Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3852: Tide power

At the top of Lingyue Mountain, Pangu threw up the universe star compass, Hongjun, Jiang Chen, Rhubarb, and Dragon 13, standing side by side.

"Hey, take care."

"The husband is taking care."

"Son, go and fight."

"Brother, I will miss you."

Jiang Chen’s children, wives, daddy, brothers, waving to Lingyueshan, parting, always sad.

"Panggu big brother, let's go."

Jiang Chen urged him to say that he least liked the scene of separation. Because he was too sad, and he was afraid to continue to see these kind faces, he would not have the courage to leave.

"Get up."

Pangu played a light, and the cosmic star compass began to violently move. The next moment, the universe star compass became a circular spaceship, full of hundreds of feet, and mighty.


Panguyan, the first to start, jumped on the spaceship, Hongjun followed, Jiang Chen three brothers, also jumped up.

"Two brothers, show your big law, and motivate the universe star compass. I am looking for the position of the tide of the universe."

Pangu said to Hongjun and Jiang Chen.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen and Hong Hao nodded, and the laws of Da Yan surged out and were instilled on the cosmic star compass.

The dense force of the law, the whole compass is wrapped, the rhubarb and the thirteen thrills of the face, these two weekdays are more naughty guys, this moment is also very honest, they are not fools, know this to eternity The world is not a joke. With their strength, they must rely on the guardianship of Jiang Chen and the cosmic star compass to make it possible to pass through the cosmic tide and enter the eternal world.


The cosmic star compass burst into a fierce humming sound, swaying out of the endless light, disappearing from the top of Lingyue Mountain in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, within the universe's compass, a direction was pointed out, where the dark tide surged, which is the position of the cosmic tide.

Only when the position of the tide of the universe was found, the cosmic star compass violently swayed, and five people on the compass began to feel a strong tearing force.

"The horrible cosmic tide, just to feel the position, has already experienced such great turmoil. If it enters the tide of the universe, it will still be."

The dragon thirteen was shocked, and the face also showed a glimpse of the face, not afraid to have a little scorn.

"Now is the weakest time in the tide of the universe. If it is just in the outbreak, even if there is protection of the cosmic star compass, we will not dare to bring you both, because we may be difficult to protect ourselves, take you, let you die. There is no difference."

Hongjun Road.

"Big Brother, what is this universe star compass, even so different, can find the position of the tide of the universe."

Jiang Chen is obviously interested in the cosmic star compass.

Jiang Chen knows very well that if there is no such thing as the cosmic star compass of Pangu, even if he knows the existence of the eternal world, even if he knows that he can enter the eternal world through the tide of the universe, it is difficult to find the position of the tide of the universe.

Jiang Chen can see the world at a glance, but he can't see the deeper universe. This is the gap.

"I can only say that this compass is the product of the eternal world. It contains the power of the universe, so it can accurately find the cosmic tide and play a great role in ensuring that we can enter safely at least. Going to the eternal world."

Pangu Road.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly and did not continue to ask. Pangu clearly had his own secrets. He and Hongjun, and the eternal world, must have inexplicable relations, but obviously, they all have their own difficulties, or if it is not Jiang Chen. If they have never planned to go to the eternal world in this life, it seems that the eternal world is their sadness.

But Pangu and Hongjun's help to themselves, Jiang Chen is in his heart, and later in the eternal world, if they are useful to their own place, Jiang Chen is naturally obligatory.

"Find the position of the tide of the universe, we are going to enter it now, and everyone should not move around the cosmic star compass."

Pangu Road.

Everyone's emotions began to get nervous. When they were nervous, they were more excited. Pangu and Hongjun's eyes were deep, but they were with an intriguing taste.

This eternal world must have extraordinary significance for the two.

The compass is extremely fast, and it enters the turbulent space in the blink of an eye.

In the compass, you can see countless routes, which are the void lines, the interweaving between the world and the world.

In front, it is a void river, the river is surging, and the roaring sound is erupting. Around the river, the range of hundreds of millions of miles, all the planets, all broken, all the void roads, all torn.

The overbearing Tianhe has become the only one in the ancient times, the length of the river, and does not know where to go.

"The tides of the universe are too overbearing. Once in a million years, every time they appear, they don't know how many voids they want to destroy."

Hongjun Road.

"Is this the tide of the universe? It is a horror. With my strength, I feel a trembling."

The dragon thirteen face changes slightly.

"It's too strong, even if it is a master of the king level, into the tide of the universe, it will be torn into pieces."

Da Huang Dao: "The wind can't practice, the body is so weak, and it can enter the cosmic tide, how can it survive?"

After seeing the horrible cosmic tide, everyone has to think of the river wind that entered here. In the case of the tide of the universe, Jiang Feng enters here, almost 100% will die, and there is no such thing as luck. .

"I am also very confused. It is impossible to bear the tide of the universe. But the soul of the wind is simple, but the soul of the soul is simple. I will never go wrong."

Jiang Dust Road.

"It seems that this child is not ordinary."

Pangu slightly squinted his eyes.

"In this world, a lot of things can't be done with common sense. If the child can go through the cosmic tide alone, it will definitely have some meaning. We should not continue to speculate. We can only pray that the child is safe and sound."

Hongjun Road.


Jiang Chen nodded. There are many things in the world that can't explain. Jiang Feng didn't die in the tide of the universe. It is already the biggest good thing. As for what happened, how is Jiang Feng successfully passing through? The tide of the universe, this time to guess, is also meaningless.

Nowadays, the cosmic star compass is about to enter the tide of the universe, and the new road is about to unfold. The next thing the three brothers will do is to make a new round of swaying in the eternal world.

"You, sit still, and immediately enter the tide of the universe.

Pangu snorted and drove the cosmic star compass to go crazy in the cosmic tide.

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