Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3801: Brotherhood

"The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil, and I am afraid that you will not be able to do it?"

Jiang Chen snorted, and the sword was resurrected. He swept over, and a sword was sacrificed. He was hit with a black-level squad, and his heart was shaking. This black squid was really terrible. People are scared and chilling, and they are worthy of being one of the eight floating sects.

Jiang Chen is also indifferent, and the sword is still in need of strangeness. At this time, it is already a bit stretched, and it is impossible to completely integrate the sword twenty-four, and to display it to the extreme, it is impossible to reinvent the black raft.

"I see how you fight with me. Even if it is a mixed treasure, you can't hurt me." Give me death."

The black scorpion floated into the whistle, and the black pole floated the mountain and unloaded the mountain. It was punched out without any fancy, but it was impossible to fight. Jiang Chen deserves to avoid its edge. The sword is still in the middle of groping, Jiang Chen Once again, the dragon change was carried out, and the black pole floats together. The river dust under the dragon's transformation also reached the peak of the body strength. One punch and one punch, neither of them would retreat, Jiang Chen's physical strength. It is comparable to the black squid, but the means of black rafting is better, so Jiang Chen has to be shocked.

The change of the konjac made the magic around him within ten thousand miles. The more the magical atmosphere gathered, the more horrible the black squid, the more powerful his power, and the dust of Jiang Chen could not fully bear the black. The extreme offensive of the extreme float.

"You are a fairy board, I have to die with you!"

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, slammed his fists, and hurriedly attacked. He punched and punched, and the black squid was simply two horrible humanoid weapons. No one took a step back.

"Black squid, black and heavy!"

The black scorpion floats a thousand heavy blows, and the waves rise up. Jiang Chen’s hands and seals are linked together, and the red sky is combined with the power of the Tao’s power. It is a strong attack and is smashed with the black scorpion. At that moment, the red sky is unparalleled. The power of the Tao Yun, Ling Tiandi down, Ling Wanwu children play a, almost instantly formed a repression, the palm of the black extreme float, directly destroyed, black 魇 屠 屠 脸 脸 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 惨 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸The color.

"Dao Yunfa Yin, Yan Tianyin!"

Before the Black Stork, it was not thought that Jiang Chen would have such a strong means as Yan Tianyin, but this time, the infinite ethics completely broke his armor, directly breaking his arm, and ruined it. Come down.

"Want to run? No way!"

Heiwu Futu feels the horror of the power of Jiang Chen’s Dao, and it’s worth screaming, but it’s worth the effort to give him such an opportunity. Keeping the black scorpion floated to death, there is no way to go to heaven!

"Forgiveness, forgiveness! Buddha saves me -"

A shout of inexplicable shouts sounded, this Buddha, let the monks and monks are all shocked, this title, he did not dare to respond.

But at this moment, the help of the black scorpion, but he had to tremble with his heart.

"In the end, I used to be a Buddhism disciple, Amitabha!"

The tyrant monk shook his head and stepped out in one step. The crossbar was in front of Jiang Chen, whispering:

"Amitabha, Jiang Shizhu, at this moment, I am the Lord of the Buddha, pray for you, let go of a way of life."

Jiang Chen's brows are wrinkled. This guy makes the hegemonic monks almost incompletely ruined. Even their own, it is also quite a crisis. The life is between the eve and the sorrow, and the heart is full of resentment. At this moment The tyrants and monks are their own brothers, but they have been persuaded to let Jiang Chen fall into a passive state.

Promise him, then how to be killed by the floating tower, and the thousands of souls who died? Do not agree, as a life and death brother, Jiang Chen anyway, but can not open this mouth!

"Amitabha, save one's life, win the seven-level floating battalion, Jiang Shizhu, please also give your hands."

The monks of the tyrants are compassionate, but for Jiang Chen, they are endlessly enmity. The black rafts of the floating tower, Jiang Chen never wants to stay.

"Black 魇 魇 屠 作 恶 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ” ” ”

Muling Zun is also a bite of the teeth. He hates this black scorpion, and he and his Buddha are almost in his hands. Now the Buddha still wants to spare his life.

"Sweeping the ground, hurting the ants, cherishing the moths and the lights! I have killed thousands of people, but only kill the killers, my brothers and monks, like me, the murderer, will be the most wicked, today Buddha and I said, I know what is wrong. Buddhism is compassionate, and I am difficult for Jiang Chen’s life. I only know that people who threaten my friends kill innocent people! As a friend of the monk monk, this person, me Will kill no doubt! I hope the Buddha will forgive me!"

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the faint confession, murderous and savage, black 魇 屠 屠 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸

"Buddha, save me, Buddha!"

The voice has not fallen, Jiang Chen is already a sword, and the black scorpion is completely smashed. The sorrowful light instantly swallows his soul, destroys the dead, does not drag the water, and even the wood spirits are somewhat stunned. And, is there such an operation?

However, the wood spirit respects that the Buddha must be speechless now, Jiang Chen is one of the people he can't solve, and Jiang Chen saved their lives, brotherly love, deep-rooted, as Wanfozhi It is impossible for the ancestors to save the world. For the black scorpion, this is fate. This is the robbery!

He has done evil in his life, but among the eight floating sects, he is the most sinister and sinister. Jiang Chen’s strength is promoted and his work is profound. The first blasphemy is to smash the black scorpion, but it is also a time.

However, at that moment, the black scorpion was killed by Jiang Chen, and the monk monk also sighed, his face a little moving, shaking his head.

"Thank you, little dust."

The mind of the monk monk is Jiang Chen for his own sake, killing the black scorpion, but as the Buddha Supreme, after all, the black scorpion was once his Buddhist disciple, and now the gods are destroyed, so that he is full of emotion.

As the lord of the Buddha, the ancestors of the Buddha, who failed to restrain the men, led to the destruction of the Buddha, he could not blame. Today, the Buddha disciples were killed here. Although they are traitors, they are also disciples of their own life. It is a living life. Buddhism takes compassion as its heart. If it can be influenced, it will never kill, and it can be done by cutting the flesh and feeding the eagle.

However, now that Jiang Chen has broken the reincarnation, the two worlds are human beings, and the monks who overlap in memory can only be grateful. After all, Jiang Chen is good for him.

"Between the brothers, thank you!"

Jiang Chen focused on the next moment. He laughed and laughed with the monks and monks. The brothers met and killed the gangsters. This is the celebration.

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