Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3884: Which is greasy

"Wozh, where is the dog?"

"A dog shouted and fought."


I have to say that the rhubarb dog can really pull hatred. No matter where you go, you can always let others hate yourself.

"They are my friends, you are all friendly."

Fu Qing said, then strode to the hall.

Fu Qing walked into the discussion hall, and the figure appeared in front of everyone. Many people stood up and looked at it as if they were seeing ghosts.

The smiling father and son of Fu Yuntao, who saw the paying off, completely changed his face to a gloomy mood. At this moment, paying off became the most hated enemy of their father and son in this life, and most wanted to die. people.

"Qinger, you are not dead."

Fu Yunzhong’s body swayed to pay close to the front, and his hands trembling to touch the face of Fu Qing, his eyes, tears are already flowing.

The man has tears and does not flick, not to mention the character of Fu Yunzhong, the leader of a family, the master of the Eight Heavens of the source, it is impossible to cry in front of outsiders, but the same, Fu Yunzhong is still a father, blood Concentrated on the water, paying off into the broken stream, the news has tortured him for half a month.

Fu Yunzhong is almost desperate. It can be said that he can come back. He can say that he did not hold any hope, but he did not expect that the surprise came so suddenly. Now his son is living in front of him, and the feeling of being lost is already Can't be described with excitement.

"Oh, I am back, I am not dead."

Paying off is also emotional, can once again see his old man, such a picture, since entering the broken flight, has been in the mind that has been paid off, now the father and son meet, everything seems to be a dream.

"What happened? Isn't that this kid is dead?"

Fu Yuntao’s face was gloomy and he waited for his son’s eyes.

"Oh, my people did see that he had entered the broken stream, and there would be no mistakes. It’s amazing, how could this guy come alive?"

Fu Bo gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of doubts and depression, and he paid off the flow of breaking the flow. It was controlled by him. The purpose was to let his father regain the position of the patriarch.

"Things that are not enough."

Fu Yuntao hates iron and does not become steel. Obviously, he is a little angry. Seeing that things will succeed, he will kill another Cheng Jin in the middle of the road.

"Hey, I heard that the Presbyterian Church wants to abolish your patriarchal position. I want to ask, why?"

Paying attention to the people in the elders' home, he said that he had not seen Fu Yuntao and his son as a transparent person.

"Yes, it’s too elder, you just said that you want to abolish my patriarch’s position. Why is it that I have not contributed to the family in the cloud? Or is there any complaint from the family?"

Fu Yunzhong’s eyes burned, looking at the elders of the elders and other elders in the elders’ home. He was so immersed in the pain of the funeral and could not extricate himself. He was not interested in the position of the patriarch, but now it’s not the same, paying back, Fu Yuntao and his son want to step on their heads and pull their urine. He naturally does not want to, this is about the prestige of his patriarch.


It’s so hard to change the face of the elders, or the dumb voice of Fu Yunzhong’s question. There seems to be no reason to abolish the position of the patriarch in Fu Yunzhong. How much does Fu Yunzhong pay for the family? Everyone looks in the eyes, the whole family goes up and down, and almost no one will say that the cloud is insufficient.

The only reason why the patriarch is to be abolished today is because of the death of Fu, and there is no one in Fu Yunzhong.

But now, Fu Qing is not dead. In the case of successor, the only reason to abolish Fu Yunzhong is no longer there.

"Pay clear, you enter the land of broken flow, and you can actually come out alive. Among them, I don't know what is tricky. As everyone knows, it is almost impossible to break off the flow. It is almost impossible to get out."

Fu Bo said loudly, shifting the topic, or saying that he was eager to know how to pay off how to get out of the broken stream.

After paying off, he did not speak, but continued to look at the elders and asked: "I am too elder, I am going into a broken flow, I don't know who passed it."

"Qing Er, the news that you entered the broken flight is the first one that Fu Bo said."

Fu Yunzhong said first.

"Then I have to ask Fu Botang, how do you know that I am breaking into the flow?"

Paying off your eyes and pressing, look at Fu Bo.


Pay Bo language.

"Is it true that you have seen it with your own eyes? Or, the black man told you."

Fu Qing continued to ask questions, and the doubts in his heart finally had to be solved. This doubt, when he broke the flow, he didn’t have time to think about it, and he thought it was useless. Even if he figured it out, he would not be able to get out of the flow. .

But now that you are returning to the family, it is not the same. Paying off is not a fool. As a young master, he is very smart.

"Qinger, what is the black man?"

Fu Yunzhong asked, as a patriarch, he is also very savvy. With his eyesight, how can he not see it, paying off the flow, is tricky.

"I don't know. I walked around more than a month ago. I went out to travel, and I was killed by a black man. I fled all the way to the place where I broke the flow. So, I entered the broken flow, only the black man. I know, but the news that I entered the broken flight was from the mouth of Fu Botang. Among them, I don’t know what a cat is."

Fu Qing said with a sneer.

As soon as this was said, Fu Bo immediately became the focus of everyone. Before the news of paying off the flow of breaking, the people did not think so much. At first, some people did not believe it, but it was as if the world had evaporated. The same, people have to believe.

After accepting this reality, no one wants to think more about where the news came from. Today, I paid off and said that as long as it is not a fool, it is almost speculated. Among them, it must be related to Fubo.

"Grandma's, this is really sinister, in order to compete for the position of the patriarch, it is actually secretly used such a thing, shameless."

"It's definitely related to paying Bo. Isn't this obvious?"


Outside the main hall, some young and disciples have already opened up.

"Okay, Fu Yuntao, you have to come to fight for the position of the patriarch. I am always with you. I will use my sloppy tricks to deal with my son. What is this? If you want to leave a statement today, don't want to leave the door."

Fu Yunzhong was angry, and a tyrannical actually swept through, and the tables and chairs in the entire hall of the earthquake creaked.

The patriarch of the prestige, this moment is finally back, the battle is to fight, he can deal with him, secretly deal with his son, can not bear.

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