Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3896: Crazy Fu Yuntao [four more]

Fu Qing seems very excited, as long as he can practice with Jiang Chen, it is what he dreams of.

As a disciple of Wuge, although he did not go to Wuge for a long time, he was quite familiar with Zidan Pavilion. He said that he was a polite disciple of Wuge, and he was no stranger to Zidan Pavilion.

"It is extremely difficult to become a disciple of Zidange, because the conditions for the selection of the alchemist in Zidange are too strict, but Jiangda's alchemy is so fascinating, as long as you think, the gate of Zidange is open for you."

Pay the road.

Jiang Chen nodded. His interest in Zidange was not great. For him, no matter which way, as long as he can enter the Wuge, after all, he wants to mix in the Red East, no matter what. Can not bypass the military power of the Wu Ge.

Nowadays, I just met Zidange’s disciple, and I’ve seen it in the past.

"In this case, let's set off tomorrow."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Will you leave tomorrow? Yeah, Yancheng is still a short distance from Wuge. If you don't fly in the air, it will take about ten days from Yancheng to Wuge."

Fu Qing said, but he knows that Jiang Chen is able to fly. Of course, this is a kind of card for Jiang Chen. If it is not needed, I am afraid it will not be displayed.

"Well, Qinger, you are the most important thing to go back to Wuge for cultivation. There is no future in staying in Yancheng. The cultivation resources of the Fujia are far worse than the Wuge. Besides, you can be with the Jiang brothers. It’s a blessing that has been repaired for several generations. Let’s practice it with peace of mind. Things at home don’t have to worry about it. Fu Yuntao can’t make any moth out in a short time.”

Fu Yunzhong patted the shoulders of Fu Qing. In his opinion, he had to seize every opportunity to pay Fu Qing with Jiang Chen. As long as he was with Jiang Chen, he would become a big weapon in the future. Jiang Chen is real. God man, this is beyond doubt.

Three days in the district, just give pointers, let the payoffs be reborn, not only to be promoted to a level, the Ling Yue swordsmanship displayed on the platform is even more unique, all of which are given to him by Jiang Chen.

"I know you will, I will not let you down."

Paying off your confidence, as long as you can follow Jiang Chen, you have a great expectation for your future.

At the same time, a house in the southeast of Yancheng.

The hang on the gate of the mansion is still the word "Fujia". This is a branch of Fujia in Yancheng, and it is also the pulse of Fu Yuntao. Here, Fu Yuntao is the patriarch.

At the moment, the family's support, the atmosphere is extremely suppressed, and the entire house seems to be covered by a layer of haze. In addition to the haze, there is a faint murder.

Inside the mansion, in a closed secret room, Fu Yuntao opened a storage room made of rock and took out a small box of blood red.

Fu Yuntao carefully opened the box, an equally **** red medicine, quietly placed.

"Old things, Fu Yunzhong, this is what you forced me."

Fu Yuntao gritted his teeth and saw a madness in his eyes.

Explosive blood Dan, this medicinal medicine, is the baby at the bottom of Fu Yuntao's pressure box. It is the baby that he took a great price to get. This medicinal medicine is worth the price, and its effect is sharp.

This **** Dan, Fu Yuntao was originally intended to stay until he was promoted to the source of the nine-day days before taking it.

This medicinal medicine, like its name, is violent and incomparable. The user can make the blood and blood in the body explode, and the body will be impacted by the bursting blood, making the repairing leaps and bounds.

But the disadvantages of this medicinal medicine are also obvious. The bursting blood gas will cause unimaginable damage to the body. If you take this medicinal medicine at the time of the source of the ninth day, you can make a breakthrough to the ground source because Great changes from the source to the ground can automatically repair the damage caused by the explosion of blood.

In this case, the remedy becomes a real baby, the drawbacks are eliminated, and all that remains is a benefit.

However, if you do not take the source of Jiuzhongtian, the drawbacks will be eliminated, it will be extremely dangerous.

Just like the current Fu Yuntao, after taking the blood-staining Dan, you can make your own successful breakthrough to the nine-day sky of the source, and even reach the point of the nine-day peak of the source.

However, as long as there is no breakthrough in the source, it will damage the body in the eyes. Once the blood is damaged, it will sever the road of self-cultivation. In the future, if you want to attack a higher level of the source, it will become extremely difficult.

Even, the cultivation of a lifetime to stay in the peak of the source, the opportunity to promote the source of life in life, can be said to be self-defeating.

Therefore, before the promotion of the nine-day days of the source, Fu Yuntao never moved the idea of ​​the blood-staining Dan, and completely sealed the blood-stained Dan.

But what happened today completely inspired his anger and even made him lose his reason.

Now, I haven't taken care of it so much, and I don't know if I can promote the source of the land. What he has to do now is to dominate the family and even dominate the Yancheng.

Looking at the blood in the hands of Dan, Fu Yuntao's eyes became more and more crazy. In the end, he looked shocked and turned his back on the **** Dan, and swallowed.


The violent violent blood suddenly burst into the body of Fu Yuntao. The powerful blood gas was stimulated and shocked his limbs. At this moment, Fu Yuntao was exposed to the blue veins, and the blood vessels would burst.


In the secret room, there was a loud scream of pain, that is, the closeness of the secret room was very good, and the sound did not come out. Otherwise, it would definitely cause a sudden incitement at this moment.

In the evening, the secret room was opened and Fu Yuntao walked out from inside.

At the moment, Fu Yuntao, the momentum of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the depths of his eyes, there is a blood red color. The whole person becomes like a blood-thirsty male lion, full of endless killing atmosphere.

And Fu Yuntao’s cultivation at this moment has also made great progress, and he was successfully promoted to the nine-day heaven.

At this time, an old man came over and saw the change of Fu Yuntao's momentum. He couldn't help but shiver.

"The patriarch, what is your cultivation?"

The old man asked cautiously.

"Yes, I have been promoted to the nine-day sky in the same source. Tonight, it is the day of the family's demise."

Fu Yuntao's tone is full of ferocious taste, hatred, has blinded his eyes.

"Is everyone ready?"

Fu Yuntao asked.

"The patriarch of Qiqi, already ready, can leave at any time, but..."

The old man frowned.

"But what?"

Fu Yuntao looked at the old man.

"However, even if the patriarch is promoted to the nine-day heaven of the source, our overall strength is much weaker than that of paying the family. If it is hard to fight, there is no chance of winning."

The old man is worried.

“Reassured, not only us, but also other helpers.”

Fu Yuntao’s mouth overflowed with a cruel smile.

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