Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3777: Help me to live bliss

The body of all things makes Jiang Chen's strength constantly recovering. This is their only chance now. If they are still killed by the emperor, it may be their final ending.

However, Jiang Chen never believes in life. He is better than anyone. He wants to stand at the peak of this world. He wants to let Xiao Yu wake up again.

No one knows, at this moment, how much Jiang Chen and the monk monk bear, Jiang Dust is difficult, the hegemonic monk is equally difficult, he wants to revive the Buddha, he wants to clean up the portal, he wants to let the Buddha rise again, let Those traitors get the punishment they deserve.

The anger of the two people’s hearts is straight into the sky, and the brothers are united and invincible.

"Wanfo Chaozong!"


Jiang Chen and the tyrants and monks both attacked, the world was unparalleled, and the impact was strong. The Qianli Zizhu forest was turned into a ruin. The sea was surrounded by the waves, the waves smashed the shore, and thousands of snow were rolled up. The power is unstoppable.

"The eye of the gyro!"

The emperor’s giant hand is broken, his eyes are like a sword, the cold light rises to the sky, the Buddha’s rhyme is full, and the light is shining, but this time, Jiang’s Xuantian Seal and Wanfo Chaozong are all doing their best, even It is the emperor's release of the emperor's realm, but also becomes quite a wolverine, the eye of the gyro, turned into two beams of light, straight through the sea, shocking the sky.

"Give me broken!"

Jiang Chen is angry and burning, and Xuantian Yinwei is unstoppable. With the scent of smashing and smashing, he hits with the innocence and destroys the law.

Under the Xuantian Seal of Jiang Chen, the eyes of the Daro are in the same level. Jiang Chen’s mouth is cold and cold, and he has devoted his life to fighting against the Emperor. He does not dare to be scornful.

Wanfo Chaozong, Bu Yun Qingtian, the monk monk is also the supreme god, cast to the extreme, the Buddha rhyme of Wanfo relic, almost swallowed up by him, in any case, the emperor is not comparable to it, after all, after all Wanfo relic is the **** after his sitting, and the degree of fit with him is far from unmatched by the emperor.

Buddha rhyme through the sky, gas rushing bulls, golden light all over the place, Wan Li Cang fall jade plate!

The emperor's interpretation of the sky is grim, extremely incomprehensible. The three emperors are still occupying an absolute advantage, but at this moment, Jiang Chen has been completely shaken off. After all, the majesty of the emperor is not to be invaded!

The two of them retreat in succession, although the shadow of the soul of the emperor's soul has become more and more dim, but in the end it is still a trick, the eye of the tyro, the two will be suppressed, Jiang Chen and the tyrants fall down Flying away, the wolf is full.

In this battle, the two of them have tried their best.

"I am compassionate? Hahaha, non-existent, killing you, I am the ancestor of the Buddha, you can reshape the golden body, I can destroy you thousands of times. If you come, Laozi is to replace you, as a Buddha Lord Zong, you have rebelled against the Buddha, you will always be a sinner of Buddhism, and you must not live forever!"

The emperor released the sky and laughed wildly, and the power of the sky was swaying. He looked at Jiang Chen and the monk monk, and his emperor's prestige finally returned to the last.

The monk's monk's face is iron and blue, but it is speechless, countless memories of the past life, pouring into his mind, the Buddhism rebellion, the world chaos, is indeed the beginning of the riot of the gods, the ancestor of the Buddha, difficult to resign The rest.

Jiang Chen’s palm was shot on the body of the monk, and he said:

"I support you anyway. Monk, there is nothing in this world that is impossible. Even as the ancestor of Wanfo, you are still my brother. Don't be blinded by the world, others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others. If you don't wear it, I am compassionate, but it is not a false compassion. The Buddha does not kill, but for the sake of the world, it must be murdered, and killing one person and killing thousands of people is ultimately different."

Jiang Chen’s look is grim, the tyrant’s monk’s focus is on the heart, and the heart is fascinated. Jiang Chen’s words make him more and more aware that if he blames everything for his own responsibility, then in this world, he will still be unable to escape the sea of ​​suffering. of.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell. I am a Buddha of the world, but it is difficult to understand this truth. I am not born in hell, but I am annihilated in hell. In the past, I became the Lord of the Buddha, this world, I I must end my heart. Buddha, not God, but a belief."

Buddha, not God, but a belief!

At the moment when the monk’s eyes were closed, he finally realized something. In this world, he would make up for the mistakes he made in the previous life. Even if it is a Buddha, it is not omnipotent. The Buddha is also a human being, and he will make mistakes, but he cannot be mistaken and repented in his life.

"Great compassion, sorrow, Amitabha, I came to Buddha, and finally realized."

A sound of peace, echoing in nine days, the withered lotus in the distance, once again blooming again, shining the earth, golden light overflowing, Buddha charm forever, making the whole piece of Zizhulin, the bones are bathed in Buddha Under the rhyme, quiet and majestic.

"Amitabha, one hundred million years, the Da Shi praised."

The monk monk whispered, but in the mind, it is extremely shocking.

Liantai is constantly blooming, shining, a golden figure, pervading the lotus platform, smiles mellow, * solemn.

"Seeing the eyes, watching the hearts, watching the world under the celestial life, watching the world's glitz, watching the road ahead, and watching the freedom."

The golden figure smiles and is calm.


Muling Supreme has a double palm and tears, tears like rain, knees on the knees, silently looking at the free Tuas, holding the bottle of jade, Shen Wei sole, so adoring.

The tyrant's monk is also a double-handed squad, with a Buddha's mouth, and a look at the self-discipline of Tuas, a slight smile.

Jiang Chen looks dignified, solemn and far-sighted, and looks at the Tuas. He is a great man of Buddhism, majestic and temperament, and cannot be rebellious.

"When you are watching, you are still not dead?"

The emperor released the sky and looked at the freedom. Today's view of the Tuas is only a shadow of the shadow. Under the shadow, the lotus is clear, but it is impossible to cover the sky as usual.

"Amitabha, even the Buddha can not persuade you to convert, re-enlightenment, it seems that you Huigen has been broken, it is not worthy of being a Buddhist man."

"Today, I am daring myself. Please ask the Buddha to call me Huigen and regain the new life. This relic is the bit of creation after I sit down. I hope that the Buddha will correct me and help me realize my bliss."

Viewing the words of the Tuas, but let Jiang Chen, Mu Ling Zun, and the monks and monks are all look at each other, his face is very ugly.

"No, Tuas can't!"

The wood spirits are tearful under the rain, and the self-improvement of the Tuas is to let the Buddha blend his relics. In this way, she will be completely degraded and never surpassed.

"It's inviolable. For the Buddha, for the sake of the world, for the sake of my Buddha's gloom in the past, in order to let the world know, my Buddha is compassionate, not just to talk about it, but also to hope that my Buddha will take the overall situation as the most important thing for the world." Xiao Xiao is duty-bound. Please ask the Buddha to help me to live.

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