Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3847: Haotian

The return of the heavens to the sacred, the return of the stalker to the yellow, for the Alliance of the Heavenly Man, is tantamount to playing a cardiotonic agent.

The infinite **** tomb strong, although there is only a trace of God, a touch of soul, but still in order to protect this piece of heaven and earth, swear to death.

"Under the abyss of the river avenue that day, it is the entrance to the tomb of the gods, and it is also the place where I guarded the infinite years."

Rhubarb said with great emotion.

"The guardian of the tomb of the **** is me. This time, I will never choose to back down. No brothers, no fight!"

The rhubarb holds the steel gun, and the momentum is like a dragon.

Since the integration of the memory of the two worlds, the eyes of the rhubarb are also full of embarrassment. In that year, he was good at strength, but he always hides in the end. He eventually prefers to keep the tomb of the gods who are degraded by the tomb. In the battle with the heavens, and now the strong return, he finally abandoned the cringe of the previous life. In this world, he must reproduce Guanghua and let the whole **** world see his existence.

"Good! Then we will fight side by side."

Jiang Chen extended his palm, dragon thirteen, rhubarb, tyrant monk, Han Yan, the palm of five people, tightly held together, brothers together, decisive battle Xuan Tian Tianjun!

"A group of people in the rabble, looking for death."

Xuantian Tianjun is completely fearless of Jiang Chen and others. It was because of the existence of the smoke and the morning rain, so he would be forced to retreat by Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu. Now he is on the top of the five lives. What are the fears?

"You, this battle, it is a matter of life and death, we can only succeed, we cannot fail!"

Jiang Chen roared, and under the dragon's change, he took the lead and took the Xuantian Tianjun. He held the Tianlong sword, and the sword overlapped with the twenty-fifth. It was once again difficult for Xuantian Tianjun.

The rhubarb rifle shines in the world, and it is invincible!

The tyrants and monks hold the infinite Buddha rhyme, and the roads are unparalleled.

Han Yan's palm is desperately a sword, and the chaotic army is from it, killing and killing, and doing its best.

Dragon XIII is in charge of the world-famous **** stick, the worldly respect, and go all out to fight the heavenly king.

Jiang Chen led the crowd and began the counterattack of the Jedi. The five strong Mirrors and the Xuan Tian Tianjun who had a hard time in the realm of the gods can be described as very difficult. At this time, besides Google, whether it is the Tibetan front or the smoke and the morning rain, all It is at a disadvantage, even if it is the same as the gods, the gap between the two is irreparable.

Looking at the smoke, the morning rain was forced back by the yellow sky, and Jiang Chen was in a hurry.

It is necessary to solve the problem of Xuantian Tianzun as soon as possible. Only in this way can we solve the urgent need of the smoke and rain. Otherwise, once it is suppressed by Huang Tian, ​​she is likely to be in danger.

"A few brothers, go all out, let alone life and death!"

Jiang Chen is still in the forefront, Xiu Luojian array, the moment to spread out, one hundred and eight handles peak mixed with the treasure, instantly arranged to open, surrounded by Xuantian Tianjun.

The four people followed closely and attacked Xuantian Tianjun with all their strength. However, the strength of the other side is still unstoppable. After all, it is the strongest of the gods, and it is easy to be.

"You, in order to protect the battle, I want to kill Xuantian!"

Jiang Chen’s voice is extremely incomparably thick and incomparably cold. The Shura swordsmanship is unfolding. Rhubarb, Dragon XIII, Bachelor Monk, Han Yan, respectively, Jiang Chen Gongwei, guardian Shurajian, Jiang Chen started the Shura sword array. At the same time, it is also the opening of the Seven Stars!

Today's Shura sword array is considered to be the strongest version, plus the guardian guard of the rhubarb and others, the offensive of the Shura sword array, the multiple superposition, under the seven-star battle, the multiple of the seven attacks, constantly superimposed Xiu Luojian array, has already blocked Xuantian Tianjun, it is difficult to move.

"A very strange array."

Xuantian Tianjun's brows are wrinkled and his face is dark, but at this moment, he knows that he can never be neglected. Otherwise, there may be danger to his life.

"Xuantian Star Fight!"

Xuantian Tianjun’s palms are printed, and the stars change, and the heavens change dramatically. However, Jiang Chen’s death and death guards the Shura sword array, and he does not let go. Under the combined efforts of five people, Shurao Jianzheng is as stable as Taishan. Xuantian Tianjun constantly plays, and the means are thundering. The Stars are thousands of miles, the hard regrets of the Shura sword array, but the blessing of the Seven Stars array, and the desperate guardian of Jiang Chen and others, the Shura Jianjian is more and more brave, finally at this time, thoroughly suppress Xuantian Tianjun .

"Big brother save me!"

Heaven and other people changed their face and wanted to rescue Xuantian Tianjun, but it was already too late. The dust of the hundred and eight handles of Jiang Chen’s hands was all crushed by Xuantian Tianjun at this time, but He is also accompanied by the destruction of the Shura sword array, complete degeneration, and the destruction of the gods.

The worms of the hundred feet die without being stiff, and the soul of Xuantian Tianjun still wants to reconverge. After all, it is the strongest of the gods. However, Jiang Chen will never give him this opportunity. The palms of the hands will smash the lights, and the overwhelming crush will make Xuantian Tianjun complain and die.

"The soul is gone, the light is on! Let me swallow it!"

Jiang Chen’s killing was completed, and the sorrowful light of the scorpion was directly swallowed up by the sorrowful soul of Xuantian Tianjun. Between the heavens and the earth, sorrow and sorrow, the sky, the yellow sky and the blue sky are all roaring, and the anger is rising, because Jiang Chen’s five An inconspicuous past, even killed their brothers, nine days now only three days left, heaven, blue sky and yellow sky.

Even Yan Chenchen and Zang Feng and others did not think that Jiang Chen could actually wipe out the Xuantian Tianjun completely, and it was extremely inspiring.

"Oh, it may not be difficult."

Jiang Chen was pale, long sighed, his face was gloomy, his strength had already consumed more than half, and Long XIII and Rhubarb and so on, had already dying, killing Xuantian Tianjun, and they also lost. Fighting power, sitting on the ground as if to complete the final mission.

"Look at you now. Little dust, don't let us down."

The dragon thirteen eyes are burning, and all hopes are pinned on Jiang Chen’s body.

However, at this moment, although Jiang Chen won the battle, he killed the Xuantian Tianjun, but on the other side, the sky and the blue sky, completely restrained the ancient songs, the Tibetan front and the smoke and the morning rain, all of them were repulsed by the three heavens. Very embarrassing.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the strongest of the six gods, the horror of battle, is completely more terrible than he imagined.

"Jiang Chen, let's die!"

Suddenly, in the void, a horrible shadow, running through the heavens and the earth, a horrible giant shadow, descended from the sky.

"Magic ancestor!"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are stunned, the ancestors’ hand grips, and they directly squat down the river dust. Jiang Chen’s brows are locked, and they step back into the camp.

"Be careful of his reincarnation."

Jiang Yan flew from the side of Jiang Chen, and at the moment when the door of the horrible reincarnation fell, Jiang Yan directly incarnate the shadow of a million feet, and Jiang Chen was firmly covered, and he It was the door of the reincarnation that shook back.


The power of the Tao Yun in the hands of Jiang Chen, the more horrible, the one-off sacrifice, directly flew the demon ancestor, the figure of the demon ancestor was directly dispersed by Jiang Chen, disappeared between the heavens and the earth, at that moment, the tyrant monk His face changed slightly, and some of them were stunned. Although the ancestors were no longer part of their body, they were his shadow.

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