Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3868: Turn on invincible mode


Fu Qing and others were dumbfounded again. Several people looked up at the sky and looked at the mighty rhubarb dog. They couldn’t help but rub their eyes and suspected that their eyes were out of order.

This is too much too much.

They followed, it seems that there is no use at all. At least, the enemies that have appeared so far have been easily solved by the Dragon 13 and the Rhubarb Dog, and the strong mess.

The screams of the feathers still alarmed the people in the source mines. The black people gathered from the mines or walked out of the mines to kill them.

"Who is coming to trouble?"

A loud drink rang out. He was a middle-aged man with a strong figure. He was holding a mace and standing in front of the crowd. It was like an iron tower. It was also extremely powerful and has reached the peak of the nine-day sky.

Such a character, already half a foot stepping into the source of the source, is very terrible, far from the origin of the eight-day-old black man who was easily killed before the dragon thirteen.

"Everyone gave the dog a good listener, and immediately came out to give the dog a **** to the hoe, but it was free from death. All the birds, who took the initiative to be enslaved by the dog lord, shun me, and ruin me."

The rhubarb dog glory and glory, the tyrant is boundless, and arrogant to the extreme, he swayed the light wing, the dog's eyes looked down, a pair of God's boss, his second child's posture, up to enslavement.


The Dragon Thirteen was able to resist, still did not hold back, and laughed out.

"This dead dog is more arrogant than Lao Tzu."

Long XIII looked at the big yellow dog's sloppy appearance, this is his brother, if you switch to someone else, the monkey's iron rod has already been hit.

"Do you know him on the first day?"

Jiang Chen shrugged and used it.

"Mom, where are the dogs."

"This dog is too arrogant and kills him."

"It’s strange that this dog has wings too."


On the other side of the source mine, a group of black and white people gathered in a short time. Looking at the rhubarb dog and Zhang Wei’s look, they are all gnashing their teeth, that is, they will not fly. Otherwise, the current rhubarb dog has already been smashed. .


The white light flickers, between the blink of an eye, seven or eight feathers come out, one of the leaders, repaired to have reached the origin of the nine heavens, although it is just the kind of nine-day heaven in the origin, but because of the natural beauty of the feather The advantage is naturally extremely terrible.

"Dare to kill the feathers, die."

The origin of the nine-day Tian Yu people, looked at the big yellow dog, after investigating the repair of the big yellow dog, said coldly.

His voice just fell, and the feathers behind him were rushing straight up and killing the big yellow dog.

"Oh, come on, come a little more."

The rhubarb dog laughs, he is not afraid, even the feathers of the origin of the nine heavens, he is not in the eyes, here is not the same as the gods, these people in the origin, in the eternal world is the lowest level of existence There is almost no experience in the process of cultivation.

The big yellow dogs are different. They are the ancestors of cultivation. The experience is too rich, and the means they used to be powerful can not only be used here, but also more terrifying.

In this case, the big yellow dog can easily kill the enemy by two levels, which is almost no problem.


At the same time, below, fifty or sixty black men and black monsters, while killing them to the dragon thirteen.

If they are ordinary people, they may not need such a big squad at all, but the strength of the big yellow dog is that they have to deal with these sudden people.

"come on."

Long thirteen long hair fluttering, the iron rod slowly shines, screaming, screaming at the big stick to kill the past.

The thirteenth and the rhubarb warriors, in the face of the battle, the blood is boiling, especially in the gods for hundreds of years, the first time to the eternal world, this is the chaotic flight The land of the stream is simply a tiger to the mountain and must be killed.

"We also kill together."

Paying off the sword, it is also imposing, and he puts forward the sword, the footsteps of the wind, with the dragon thirteen, and the other four, each take out their own soldiers.

At this time, no one can stay out of the way, they are very clear, this is a decisive battle in the broken stream, the dispute between the Terran and the Yuzu, if it is to kill the Yu, perhaps in the future, this is not the original It’s terrible.

Ah, ah...

The fierce screams tore up the sky, above the sky, the rhubarb dog opened the invincible position, just blink of an eye, he shredded three feathers, those who are high on the week, flamboyant feathers, in the big yellow dog here It became a bird that could not be beaten.

The battle below is even more miserable, flesh and blood, and under the sweep of the dragon thirteen, at least five or six people will be smashed into meat.

At the same time, inside the source mine, there has also been great incitement.

"Someone came to save us. Everyone killed me and worked with them."

Someone shouted, and in just a moment, the battle in the source mine broke out completely.

For those human beings who have been enslaved, they have been wronged for too long, and there is no chance of breaking out. Now outside the battle, they don’t know who is going to save them, but they can’t be indifferent.

Most of the black people are outside, this is a good opportunity for them to resist and erupt.

Moreover, no matter whether they can defeat the feathers in the end, they must explode without any reason.

Outbreaks, may die, do not erupt, or die, they will live under the slavery of the feathers, live like slavery, without dignity, until the last effort and blood is squeezed out, Huo Huo exhausted.

The power of the source is crazy and violent. The source mine is screaming, and the hair is messy, the ragged man yells, madly rushes out from the source mine, sees the black man, seems to see the three enemies. The same, come up and kill.

"Kill, kill these people."

Some people are jealous, with red eyes and grievances that have been squeezed for too long. At this moment, they must burst out like wild animals.

Someone knocked a black man to the ground and bit his ear.

The grievances are too great. These black people do not see them as people on weekdays. People around them are beaten to death with iron whip.

The dragon thirteen iron rods are invincible, sweeping together, wherever they pass, people turn their heads.

Hundreds of humans rushed out of the source mine, and under the strong influence of the Dragon Thirteen, the black man fell into the wind.


The iron tower of the origin of the nine-day-old tower, burst into a burst, holding a mace to attack the dragon thirteen.

The dragon thirteenth momentum turned, the iron rod swept, the target pointed to the iron tower brawny, the master of the nine-fold Tianfeng peak of the strong man, the two levels higher than himself, the dragon thirteen is also not dare to care, this is Enemy.

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