Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3812: Emperor Shi Tianwei

"Sir, save me!"

"Sir, you must be the master of us!"

"The honor is coming, Jiang Chen will die."

I Buddhism and other people were so happy that they gradually recovered their calmness. The emperor’s release of the sacred people came directly to let them regain their confidence. The emperor’s emperor’s peak, now the emperor’s release of the heavenly strong, can only enter the king’s realm in one step. Immediately, it will be able to restore the strongest strength of the year. For the Futuo Tower, this news is really shocking. The first generation of Futuo and others are all in awe of the emperor’s release. After all, he is under the ancestors. The first person, regardless of strength and status, is not comparable to the eight floating sects. Although the eight bas-reliefs are the mainstay of the raft tower, it does not mean that everyone can match it. They really feel practical, this is the strongest force of the floating tower.

"The emperor released the sky!"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are very small, and he thought he was dead. However, at the top of the South China Sea, the forest of Zizhu, this guy is just a soulful thought. It’s not his real body, now the imperial wind Shi Tian is his true body.

"Jiang Chen, you really are a big courage. It seems that if you don't kill you, this world is afraid of peace."

The Emperor Shi Tian looked at Jiang Chen indifferently. Now Jiang Chen is even more difficult than the hegemonic monk. The Buddha is only a little effort, but to deal with Jiang Chen, he will certainly be quite tricky.

When I was defeated in Jiang Chen’s hands, it was because it was just a soul thought, but now, the golden body is again, the emperor’s release of the sky is completely fearless of Jiang Chen.

"Why are you defeated? Why are you brave? Hahaha."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the face of the emperor Shi Tiantian became extremely ugly, and he looked at Jiang Chen with anger.

"Beat my soul, do you think you can be enemies with me? You are still only a small flaw in my eyes."

The arrogance of the emperor’s arrogance is indeed capital, and the emperor’s peak is such a strength that it is indeed not the current Jiang Chen’s ability to compete.

"Whoever is a small beggar, you must know if you have a real knife. If Jiang Chen can defeat you for the first time, you will be defeated for the second time."

Jiang Chen has a chest and stands, and vows that as long as the strength does not exceed the realm of the emperor, and does not reach the king of heaven, then Jiang Chen has confidence and war.

"Amitabha, the emperor, and the returning is the shore. You are the real Buddha's power. Can you commit such a great disaster? Now that the Buddha is destroyed, do you have to kill it?"

The Bodhisattva of the Tibetan King sighed with sighs and incomparable grief.

"Old guy, do you really think that Buddhism still has a place for you? If it is not because you are in charge of the reincarnation, I am afraid that you have already died. In the Buddhism, how old are you? Even if it is a Buddha, I will not look at it. Why can he become the ancestor of Wanfo? Why is it not me? Why does the Buddha become so weak in his hands? The devil is doing the opposite and overthrowing him is the most correct choice. The Buddhism Tower is to replace the Buddhism, what can you do? Do you really think that under this world, is the Buddhism only orthodox? Don’t forget, how did you perish, want to go against the sky, you have this ability The sky is always irreversible, the world is catastrophe, it is not a disaster, but a reincarnation. Some people will live, and some people will come to the real death. Even if you are, it is no exception."

The emperor’s interpretation of the heavens is arrogant, and he is domineering in the autumn. His face is full of anger. He does not put anyone in his eyes. He is a domineering person. I do have this strength. He also has this strength. There are not many people who can compete with them.

"Family! The emperor released the sky, you are a madman, you are a jerk. Hugh is a nonsense, I am a Tibetan bodhisattva, it is the respect of the heavens and the earth, what qualifications do you have?" As a scum of the Buddha, I am ashamed to wait for him."

The monk monk is also the first to show the color of anger. After all, this guy does not put the Tibetan king Bodhisattva in his eyes. Even the tyrant monk is full of awe in the Bodhisattva, and the **** is not empty. The Tibetan Bodhisattva of the past, if not his painstaking heart, and his heart for the world, **** is no longer the scene of today.

"How about that? Who can fight with me? Jiang Chen? Or you are defeated, the Buddha has been destroyed, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with us? If it is not the ancestors, I have already killed you. For the ancestors, you still have some use."

The emperor sneered at the sky and his eyes were scornful.

"Forget it, the monk, this kind of person has long been a smug of love, no right and wrong concept, the Buddha scum, there is no room for recovery now. There is only one ending, we die, or he dies."

Jiang Chen’s sword is standing at this time. At this time, there is no chance of reconciliation. Whoever falls down first, whoever is the kind, who can survive, who is the master.

"You are right, there is only one ending, but unfortunately they can't see through it. Only you are a clear person. If you want to die, I will fulfill you. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will die, and the world will rob you. If you can't pass, why don't you die early and get pregnant? Hahahaha."

The emperor's release is extremely arrogant, hysterical, and even his eyes are extremely feminine. Jiang Chen has lost his soulful thoughts. He always hates his heart. At this time, he must destroy Jiang Chen.

"To accompany the end."

Jiang Chen rises from the sword and opposes the emperor's four eyes.

"Little dust, be careful!"

The monk’s monk’s face is very ugly and incomparably tense. No one knows more than him. The emperor’s horror is just a soulful thought that has forced them into desperation. Now they are already golden. The emperor's release of the heavens, their situation, fierce and less.

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If anyone commits me, I will commit it ten times. In today's World War I, the emperor released the sky, let me see how powerful you are in the Buddha gods hundreds of millions of years ago." ""

Jiang Chen is fearless and the battle is on the verge.

"If it was me in the past, you might not be able to support even in my hands. Even today, you will die. I am also active in the bones, the original sword, the new hatred, and the same. Count."

The emperor released the fist slowly, and it was opposite to Jiang Chen.

"Sir, you must be the master of us, kill this Jiang Chen and then quickly."

I was told by the dust of the first time.

"French, you must be careful!"

Yan Chen’s face is tense, Jiang Chen’s smile, now Yan’s city, how familiar his eyes are, no longer the cold-blooded woman, her eyes, tenderness, her concern, In my own heart, I am in a hurry.

"Today, let you see, my emperor releases the power of the heavens, dispels the respect, I want you to know that even without you, my emperor can become the Buddha Supreme. No one can disobey me."

The emperor released the murderer, and he was heavy in me. He pointed to Jiang Chen and the monk monk, and he was eager to fight the bull.

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