Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3898: Paying for the crisis [six more]

No one is a fuel-efficient lamp. Whether it is Fu Yuntao or Liang Jia, they only use each other, but the enemy of the enemy is a friend. At least at this moment, Fu Yuntao and Liang Jia are standing. On the same front.

As for them, everything is gone and the family is gone.

They are all old foxes, and their stomachs are all bad water.

As night falls, the night of high winds and high winds, the entire Yancheng is covered with a breath of wind and rain. The winds on the streets are destined to be extraordinary tonight.

There was a lot of murder around the home, and from the evening, the figures flickered and there were constant black shadows.

However, the big payers are not prepared at all, completely in a state of relaxation, as usual.

As a giant of Yancheng, it is also a habit to relax on weekdays. After all, look at the entire Yancheng City, and have the courage to run to pay for the family, but have not yet been born.

And in this unprepared situation, the two murderous people, from two different directions, at the same time paying home to kill.

In addition to the door of the family, several of the guards used to smile and chat, several people suddenly felt a cold hit the whole body, the soul could not help but tremble violently, the wind tonight is very cool, but even The cool breeze is not so cold. They are all masters of origin. They are thick and fleshy, and they are not windy.

Subconsciously looking up, the black pressed figure has arrived.

Several guards couldn't help but jump up.

"You, who are you? What are you doing?"

A doorman shivered, even though he was low, but he was not a fool. He could feel a bad person from these people.


No one spoke. The answer to them was a bright knife. The knife was too fast. There were no chances of reacting even a few doors. They didn't even have time to make a scream, but they fell in a pool of blood. There was no pain in death.


Fu Yuntao took the lead and opened his door to the door. The generous gold bronze door fell to the ground and landed on the ground, causing an earthquake-like roar and setting off a dust.

"Everyone listens, sees people and kills them. Today, let this home, chickens and dogs don't stay."

Fu Yuntao was ruthless and ruthless. He gave orders to extermination of humanity. He forgot it. Here, he also carried many memories of him. He forgot that he also grew up here and went out from here.

Fu Yuntao has obviously been blinded by hatred, thinking that he has to abandon him and think that he is owed to him.

A person who only hates in his heart, it is very terrible to start madness. Moreover, Fu Yuntao also took the blood-stained dan, which will make the temperament of the user become extremely violent after taking it.

At this moment, Fu Yuntao is a madman. He is a demon. His ultimate goal is to let the family be destroyed. Let all the people here who are against him be killed. If you follow me, you will die. I am the only one.


With the instructions of Fu Yuntao, a large number of black people, like wild animals, sneaked in and rushed to pay for their homes.

Ah, ah...

For a time, paying a lot of chaos, screaming and screaming, many people have not reacted to what happened, they have fallen under the cold knife, and they are dead in blood.

"What happened? What happened?"

Fu Yunzhong ran out of the room and looked gloomy.

At the same time, all the places in the family have been shaken up, and all the masters have been dispatched. Although they do not know what happened, one thing is certain, that is definitely not a good thing.

"Not good, not good, Fu Yuntao took people to kill."

Someone shouted.

"Well, not only Yuntao, but also the people of Liangjia."

"Killing, many people have died."

"Kill, the enemy came to attack and hurry to fight."


The whole family was flustered, and there was no warning in advance. The paying family did not make a little preparation at all. In this case, it is obviously a big loss.

However, how to pay the family is also a big family of Yancheng, the ability to adapt is still very strong, the masters of the source will soon get together.

"Mixing things, Fu Yuntao, the beast, should not let him go during the day, he is so mad, even Liang Jialai to deal with us."

"A ruthless dog, he forgot, he is also a family member?"

"The wolf heart dog lungs, it is really time to kill him during the day, I know that when the tiger goes to the mountain, there will be troubles."


All the elders are heartbroken, and the family is in such a crisis, it is completely Fu Yuntao.

"Don't say so much, quickly stop people from fighting, can't sit still, even if Fu Yuntao and Liang Jia are united, it is not an easy task to kill me."

Fu Yunzhong shouted. At this time, he was the patriarch, and he had to play the role of the patriarch. At the very least, he could not panic. If he was flustered, the whole family would be finished.

In fact, they expected Fu Yuntao to retaliate and let Yuntao leave, which is a huge hidden danger, but no one can think of Fu Yuntao’s revenge, so it’s so fast, the unpleasantness that happened just during the day, at night It began **** revenge.

Who can think of this, but whoever can think of it, is not prepared to do it. When the crisis comes, the family is up and down, and many people are killed in ignorance.

"Animals, beasts."

The elders of the elders came out and saw the sudden rise of the fire everywhere, as well as the continuous screams of screams and the **** atmosphere of the void, the straight crutches in their hands, and the peaks of the source. The master, but now is the old tears.

No one can appreciate the feelings of the elders at the moment. The old man, as if he is a few years old, has become a late old man.

The elders of the elders are blaming themselves. They regret that they did not listen to the following people during the day. It is better to have a short pain than a short pain, and they will directly pay Fu Yuntao.

Today, the payment of the family is so horrible, even if it is regrettable, it is too late.

"Well, since I am here, I will not retreat if I pay for it. The mistakes made by my old guy will let me bear. This beast, I have to commit suicide."

The elders of the elders for a while, the eyes bloomed and busy, holding a cane out, as the peak of Yancheng, he naturally has the ability to pick up the entire family.

On the other hand, Fu Qing, who is asking for advice from Jiang Chen, suddenly felt the shock of paying home, but his face changed greatly.

"Grand Brother, let me go and have a look."

Fu Qing pushed the door and rushed out.

"It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s just faster than I thought.”

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly. He planned to go to Wuge tomorrow, and did not participate in the battle of Yancheng. It seems that he still has not escaped.

[Tired and stupid, the end of the month broke out, the brothers support, let Lao Su look at the brothers of the dragon pattern, there is no past passion. 】

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