Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3845: Gravekeeper, pale yellow

"Today, all of you are dead."

A woman in blue, standing on the void, holding the sword of frost, murderous, and powerful.

Behind him, countless strong people gathered, only the king of heaven and kingdom, there are more than 30 people, to the mirror master, there are more than ten people, all of them are the gods of the ancient world, the world robbed, let Everyone has become stern and will not dare to slack off.

The woman's look is like a hook, glamorous and unparalleled, and the city is peerless. It leads many powerful people, gathers on the land of Zhongzhou, and completely covers many of the patrols.

"Smoke, you can't escape the palm of our hands."

A black man in the mirror, Shen Sheng said that in the face of such a terrible smog of smoke, his face is extremely ugly. They only have eight masters who are going to the mirror, all of whom are patrols, who have just killed hundreds. The emperor of the emperor, but this moment, is caught by the smoke and death.

If Jiang Chen is standing here, he will be able to recognize it. The blue woman is a smoke morning.

"You are not qualified to say these things to me unless the sky or the sky is here."

The smoke and the morning rain said indifferently, the sword in the hands of a wave of rain, the strong behind him, like a thousand horses and thousands of troops, instant shots, straight to the eight heavens of the heavens, murderous.

Behind the smoke and rain, a strong king, a palm of his hand, fluttering in the wind, the words 'anti-days', as engraved in the hearts of everyone, they are the alliance of the heavens! Only those who have real strength to reach the king of heaven can be eligible to join the Alliance of the Heavens and fight with the nine days.

These eight patrols are considered to be a big wave of monks. In the past few months, the Mirrors of the Mirrors, which were killed by the smoke and the morning rain, have only five people. This time, they directly caught eight patrols of the Mirrors. For the front and back of them, these patrols are also extremely desperate, because the strength of the smoke, even they can not compete with it.

"There is the ability, you will wait for us to come to the king of heaven, you will fight with it, kill us to vent your anger, what heroes are heroes. Smoke, you will not die."

The patrolman roared and said that it was full of anger and hatred for the morning rain.

"What is the difference between killing one person and killing thousands of people? You killed thousands of people, why have you ever cared, are they the strongest in the realm of the gods? No, if it is the realm of the gods, do you dare to move them? Hehe. ”

Yan Chen Yu said with a smile, dismissive care, a hand wave, suddenly between the strong, behind the strong, a brain rushed to the patrol, the eight patrols face ugly, this battle, life and death, no heaven In the end, it is impossible for someone to move the morning rain, because she is the existence of the gods!

"Smoke, you are still so reckless, I really don't know how to be good, people who want to move me, but also have to see if you have this ability."

A man shrouded in the clouds, the voice said softly, but it is beyond doubt, it is so depressed, even the face of the smoke and rain, it becomes serious.

"Xuan Tian! It seems that you have moved."

The smoke of the morning rain said quietly.

"If you don't move anymore, don't you want to be picked up by you? A group of people who are not self-reliant and want to fight against the heavens and the earth, I am the sky, the sky is me, can you help me? What is the rule between the heavens and the earth? I am the one who is in charge."

Xuantian, one of the nine days, is also one of the heavenly kings. The strength is the same as that of the morning rain. It is also the existence of the gods.

"Tian Jun is here, I see when you can be arrogant."

The patroller said with a deep voice that it is no longer afraid of the morning rain, because Xuan Tian Tianjun is behind him, with ten superpowers in the past, this battle, the alliance of the heavens, has lost. Absolute odds, at least in the context of the strong confrontation in the past, they have occupied absolute passive.

"Today's World War I, I am so dusty, I never intended to leave alive, even if I am dead, I will pull you back."

The morning rain of the smoke stared at Xuantian Tianjun with a cold look, and his eyes were fierce and murderous.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you and see who can laugh at the end."

Xuantian Tianjun’s body shape moves, and the clouds are lingering, and it is straight to the morning rain. The smoke in the morning rain is in the hands of the sword, and is constantly intertwined with Xuantian Tianjun, and the road is full of rainbow light. The peerless powerhouses of the two great gods began the final battle of life and death.

The strength of the smoke morning rain can not be underestimated. In the face of Xuantian Tianjun, there is no fear. The figures of the two are constantly intertwined and appear on the heavens. No one can see how the two people fight, but the smoke and the morning rain Xuantian Tianjun, but it is already a big battle, the wind is strong.

Among the anti-天者 alliances, the strongmen in the past are nearly twice as many as the patrols. With one enemy two, the situation of the alliance against the heavens is worrisome, and the strongest of the mirrors has already decided this battle. The direction of the situation has become more and more unfavorable for the morning rain.

"The war songs are bright, my heart is not dead, killing traitors, and returning to my mountains and rivers."

The smoke in the morning is like a murderous murder, and Xuan Tian Tianjun fights again and again. The horrible shock makes the entire sky become constantly distorted. The battle of the gods is often only in the middle of a thought.

Although the strength of the smoke morning rain has reached the realm of the gods, but after all, it has not recovered for a long time, but Xuantian Tianjun has already been before the billions of years, it is the power of the gods, the cowardly and weak, at a glance .

"If you want to go against the sky, you will never succeed."

Xuantian Tianjun successively shot, the morning rain stepped elbow, the situation also became extremely passive, looking at the strong mirrors around him, are also retreating, her heart is also extremely silent.

"A woman who dares to move me, no matter who you are, I will let you pay for your blood."

A roar of noise rang, swords and swords swayed eight hundred miles, a sword chills fourteen states!


The morning light of the smoke is bright, the color of worry and joy, the five flavors are mixed, she does not want Jiang Chen to appear here, but she wants to see her own beloved, the incomparable contradiction in her heart.

"Going to the mirror? Do you dare to fight with me? It’s a joke, hahaha."

Xuantian Tianjun said with a smile, Jiang Chen's sword of no borders swept through, the horrible atmosphere, flew between the heavens and the earth, Jiang Chen did not fear life and death, strong impact, the sword twenty-five has been on the string, across Changhong.

The sword shadow is endless, and after nine days of gloom, in the face of the gods, Xuan Tian Tianjun, Jiang Chen, regardless of the strength of the other side, want to understand his own woman, unless he stepped on him.

"Not self-reliant! Give me a roll!"

Xuantian Tianjun roared, and a big hand, falling from the sky, forced Jiang Dust.

"Yan Tianyin, Xuantian Yin!"

Xuantian Yin is derived from Xuantian Tianjun. This seal, together with Xuantian Tianjun, blasts together, Jiang Chen retreats, but the face of Xuantian Tianjun is extremely ugly.

[A lot of the brothers of the dragon pattern have started to watch the old books of the old Soviets. The results of the new books are also getting better every day. The brothers who haven’t started watching can start slaughtering. One is as **** as the dragon. The fantasy of passion. 】

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