Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3906: See also the feathers [three more]


The two black men were exclaimed at the same time. The previous arrogance disappeared instantly. The two looked at Jiang Chen’s gaze again. It has completely changed. It seems like a ghost, how can it be so strong?

More importantly, when Jiang Chen just shot, he released the power of the source and exposed his own strength. The two black people all saw it clearly. The strength of Jiang Chen is obviously only a source of harmony.

It is too far from the difference between the three levels, but not the enemy of one move.


Fu Qing once again refreshed Cognition of Jiang Chen. The previous fears were completely gone. In his heart, Jiang Chen’s status has risen three times, and it is unimaginable to cross three levels. This is not what you see. If you kill, you will not believe it.

"There is a strong battle between the districts and the source. I don't believe how powerful."

The black man’s expression shook, apparently not recovering from the previous shock.


When Jiang Chen’s arm swayed, the Tianlong sword appeared in his hand, and the sword was rippling, bursting out the sound of dragons and dragons. This is a sword of killing that has conquered the world. The momentum that is exuded from the air is high and cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes. It is even more difficult to distinguish it with ordinary grades.

"I have given you a chance. If you don't cherish it, then die here."

Jiang Chen finished, and Jian Jian came out.

He shot is a killer, never wasting time, especially this sword, directly exerted the sword 22, the monk of the four heavens of the source, or some strength, the value of Jiang Chen Shi Jian 22 To deal with.

Of course, when Jiang Chen showed his sword 22, his opponent had already lost.

"So fast."

The black man’s face is mad. At these critical moments, there is still a little bit of scorn. He is a master of the four-day world. It is also a kind of skill, not easy, almost at this moment. The same sharp sword appeared in the hand, and resisted the supply of Jiang Chen.


Compared with the sword twenty-two, there is almost no comparable. Jiang Chen’s accomplishments in the swordsmanship have already reached the realm of no sword, and the swordsmanship in his eyes is completely flawed and unbearable. .

The two swords collided, and the sword in the hands of the black man, under the attack of the Tianlong sword, flew away directly.

The next moment, Jiang Chen Tianlong swords and swords are not reduced, carrying a sparkling thunder, slamming through the body of the black man.

The black man’s eyes were full of despair, and Jiang Chen’s sword gas raged in his body, quickly smashing his internal organs and cutting off his last vitality.


Jiang Chen took out the sword and looked at the other person in the war. The black man was already dumbfounded at the moment. He held the sword in his hand and made an offensive posture. But now, the whole man has no courage to attack.

"Damn, why didn't the patriarchs figure out the true strength of this kid."

The black people roared in their hearts. When they did not figure out the other side’s cards, they rushed to take the shots. It really was dangerous.

It is not a certain danger now, it is quite dangerous, and the price is life.

"it's your turn."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but say that he wouldn't even shoot, and he would never leave a chance for the enemy.

Oh la la...

In the barren hills, there was a sigh of anger and screams, and then the calm was restored.

Jiang Chen’s slow-moving collection of the Tianlong sword did not look at the black man who fell on the ground.

"Go, keep on the road."

Jiang Chen said faintly, killing two people with ease, the clouds are light and windy, and the style is clear, the paying attention to the tides, the admiration of Jiang Chen, has already penetrated into the bones.

Fu Qing admire Jiang Chen, not only because of his strength, but also because of Jiang Chen’s means and attitude of killing the enemy.

First of all, Jiang Chen’s shot must be a killing move, and he will almost never give the other party a chance.

Secondly, after Jiang Chen’s murder, his expression was indifferent, and the clouds were light and windy. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. Obviously, killing people is already a common practice for him.

It's hard to imagine what such a person has experienced.

Paying for it doesn't make sense, and I don't think about it anymore. He only knows that he will follow Jiang Chen and there will be no mistakes.

The killer that appeared in the middle of the road did not affect the mood of Jiang Chen. It was like swimming in the mountains and cultivating sentiment.

Seven days later, it is getting closer and closer to Wuge.

In front of it is a mountain range, lush, but there are always monsters, but there are mountain roads inside, you can pass directly, as long as luck is not too bad, it should not suffer from the supply of monsters.

However, just as Jiang Chen was preparing to step into the mountains, a gust of wind suddenly appeared on the sky. Then, three people with twin wings flew in, and the three quickly locked Jiang Chen and landed.


Jiang Chen frowned, it seems that he wants to go to Wuge safely and securely, not easy.

"It's him, he has the smell of our feathers, and the image that came out from the ground of the broken stream is this person."

A young feather man looks at Jiang Chen and is arrogant.

The young Yuren’s cultivation is extremely powerful. There are two pairs of wings behind him. He is a four-winged feather. Beside him, there are two old men, and the same is a four-winged feather.

These three, repaired as the same as the black killer before, are all four heavens.

The two old men are not enough evidence, but the young feathers are not good to deal with. This should be a genius of the Yu people. It is quite capable, and Jiang Chen’s pupils are shrinking. It seems that he wants to kill this Genius, you need to cast a dragon change.

The strength of this young feather man should be enough to fight against the five-day master of the source.

"Kid, dare to kill the feathers, who gives you the guts."

An old man snapped.

"If you kill, you can kill it. What else can you do? Are you not rushing to death? Are you dead, can't I fulfill you?"

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not light, and he still did not put these feathers in his heart.

"Well, the owner of the cut-off must have passed the matter of Jiang Da Ge to the Yu people by some means. Jiang Da Ge is now being looked at by the Yu people, but it is not a good thing."

Paying attention to the worry.

"What are you afraid of? These birds are a fart, at least the birds in front of them are coming to serve."

The rhubarb dog will pull it aside, so they can't participate in this battle.

"Da Huang brother, the two old men may not be enough to worry about, but the young man is obviously a genius of the Yu nationality. Even if it is a monk who is a source of five heavens, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

Pay the road.

"How is this guy, your mother-in-law, and watching the play with peace of mind? Little dust has not experienced anything. There are several bird people in the district, and there is garbage."

The rhubarb dog couldn’t help but say.

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