He Kong and Zhuge 似乎 seem to retreat, and they are not eager to seek success, but gradually disintegrate them. The only way to be able to differentiate them step by step is to gain the ultimate victory.

The Buddhist monk in the hands of the tyrants is in the sky, and the golden body is in the direction of the world.

Even the young man in the green robe is very shocked. I didn’t expect the monk’s monk to have such great power. It’s really shocking. This is definitely the most powerful Buddha genius he has ever seen.

The Qingpao man knows that he can never continue to keep a low profile. Otherwise, they may die without a place of burial. In order to hold the last pure land, the Zizhulin of the South China Sea, he must be protected by death. This is His last dignity is also the last blissful world of Buddhism.

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