Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3804: The change of the West Pole China

I was looking at the figure of the three floating sects. The look was extremely dignified, and the hands were constantly stunned. It seemed to be counting the changes of the West Pole of China. Suddenly, his face changed and he muttered:

"How could this be? The remains of the Buddha, is there any major thing happening? It seems that the West China is really going to change the sky. It is impossible to go without a trip. I have to hurry to find the emperor."

I was born and turned away, and went straight to the emperor's cave house, and his eyes were extremely worried.

I can be counted as a prophet, and this can be a prophecy of the prophet. This time, the death of the black scorpion is to make him feel an unusual taste. Sure enough, the West China, it seems that there must be a major earthquake, such turbulence It may even be related to the catastrophe in the near future.

In the eastern part of Futu Mountain, the Sumi Canyon is the dojo of the emperor. The emperor has always been in retreat. For many years, the floating tower was basically in the hands of the Eight Buddhism, but this time even the black raft It’s hard to escape bad luck, so I was forced to go to the emperor’s sacred sect, because only he can come out to preside over the overall situation. After all, the Buddha’s reincarnation reappears on the land of the Antarctic Shenzhou, and countless people If they don’t go, they will lose a lot of things.

"The emperor releases the heavenly sage, and the first generation of the sacred seeker sees."

I was said to the sound of the bubbling, and the two portals in the canyon were quietly opened.

"Floating the Supreme Master, come in a narrative."

The voice of the emperor's release of the sky echoed between the canyons, letting the eyes of the first floater shine, focus on the head, and flew to the canyon.

Among the caves, there is no cave, the aura gathers, and the entire Sumi Canyon is like a whirlpool of aura. It is a black-and-ink figure, sitting cross-legged and facing away from the world.

"Supreme, the black scorpion is dead, and there is a major turmoil in the West Pole. The stagnation of the sacred sect of the West, the King Kong and the Dragon Elephant, have been gone. It is very likely that there will be a great change, resulting in cholera in the entire West Pole."

The Ibu Buddhism opened the door and said.

"I already know that in another half a year, I will be able to leave the country. When the Buddha becomes stronger, it will not be able to slip away from me."

The emperor said that the Buddha and Jiang Chen had escaped from his own gods, and he was always worried. Nowadays, it is a crucial period for retreat. He naturally cannot go out, but he has already It is expected that there will be a big change in the West China.

It used to be that he let the Buddha and Jiang Chen slip away. This time, they must be able to escape from the wings. With their own true body, let him have three heads and six arms, and it is impossible to escape from birth.

"So, now, let me take the first step?"

I asked the Ibu.

"Also, soon after, I will definitely catch up with you. I hope that when I go to the Western China, the Buddha has already been taken by you. Remember, you must not kill the Buddha. He is for our raft tower. ,Significant."

The emperor released the sky again and again, and immediately closed his eyes again and entered the cultivation.

"Leading the law."

I Buddhism withdrew from the Sumi Canyon, looked rigorous and looked over the void. After the release of the Emperor's release, the Ibu Futu also went non-stop and went straight to the West Pole.

However, in another area above the Shenzhou godland, the atmosphere of a strong emperor is also endless.

The only thing that can compete with the floating tower is the Wudan Temple.

In the hall of Wudan Hall, there were more than ten people standing in the room. All of them were waiting for each other. Everyone’s expression was extremely dignified. The person who led the head, dressed in white, cold-eyed, and calm.

"I didn't expect that my Wu Dan Temple has been defeating for the first time in many years. It is actually in the hands of a small boy. You are talking about it. What do I want you to use?"

The middle-aged man in white is screaming coldly. Everyone is stunned and afraid to say more. These ten people are all strong in the emperor, and even four people are the peaks of the emperor, and the strongest from the emperor level. It is only a difference between the first line.

"Red Moon Tianzun, that Jiang Chen is really terrible. We had several emperors in Wudan Hall, and they were planted in his hands. It was a metamorphosis."

"Yeah, Tianzun, this time please be sure to be the master of us."

"Tian Zun shot, must be hand-to-hand, our Wu Dan Temple is absolutely impossible to suffer such a big shame."

"Please Tianzun guard the glory for our Wudan Temple."

All the people in the group are extremely flattering to the Red Crescent, and the rigor of their faces, no one dares to take it lightly.

"Hey, a group of gits, what else do you use? Let a half-step actor's hairy boy, so much you are so ruthless, really lost the face of our Wudan Temple."

Chi Yue Tian Zun's face fell dark and fell asleep.

"Hunting the wind, lightning, inviting the moon, Biyun, and going to the West China with me, I have to see, this is the first genius of the so-called Zhongzhou, how many metamorphosis."

"Yes, Heaven!"

The masters of the four emperors are all cold-eyed, followed by the Red Moon Tianzun and went straight to the West Pole.

At this moment, above the Antarctic Shenzhou, Jiang Chen followed the monks and monks to visit the top ten monasteries, all of which were rejected, so that Jiang Chen was speechless, and the monks and monks wanted to use their own Buddhist scriptures. Tao, changing the Western China, changing the Buddha, and returning the former Buddha, is almost a fantasy.

The ten monasteries are all closed. At this moment, everyone knows that the Buddha has become the object of the pursuit of the floating tower. The entire West Pole is in danger. Even the small temples are closed. Can't, seal the mountain and seal the Zen.

The monk monk is also a distressed face, speechless, but he still has to practice the original meaning of Buddhism. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to reshape the Buddha.

"I am afraid that this is not the way. Monk, even I feel that you are too much to eat behind closed doors, they have long forgotten, the former Buddha, is your support."

Jiang Chen sighed.

“Amitabha, I believe that there is always a reward for paying.”

The tyrant's monk whispered, but it is still difficult to disappoint.

But at this time, in the distant sky, an unparalleled whirlpool of whirlwinds descended from the sky, and rose from the sky, swaying between the heavens and the earth, the wind blowing, the black waves tumbling, the thunder glimmering, the heavens and the earth discolored.

Above the sky, it has completely turned into a black and gray color, so that Jiang Chen and the monk monk are all face-changing, and they look at each other with a stunned heart.

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